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Contains: weapon usage, cursing

—3rd Person POV—


The safe room party left their van and began to walk around to the bank at 12am. The group consisted of Tsukishima, Kageyama, Akaashi, Semi, Tendou, and Oikawa. Akaashi led them, stressed as he was, he knew that this would have to work.

Akaashi was putting a lot of faith in Kuroo and y/n as well as the safe room party. The safe room party held the Miya twins and Aran. Y/n and Kuroo were keeping Suna. Hopefully they were okay.

The safe room party's plan was to say they were with the safe room floor party and that there had been a mistake. Then they would take the elevator to the unknown room, eliminate anyone in the room, and search it.

They all entered the bank gracefully, Makki and Konoha watching them.

Akaashi strode to the front desk and explained the mistake. "You see this is the real diamond. The men I sent here took the wrong one, and are putting it in your safe. I'd like to correct this mistake and not waste any more of your time," Akaashi explained ang gave a smile to the receptionist.

"I see let me make a call," She said. As she dialed the number Ojiro's phone rang from his pocket.

"Listen you're going to answer this and be calm or we're going to shoot you and everyone on the main floor," Bokuto snarled at him. Bokuto held the phone to Ojiro's ear after putting it on speaker.

"Ojiro-san, there has been a mistake, a group of men say the diamond you are putting in the safe is the incorrect diamond," the receptionist spoke though the phone. Ojiro bit his lip.

"They're clear," Ojiro responded and the twins started to protest their disbelief in their coworker's decision. Sarukui and Shirabu gave them a hard kick in their side and they shut up.

"Try that again and I'll cut you," Shirabu said angrily, getting in Atsumu's face.

"Okay, I'll send them to the elevator. Do you want me to get Akagi to check them as well?" the receptionist carried on.

"It's fine we don't want to waste their time," Ojiro said and she hung up. Ojiro gave a small apology to the twins. They only looked down, knowing they would have done the same. They could not risk civilians and other clients getting roped into this.

Daichi took this time to contact Goshiki, their tech worker. He told them that Inarizaki was onto them so he could warn the other teams. Goshiki relayed the message to each tech member and tried to find a safe route for them to escape.

"Guys they know you're undercover," Kenma's voice came through the mic. Y/n heard as she was wrestling with Suna. They had managed to disarm each other, but Suna was bigger and stronger than her.

When he managed to pin her beneath her he landed a harsh punch to her face and knocked her out. He get off her and stretched his back gingerly. "Fucking crows.." he mumbled and picked her up. He threw her over his shoulder and brought her back to their back room.

He proceeded to tie them both up and set them on separate sides of the room. The room looked like a living room with a couch and a few other chairs. Suna sat on the couch placed in the middle of the room and sighed. He looked to his two hostages and called Kita.

"I have y/n and Kuroo. Do you want me to go after Makki and Konoha?" Suna asked Kita through the phone.

"Draw them down the hallway, Omimi will be down to help you," Kita responded. "Also, the twins and Aran are being held by the Crows." With this news Suna cursed to himself and hung up. He looked to y/n.

He got off the couch and crouched to her level. She rested peacefully, tied up. "I wonder...." Suna mumbled to himself.

He met Omimi a couple minutes later and they set regular security guards watching y/n and Kuroo. They walked to the lobby and pretended to have a conversation while going over to the receptionist's desk. The talked idly with her, while catching Makki and Konoha's attention.

"Let's bait them," Omimi said and they walked to the cafe. They stood only a few feet behind Makki and Konoha ordering coffee.

Konoha eyed them in his peripheral. He noticed blood on Suna's white suit.

"Guy's it's a trap, don't fall into it," Kenma said into their ear pieces. Makki's head was spinning with anger and spontaneous actions. Konoha was having a hard time keeping his cool as well.

"Gentlemen, whether business or a need for coffee, thank you for stopping by," Omimi said to the two, stopping their thought process abruptly. Their eyes widened and Suna smirked from behind them.

"You son of a bitch," Makki said quietly. They only smiled innocently at him.

"Get up," Suna said. They looked at him in confusion. "You don't have a fucking choice, that coffee you've been drinking all morning is from a special pot infused with poison. We have the antidote in a back room, but you'll have to come and get it."

Silence. Kenma listened from behind the monitor in the truck. "Go with them. Take the antidote," He said in their ear.

"Fine, we'll go with you," Makki said and they all went back to the room with y/n and Kuroo.

As the antidote was settling in Makki and Konoha's system, y/n was waking up. The tape over her mouth muffled her confused noises. She realized the situation and started trying to break the restraints.

"That's pointless," Omimi said bending down to her level. "You're al the leverage we need and you're not escaping."

A/n: this was supposed to be out a LONG time ago. I thought Wattpad deleted my chapter bc I forgot to save and so I got upset and stayed off the app for a little *cries*
But it's here now!

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