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Paige's relationships:
Josh Hall- closest brother, they are considered on TikTok as twins (even though a two years apart), overprotective of Paige, but also her best friend

Bryce Hall- second closest sibling, extremely overprotective brother, more of a father figure (but not overbearing), role model to Paige

Addison- treats Paige like a little sister, overprotective

Quinton Griggs- Paige's boyfriend, her everything, protective of Paige

Griffin Johnson- Another father figure in Paige's life, Paige first came to sway at a young age and she always looked up to him, overprotective of Paige

Madi Monroe- close friend of Paige's

Anthony Reeves- brotherly figure, best friend, they immediately connected, Paige introduced Anthony to his girlfriend Avani, protective of Paige

Avani- one of Paige's best friends, she taught Paige everything about makeup

Jaden Hossler- best friend, overprotective of Paige, taught Paige everything she needed to know about the music industry, Paige's mentor

Mads Lewis- like a big sister to Paige, protective of her

Blake Grey- brother to Paige, overprotective of her, loves to annoy her the most

Amelie Zilber- best friend, loves Paige like a sister, most protective out the girls of Paige (other than Charli and Dixie)

Noah Beck- protective, brother to Paige, not as close cause of being new to Sway

Dixie D'amelio- overprotective of Paige, she has known Paige since Paige was two, big sister to Paige

Kio Cyr- brother, not as close to Paige as the others, is someone Paige would go to if she needed advice

Olivia Ponton- best friends with Paige, can be protective sometimes

Charli D'amelio- Paige's number one best friend, known her since they were two, sister to Paige, they love to go to dunkin together, and sleepover each other's houses

Chase Hudson- ex-boyfriend, they are on good terms as of now

Emilie Hall- little sister, loves Paige and looks up to her, fights the most with Paige

Julianna Hall- Paige's baby sister, Paige spoils her, wants to be just like Paige, has separation anxiety from Paige

Nicknames the boys/family call Paige-
Josh- lil sis, sis, princess, love, pay, bub, twin, mini me, bubba
Bryce- lil sis, sis, princess, love, pay pay, mini Josh, pay, bubba
Quinton- pay, princess, bubs, love, my world, mamas, baby
Griffen- pay, sunshine, father (as a joke)
Anthony- pay, best friend, sis
Jaden- mini rockstar, pop star, sis, pay
Blake- mini Josh, pay, age, squirt, lil sis
Noah- mini Josh, pay pay, age, squirt, lil sis, pay
Kio- mini Josh, pay pay, pay, sis
Charli- bubs, love, pay, best friend, my person
Emilie- big sis, pay pay, sunshine, pay
Julianna- bubby, big sis, pay pay, pay

Nicknames Paige calls the boys/family:
Josh- bubby, Joshy, bro, twin
Bryce- b, bub, big bro
Quinton- baby, bubs, love, my world, soulmate, handsome, Quin, Q
Griffen- griff, Griffey, father
Anthony- ant, Anfony, ant man, A
Jaden- rockstar, J, jay
Blake- Bk, twit, bro
Noah- no, No-ah, N
Kio- K
Charli- bubs, char char, char, my person, love
Emilie- em, lil sis, love, lily
Julianna- mini me, Jules, Anna, Julie, bubs, princess, love

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