Chapter 8: Beach Day (part 2)

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Josh's POV:
We get to the beach and all got out of the car. The girls immediately run to the sand, with their stuff and lay down, while we laugh. Then, us, boys head over and get situated near our girlfriends, or in my case Charli.
Josh- wanna go play football boys?
Boys- hell yeah!
*We all run to an area in front of the girls while they talk*

Charli's POV:
The boys are playing football, while us girls talk.
Paige- so Charli...
Charli- yes Paige?
Paige- my brother? *she smirks*
*I put my head into my towel, and blush*
Avani- no need to hide, we all know your blushing
*All of the girls giggle*
Charli- stop it, he probably doesn't even like me back
Paige turns to me with her mouth open
Paige- are you kidding? He's obsessed with you, and quite frankly an idiot for not making a move sooner...
Dixie- she's got a point
*All the girl's nod*
Charli- what do I even say, to him?
Amelie- just tell him you like him
Mads- yeah, Char, I think that's all you can do
Madi- and trust us, as Paige said, he's head over heels for you
Liv- and that's on facts
Addison- period!
*we all laugh*
Avani- how about you Paige, how have you been?
Paige- I've been okay, and I know at your asking and the answer is no, I haven't had any more episodes lately...
Addison- we just worry, that's all
Paige- I know, and I appreciate it a lot *smiles at them*
Liv- how's filming?
Paige- it's good, definitely never a dull moment
*We laugh again*
Paige- how have you guys been, with the Hype House, and everything?
Dixie- pretty good, we have been doing a lot of interviews lately, and brand deals
Amelie- that's fun, right?
Addison- yeah, except Thomas has been really stressed out recently, and we all notice
Paige- well tell him, and for you guys too, if you ever need anything I'm here
Mads- same
Amelie- me too
Liv- thanks guys
*We all continue talking but then the boys come over and each pick up their girlfriends, besides Josh, who picks me up, and they all run into the ocean and throw us in*
Girls- you guys are so dead!
Bryce- you looked bored
Blake- so we helped you out
*We all laugh and just mess around in the water for a bit*
I notice Quinton carrying Paige out of the water and watch to make sure she's okay

Quinton's POV:
We are all in the ocean, and Paige is in front of me, and I notice her acting differently.
Quinton- hey bubs you alright?
Paige- just tired... *she said in a drowsy voice, as she's leaning against me*
Quinton- let's get you dried off *I lift her out of the water and wrap a towel around her*
I sit in a beach chair we brought, with her on my lap, just watching the water.
Quinton- you sure your okay bubba?
Paige- yeah, I just did too much today
Quinton- did Annie tell you to watch how much you do?
(Annie's her therapist)
Paige- yeah, I'm sorry I didn't tell you
Quinton- it's okay, you knew your limit and I'm proud of you for that
*Paige smiles up at me, and kisses me on the lips, and I kiss back*
Quinton- Emilie seemed upset you were leaving...
Paige- yeah, I felt bad, but I know she enjoys it there, way more than she would at Sway
Quinton- I'm sure she knows that too
Paige- yeah, *she turns her head to face me and smiles* did I mention how much I love you?
Quinton- every day, and I love you more than words can describe
*Paige giggles*
Paige- I'm sorry I am so much work all the time *she looks down at her hands*
Quinton- hey *I lift her chin up to look in my eyes*, you are not 'work', and you can't control it, so don't ever think you are a problem or 'work' to us
Paige- okay, I just hate acting 'needy' or feeling like I do when I'm alone, or when I have stupid 'episodes', or even panic attacks
Quinton- that is out of your control, and we all love you so we don't mind doing it
Paige- *her eyes start to water* I just hate feeling so helpless
*I gently push her head into my neck to calm her down*
Quinton- you are not helpless, okay, you are the strongest girl I know, and the girl I fell in love with
I see Charli look over to me in worry, and I send her a reassuring nod, to let her know Paige is okay.
Paige- thank you for being here
Quinton- always
*All of a sudden Paige gets up and starts running down the beach*
Paige- come and get me *she screams*
Quinton- *laughs* seriously babe
Paige- *stops and pouts a few feet away from me* please Quin
Quinton- alright you need to stop using that trick on me *I start to chase after her*
Paige- *laughs* never!

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