Chapter 15: Jule's Suprise Visit

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⚠️**trigger warning in this chapter** If you don't feel comfortable reading skip chapters 15 + 16 ⚠️

Bryce's POV:
I have decided that I am going to fly Jules out later on today as a surprise for Paige. I can't wait to see her face, Jules is staying on the plane with a family friend who is a flight attendant on the plane she's taking. I can't wait for the boys to meet her, and see just how close Paige and her really are. I just told Josh and the boys about the plan which is to tell Paige, that Josh, me, and Quinton, are going to get food and the other boys will keep Paige in the living room until we get home. Charli D is going to film both their reactions and all the girls are over too. It's about 30 minutes until we have to leave and we just called Paige downstairs. And she came down with Charli.
Paige- yes guys? Oh wow when did you guys get here? *points to the girls*
Mads- 5 minutes ago
Paige- oh okay, anyways what's up?
Bryce- me, Josh, and Quin are going to get food, you want any?
Paige- oh sure just get me whatever
Quinton- okay, love you *kisses*
*Blake pretends to gag*
Paige- love you too, and shut up Blake! Don't be mad cause Amelie's not giving you attention.
Everyone laughs and we leave. We get into the car and start driving to the airport. We talk on the way there.
Quinton- so how good do you think her reaction will be?
Josh- I think she's gonna be shocked cause she hasn't even mentioned it lately
Bryce- yeah plus, Jules will be excited enough for both of them, you should have seen her when I told her she was coming to see Paige
*we all laugh*
We get to the airport and go to her gate, she should be the first one off since she's with the flight attendant. My thoughts are cut off by a little scream.
Jules- *screams excitedly* ryce, osh, Qwuin!!! (she's three so her speech is gonna be off) *she runs into my arms and hugs all of us*
After a minute she frowns.
Jules- where is paypay? You said I couwld swee her!
Josh- calm down Jules she's at the house, she doesn't know your here it's a surprise.
Jules- rweally?! *she says excitedly*
Quinton- yeah *picks her up as we carry her out of the airport and buckles her in her car seat in the car*
I text Griffin and let him know we are almost home. Jules is bouncing in her seat singing a song Paige wrote for her and saying how much she missed Paige and I just hope she doesn't say that when she sees Paige cause it just triggers some memories of Paige's past, as it did a couple months ago. We pull up to the house and Quinton picks Jules up and puts her down, she grabs Josh's hand and drags him to the door and we all laugh at her eagerness.

