Chapter 5: Two Worlds Collide (2)

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^^picture is of how Josh is cuddling Paige throughout this chapter^^
Quintons POV:
It was a few hours later and I was watching Paige sleep to make sure she's okay. I am so worried about when she wakes up. Speaking of...
Paige- b-bubby? *whimpers*
Quinton- hey baby it's me Quinton
Paige- I'm sorry...
Quinton- for what baby you didn't do anything wrong?
Paige- ruining today...
Quinton- you didn't ruin anything okay?
Paige- *nods*
Quinton- everyone's still downstairs wanna go down?
Paige- sure...
When we went downstairs everyone stopped their conversation, Paige went and sat in between her brothers, putting her head on Josh's chest. She's not okay she never does this unless she wants Josh to comfort her. Josh looks at me and I send him a single that means she's not herself. Paige then puts her head in the crook of Josh's neck, and no one else sees it but I think I see tears.

Josh's POV:
The second Paige came down I could tell she wasn't herself. First, she laid her head on my chest and then the crook of my neck. It was then I felt wetness on my neck and realized she was crying silently. I couldn't take it I lifted her into my arms and placed her on my lap, straddling me while she didn't even lift her head. I wrapped my arms around her, whispering in her ear.
Josh- shhh baby your okay. I'm not leaving, I'm here, I'll always be here
Paige- Bubby *she cried out quietly, while her voice cracked*
I didn't know how bad this hurt her and now all I want to do is take it back, but she doesn't blame me, and neither should I, I just need to be there for her, now.
Me and Bryce made eye contact and I shook my head as a way of letting him know Paige wasn't okay.
I felt Paige moving her hands and I saw Charli move Paige's hands to her hair.
Paige aimlessly played with Charli's hair while still sobbing and me rubbing her back. She used to do these things all the time when she was a baby and even a child. I loved when she did. Bryce finally caught on to her crying and started to rub her head to calm her down, she was getting weaker, I could tell and she needed to calm down soon. Charli was talking to her quietly while the rest of the group had their own conversation.

Charli's POV:
I know this side of Paige and it's heartbreaking to see. I see Josh place her on his lap, trying to calm her down, I see her eyes start to droop meaning she was starting to get tired, she gets so cute when she's like this it's funny. I remember since she has ADHD touching things calmed her, so I show her my hair and she twirls it and plays with it but doesn't stop crying. Then I see Bryce rubbing her head, which seems to start and calm her down, but she never stops the tears from flowing I can tell. So I start it have a little conversation with her.
Charli- hey pay *she says softly*
Paige- hmmm??
Charli- tell me about Quinton...
Paige- he's so sweet, I love him, and he's my everything.
Since Quinton is next to me he can hear the conversation and is smiling at her with love in his eyes. Then the cast says they should get going, and I start to try and get Paige to calm down enough to say goodbye, to the cast.
Charli- Jaydah, Jeremy, Charlie, and Owen are leaving bubs
Paige- too tired *she says weakly*
This concerns me and Josh heard too cause he looked right at Paige and me. Owen comes over to her.

Owens POV:
Paige is my little sister she means so much to me. And to see her like this hurt all of us she was usually a ray of sunshine. I tell the rest of the cast to come say goodbye to Paige before they leave.

Owen- hey Pay?
She looks so weak
Paige- hmmm?
Owen- we are leaving
Paige- bye-bye Owen
I kiss her head
The rest of the cast says goodbye to her, and we leave.

Josh's POV:
Paige is getting worse I can tell.
I look at Bryce and he shares a concerning look with me. Paige's fists that are balled into my shirt began to loosen, and Charli nudged me and I began to panic.
Josh- hey princess, stay awake for me
Paige- tired *she whines*
Bryce runs and grabs her sniffing serum (made it up) for when she becomes weak, to try and wake her up more. It's not safe for Paige to sleep when she gets like this, because her anxiety will take over and she will physically become weaker.

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