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--3rd Person POV--

11: 40am

The Miya twins and Ojiro were restrained and on the floor while the safe room party searched through the vault. It wasn't jus some vault some persons keeps in their basement, but a massive walk in vault. Inside there were more boxes and cubbies.

They split up and walked through the isles, checking inside the cubbies. There were statues, art, chests full of treasure inside, but the One Piece wasn't in there. Shirabu reported the news to Goshiki, who told Mattsun, the unknown floor tech guy.

"We know who you guys are," Atsumu laughed. "You think you can waltz into our bank and go unnoticed. Akagi spotted you guys when you first entered."

"Shut up," Iwaizumi told him coldly. Atsumu scoffed.

"Listen, we can't linger here we should go back and get out while the others don't know about this situation," Daichi said grouping the guys together.

"I agree we should leave them here and take off," Bokuto added.

"Wouldn't they notice if we weren't with Ojiro?" Ushijima asked and they went back to their starting dilemma.

"Guys, if you go out of the elevator and go through the back lobby, push through the security, you'll be out," Goshiki said into his mic. "The only thing is that this will signal that something isn't right. That will leave the unknown floor party to be unable to get in or get out. If you're going to do leave, you're going to have to leave at the same time as the unknown party."

Ojiro laughed richly. "You guys are fucked! We know where your banks are and we know your names. Don't think you can get away with this."

"Calm down Ojiro, Kita will take care of them," Osamu said. "Suna is with Karasuno's girl, we have leverage."

"The fuck did you say?" Yamamoto yelled. "Don't ever talk about her."

"You don't have the right to even say her name," Shirabu snapped and glared down at them.


Speaking of y/n she was getting pretty bored. She held Kuroos arm while listening to Suna talk. It had been about an hour of walking and listening to Suna's lazy voice.

"And here's the bathroom, where the sinks are made from the hardest sandstone and the mirrors crafted in Egypt," he said and stared at the doors.

"If It's okay can I stop in there?" Y/n asked and Suna nodded. She went in and checked each stall. Having the bathroom alone she silently screamed. "This is so boring!" She thought.

After all it was supposed to be boring, her being a distractor along with Kuroo.

Kuroo, staying outside with Suna left an awkward silence.

"So.. how long is the tour?" Kuroo asked and gave a friendly smile.

"Oh we just have about an hour left," Suna said and he smirked. "Don't worry it goes quick from now on."

Kuroo didn't like how it sounded. He knew something was up and he knew they had to get out of there. Y/n walked out and smiled at the two.

"Ready to get back to the tour? Babe?" She added while looking at Kuroo. Kuroo and Suna we're having a stare down. "Kuroo," her words came out softly. She gently grabbed his face and kissed him.

She recalled about an hour ago when he was asking about their fake relationship. This was the only kiss.

Suna's eyes widened a little and he looked away. He was pissed.

"Let's get back to the tour," he demanded and they followed him. He led them down a small hallway. "This is actually a vip area. When our favorite clients come into town they can come here for a complimentary meal."

Kuroo looked at y/n and he shook his head.

"Guys where did you go? I can't see you??" Kenma asked through the mic.

The hallway was thin, Suna leading them in front. Kuro nodded to y/n and tackled Suna to the ground. They wrestled as y/n tried to find her way back to the entrance to get help from Makki and Konoha.

There were many turns in the hallway, y/n trying to recall the correct way.

Kuroo fought with Suna, each one trying to get the upper hand. As Kuroo pinned Suna from above, Suna grabbed the gun in Kuroo's waistband and aimed it straight at Kuroo's nose.

"Get the fuck off me or I'll shoot," Suna said. Kuroo got up and held his hands out to show he was surrendering. "You damn crows," he muttered.

"I'm not a crow," Kuroo said and glared at Suna. Suna's lip was bleeding as he wiped it off. There was a little blood spot on his white suit.

"I don't care what you are. What you're going to do is yell "y/n I got him." Suna said and waited for Kuroo to do it.

From his POV he didn't know if Y/n was going to get help or run back to the van and stay there. It would have been better for them to stay together and then try him again.

"Y/n!!" Kuroo yelled loudly. "Come back I got him."

As soon as the words left his mouth Suna knocked him out with his gun. He stood up as he heard y/n footsteps come closer. Y/n slid into the hall breathing heavy.

"You dick," y/n grumbled as she saw her fake husband on the floor. She walked towards him pulling out her favorite knife Konoha had given her.

She swung first, starting the fight. He dodged and they went back and forth.

(Y/n would be the one in the white shirt)

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(Y/n would be the one in the white shirt)

Yes Suna had a gun, but Kita said he would kill anyone who left a mark on her. He kept this in mind while on defense.

He thought he might wear her out and then drag her and Kuroo to room to take as hostages.

A/n: phew y/n being a baddie up there
Also I have an Inarizaki story with 10 full drafts if y'all want that. It's called Dance Club, where the boy's Volleynall team and the girl's Dance club come to a situation where they have a conjoined practice. It's a fem|readerXosamumiya story too

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