Charli's POV:
I can't wait to see Jules again, but more importantly
I can't wait for Paige's reaction, I know she's missed Jules the most. Griffin sends me a signal to start recording so I do, when I do Paige looks at me weirdly.
Paige- why are you recording me?
Charli- you'll see...
Paige- what does that mea-
She is cut off with Jules screaming Paige's name as loud as she can and Paige looks shocked and starts to tear up
Jules- *screams* bubby!! Ware awe you?
Paige- *shakes her head in disbelief* you guys didn't-
Everyone looks around waiting for Jules to run in
Dixie- we did
Paige turns around to be met with Jules running up to her legs, since she is so small.
Jules- PAYPAY!!!
Paige- hey bean. *is crying tears of joy*
She picked Jules up and hugs her so tight. While Jules is giggling. Then Jules started talking about the plane ride oblivious to about 12 other people standing in the room, and Paige and Jules become wrapped into their own conversation for a little.
Jules- Bubby! Gwess what?
Paige- *says in an fake anxious voice* what?!?
Jules- I rwde in a awrplwne, and it went this high! *reaches towards the ceiling*
Paige- really! *she says in a fake shocked voice*
The others start to ask questions, while they are still talking.
Blake- they do know we are standing right here right?
Quinton- to be honest I'm not quite sure they care
Josh- yeah probably not, when Jules got off the plane two seconds after she hugged us she asked where Paige was.
Amelie- they really are close
Bryce- yeah you'll see that soon enough
We all see Paige whisper something into Jules' ear and she looks towards us and she goes bright red and everyone coos at her cuteness. She hides into Paige's chest,  so she picks her up and turns around.
Paige whispers something else to Jules and she perks up and looks around after her eyes land on me she jumps out of Paige's arms and jumps into mine.
Jules- charchar!
Charli- *laughs* juljul!
Dixie- hey what about me! *she says fake pouting*
Jules finally notices her and jumps into her arms and hugs her like she did to me.
Jules- dixiepixie!
Dixie- hey julie!
Dixie puts her down and Jules notices everyone staring at her and she runs to Paige and asks to be held. Paige picks her up and she rests her head in Paige's neck, to hide from the attention. Paige softly laughs, and starts to talk.
Paige- alright now that that's over, shall we formally introduce you to everyone?
Jules- *gives a small nod into her chest*
Paige- alrighty, let's get started.
She continues- Jules this is Blake, Griffin, Kio, Jaden, Noah, Anthony, and then you know Quinton. And you already meet the girls.
Paige whispers in her ear something and I know she wants Jules to repeat the names the best she can cause Paige wants her to become better at pronouncing things. Jules nods and says...
Jules- bwake, giffgriff, io, jayjay, nowah, antman, and Quwinton!!! *she says Quinton's name excitedly*
Blake- hey! Why did you say his name so happily and cuter than ours? *he playfully pouts*
Jules- *giggles* Quwinton is my favorite besides PAYPAY, Charchar, and dixiepixie!
Quinton smiles and Josh and Bryce gasp, and the rest of the boys pout while the others laugh.
Josh- Jules we are your brothers! *points to Bryce and himself *
Jules- well Quwinton and Pay let me go on dates with them, so I like them more! Also they took me to see Bewlla and Bewlla says that Quwinton makes Paige happy, not like big bad wolf made her feel.
Everyone is shocked and looks at Quinton and Paige who are turning bright red, in embarrassment.
Paige- well umm.. *clears throat*
I start to crack up,
Charli- you let Bella talk to her *laughing*
While Bryce and Josh roll their eyes and scoff playfully.
Josh- of course you did, that's why Jules calls him big bad wolf.
Bryce- but is she wrong? However, Jules should stay away from Bella
Me and Paige just laugh, while everyone else is confused.
Griffin- who's Bella?
Bryce- no why would you ask that?!?
Josh- now we have to hear the whole story *groans playfully*
Charli- she's mine and Paige's best friend back home *smiles thinking about the memories*
Paige- *smiles thinking about the same thing* yeah and she has a love, hate relationship with Josh and Bryce.
Josh- there's no love in it it's hate!
Bryce- yeah, she literally called me an f-boy in front of the whole school in middle school
Josh- and she always calls us dumb and dumber, or doofus or something, she also told the whole 9th grade I had rabies!
Everyone starts dying of laughter.
Mads- we need to meet this girl!
Charli- maybe you should've stopped calling her 'rich girl' or 'princess'
Paige- yeah honestly guys you brought it on yourselves
Jaden- how old is she?
Paige- she's in my and Charli's grade
Noah- wait- hold on you guys are in a feud with a girl who is 15?
Bryce- maybe...
The boys start cracking up
Addi- why haven't you talked about her before?
Paige- I mean she doesn't want fame from us, she always said if she's meant to get it then she'll get it without using us
Charli- also she thought it'd be better for her family if she stayed out of the spotlight for awhile
Paige- she goes to my old school back home, but I FaceTime her all the time
Jules- pay she told me to tell you that Jack came around her house asking about you, and she told him to stick it where the sun don't shine
Paige- okay first of all never say those last 7 words again! And second I'll call her later.
Charli- Jack as in that Jack?
Paige- *sighs* it's probably nothing
Quinton- who's Jack?
I curse in my head! Paige freezes, and looks at me with the boys staring at her in anger and the girls with worried expressions.
Paige- it's no one important okay, Bella is probably just messing with me.
Bryce- Paige don't lie to us... *he says angry*
Paige gets scared and whispers to Jules.
Paige- *squats down to her level* Jules go take my phone up to my room and play a game or something okay?
Jules- I'm swrry if I swid something wrong paypay.
Paige- *wipes a tear away from her own eye-* no no it's okay you didn't just go up to my room and shut the door please
Jules- okway...
After Jules leaves everyone turns to Paige.
Paige- it's not that big of a deal he is someone who asked me out like once I declined CAUSE I LOVE MY BOYFRIEND! * she exaggerates the last part pointing to Quinton*
Charli- pay don't you think...
Paige- NO! Char I'm fine don't okay?
She tries to play cool with me but I know she's freaking out inside and I know Bella is too that's why she told Jules to tell Paige.
Josh- *looks and sees tears in Paige's eyes, and realizes she's hiding something thats making her freak*

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