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Y/n's POV

"The target is a prized emblem made in the 1800's worth 50million US dollars. This artifact has been in museums and private collections over many years and we've found that Inarizaki has been planning to use it to be the wealthiest bank in multiple prefectures and cites. Everyone gets 10mil if we succeed, so that should be incentive enough." Akaashi finished his small run through.

We were given papers to read over and take noes on and of course before we're about to go to bed, people wanna copy my notes.

"Please y/n it was so much reading," Lev said to me.

"Y/n you know I suck at reading kanji," Kageyama whined.

"Y/n Can you help me? I didn't sleep well last night," Goshiki asked me.

I sighed as my children kept coming to me.

"Hey Akaashi, can I type up some notes and give it to everyone?" I asked him before doing so. He told me I could and lent me his computer. When he opened it his screen saver was of him and Bokuto. I smiled and turned my head away so he could type his password.

He left me to type my notes and went into another room. To be honest Akaashi was a mystery to me. He seemed so organized and collected, when Bokuto was exactly the opposite.

After typing and printing my pages, I finally went to sleep in my separate room.

In the morning, when we got up Akaashi gave us some bad news. Like really sad news. We have to exercise.

"Starting today you will all be in training for a different kind of combat. You will have a designated field in which you perfect and use to the best of your abilities," He explained to us while leading us to the backyard shed.

The shed was more of a barn, but it was filled with gym equipment, ax and knife throwing, and a gun range in the back. Hell, there was even archery.

"We know all of you have gun and some sniper training, but we want to up your level in combat if you don't have a gun," Konoha said while walking up to Akaashi.

He held a knife and twirled it around his finger easily. "I'm Konoha, and whoever is good with knives will train with me. I also specialize with swords."

"I'm Komi, Fukurodani's sniper. I know that we have some snipers already so it'll be daily practice with angles and mirrors." Komi introduced himself and stood by Konoha.

"I'm Sarukui and I'm in self defense and scaling. I know all of you have more than the basics, but there is still a lot to learn. You'll all be working with me and the others too," Sarukui said to us.

"This first week, we'll do a lot to find what skill fits you best," Akaashi said and nodded to the others. "So let's get started. we have a lot of work to do."

During the first week of training I was so sore. I could barely get out of bed, but unfortunately they made me anyways. Every morning I would fight them to let me stay in bed.

When we reached mid week we were more divided in  specific potential training. I was actually working with Konoha and Sarukui a lot.

Since the kickback of their guns were a lot stronger than the ones at home, they decided it would be good for me to be able to defend myself without a gun.

Konoha wanted me to be specifically knives along with Shirabu, Makki, and Kenma. While on the other hand Sarukui wanted us to be in self defense with him. They argued back and forth about who was going to train with who until Komi yelled at the two.

"Fine, you can have them for half the day," Konoha said and put his knife down.

"You can help me demonstrate though if you're not busy," Sarukui said and Konoha shrugged and followed.

Once we got to the sparing mats, Sarukui put me with Shirabu and Makki with Kenma.

He explained a few moves and demonstrated how to practice this safely with our partner. When he told us to try it I looked at Shirabu got into a fighting stance.

Be did the same by lowering his center of gravity and spreading his feet apart.

"Are you defense or offense?" I asked.

"Offense," he said and pulled my arm. The jolt caused me to lose my balance and gave Shirabu the advantage to sidestep and dead leg me.

I knelt to the ground in an instant. Shirabu proceeded to pull my arms back and restrain me face down on the floor.

"Whoa... okay that's not exactly what I wanted you to do, but okay.." Sarukui said and came over to us. "So y/n, what did you do wrong?"

"I need to have better balance," I said as I got up.

"Yes, and you could have forced Shirabu back if you had roundhouse kicked from your position. Every second counts. Your attacker isn't going to wait for you," Sarukui said and told Kenma and Makki to try.

Kenma on defense and Makki on offense.

Makki pulled Kenma forward and dead legged him. Kenma dropped to his knee, but flipped so he faced Makki. He proceeded to swing his leg up, barely missing Makki's chin.

"That was perfect," Sarukui said happily and continued teaching us.

It was like this for a while. After the beginning week, we got our positions and started working on them exclusively.

I do knife training on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and self defense on Thursdays and Fridays. Saturday and Sunday are group exercise days.

In a couple months we'd be professionals.

A/n: describing self defense is awful. So.. sorry about that

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