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Y/n's POV

As I was driving the sun was barely coming up and everyone except for Kuroo and I were asleep. Kuroo had managed to pull Kenma from his video games and convince him to sleep for the rest of the way.

Since everyone would be messed up from sleeping at irregular times, I doubt we would do any extra training today.

"When we get there I hope they just let us hang out," I said and sighed.

"If you're getting tired I can drive," Kuroo said.

"No it's cool, I think we're almost there," I said and followed the identical van infront of us.

We all drove in a line, slowly but surely we eventually arrived at the rented warehouse. We hopped out and started unloading things. It was a lot of stuff including weapons, amo, sleeping things, gear, etc.

I stretched my back and picked up a few large bags and carried them in. When I stepped inside I noticed how clean it was. I set the bags down by the side wall and looked around.

"Did you know it was going to be this big?" Noya asked me while carrying a bag over his shoulder.

"I didn't. To be honest I didn't know what to expect," I smiled at him. He beamed and bounced over to Daichi.

I went back to the vans and grabbed a few more things. I was stopped by Bokuto and Kuroo.

"Hey y/n-Chan why don't you hand over those bags?" Bokuto said while already carrying a pile of bags in bus arms.

"Uhh are you sure you won't drop them?" I asked and Kuroo laughed.

"He only needs one trip now hand over the bags y/n," Kuroo said and smirked.

I clutched bags tighter and ran for the open door. I felt Kuroo pick me up from behind and wrap his arms around my middle.

I dropped the bags and Kuroo piled them on top of Bokuto's already tall pile.

I stood to the side and watched Bokuto blindly walk through the warehouse door. I tilted my head when I heard a few thuds.

I followed him in and saw Konoha and Sarukui catching bags that were falling off the top.

"Ah! That one's mine!" I said and dove for it. Many of the bags that had fallen opened up and I was not about to let my bag fall open in front of everyone.

Once everything was settled for the night, Daichi announced the team exercise we would be doing. Shopping. It was shopping..

"For the distracter to blend in they need clothes and for the others, they can pick up anything they might need," Daichi said and we all headed back to the cars.

I went into a random mall with Daichi, Noya, Tsukki, and Kags. I gravitated towards the Gucci store and entered in.

"I think Kita Shinsuke would believe I was just another rich client if I had a Gucci belt," I said and held one up.

"Put it back y/n, we're on a budget," Daichi said and I pouted.

"Once we finish this project, I'll buy you a Gucci belt," he offered and I only smirked back. We shopped around a little more and after many trips to the dressing room, I finally picked something.

(It doesn't have to be one of these, but I thought y/n would look like a baddie in them.)

We regrouped with Nekoma and saw Kuroo trying on suits

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We regrouped with Nekoma and saw Kuroo trying on suits. Kenma was actually staring a Kuroo instead of his phone.

Kuroo turned to us and flashed his signature grin. Kuroo and I had agreed before hand that he would act as my husband. It was all the boy's way of protecting me by placing me in Kuroo's care.

Kuroo ended up buying a sleek black suit and a dress shirt matching my outfit.

Lev, Makki, and Konoha bought clothes to fit the character they would play as well.

Lev would be asking for a loan, and Makki and Konoha would be in the lobby by the small cafe the bank had for no reason other than spying on people.

When we got back to the warehouse I folded my new clothes and put them by my sleeping mat. The day after next would be extremely hard, but I knew we could do it.

Inarizaki couldn't be too scary right?


The next day we went over the staff again and how intimidating they were. Kuroo and I apparently had a meeting with a Ginjima about starting a shared bank account there.

We studdied from sun rise to sun set. It was exhausting.

I couldn't believe this time tomorrow the heist would be done and we'd be at Kamomedai. It seemed so far, seeing that there was a ton to be done tomorrow.

I had gone to my room and laid on my mat. I closed my eyes and hoped to sleep, but I could only think of the next day.

"What if I get kidnapped again?" I thought to myself and scrunched my nose. Whatever happened tomorrow I decided I would not try to bring peace with Inarizaki.

I didn't even know if that was possible.

A/n: next chapter it starts.

Sorry for the long wait, there's a lot of details I need for this all to make sense but thanks for staying with me ;)

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