Chapter 7: Surprises (part 1)

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*A couple of weeks later*
Josh's POV:
Today, the whole sway house is free, and planning to go to the beach with the girls. Paige hasn't had an episode in a bit so we think she will be okay. I wake up and see that Jaden isn't there. so I go downstairs and see all of the boys up getting ready to work out.
Bryce- yo Josh, are you gonna come work out with us?
Josh- Yeah, sure.
I head outside with the boys to work out, and we are filming TikToks.
All of a sudden we hear a girls scream and running inside the house
Griffen- do we even want to know what they're doing?
Noah- I don't think we do...
We all head to the door and see Emilie chasing Paige and Charli around the house. We all laugh at the sight of an angry Emilie.
Emilie- *yells* I am going to kill you two!
*Paige and Charli giggle*
Paige- just remember we love you and are your big sisters... *Paige says trying to get Emilie to calm down*
Charli- yeah, you love us
Emilie- You are going to be two very dead big sisters soon *she says threatening*
Charli- aww come on Emile, we are just guiding you the right way
Dixie comes down the stairs, half asleep, and sends us questioning looks, and we just shrug back.
Dixie- what is going on, girls? *she says in a mother voice*
Charli- abort Paige abort
Paige- hi Dixie, and that's our cue to leave, bye guys *she says while she and Charli try running upstairs*
Dixie turns to Paige and Charli
Dixie- what did you two do?
Paige- Hey, why assume it was our faults!
Charli- yeah it could have been Emilie who started it!
Dixie- I'm pretty sure the mad looking 11-year-old in front of us can speak for whose fault it is
*Paige and Charli try making a run for it but Bryce stops them*
Bryce- Girls! *he says strictly*
Paige- listen it was to help her...
Charli- yeah she needed a little push
Emilie- I swear you two are so dead
*she goes running at them but Bryce holds her back while Paige and Charli hide behind me and Quinton, and by this point, all of us are in a circle trying to figure out what happened*
Dixie- Em, calm down and explain what happened...
Emilie- they *she points to Charli and Paige* texted Gavin, off my phone, and asked him out on a date!?
*Paige and Charli start laughing again*
Bryce- first off you will not be going on any date and second who's Gavin?
Paige- Gavin is her crush
Emile- why did you tell him that *she whines*
*Paige sticks her tongue out at her and Emilie does the same back*
Jaden- I don't see the problem, if you like him, why are you mad?
Emilie- because I was waiting for him to do it, and now they embarrassed me
Griffin- okay, listen if you don't want to go then cancel, but we really don't need the neighbors complaining about more noise, understand?
*They all nod their heads*
Bryce- now who is this Gavin kid, and what does he look like?
Emilie- Bryce calm down, he's just a friend
Charli- he looks like this *shows his Instagram*

Emilie- they *she points to Charli and Paige* texted Gavin, off my phone, and asked him out on a date!?*Paige and Charli start laughing again*Bryce- first off you will not be going on any date and second who's Gavin?Paige- Gavin is her crushEmile-...

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Blake- Woah, dudes got style
Kio- he looks like Jaden, kinda
Emilie- you follow him?!
Charli- yeah...
Paige- Charli and I, follow all your friends
Emilie- that's just great *she said sarcastically*
Josh- well if you haven't figured it out this is our other sister Emilie
Anthony- hey little Bryce, long time no see
Emilie- I swear, I will kill you Ant!
Quinton- this is why we call you little Bryce...
Bryce- anyways Em, this is Blake, Noah, Kio, Jaden, Griffin, and you know the rest
Emilie- great more F-boys *she says sarcastically*
*Paige and Charli burst into another fit of giggles*
Blake- you have a lot of sass for a 11-year-old
Emilie- thanks, I'm told I get it from Bryce
Josh- anyway, Em are you coming to the beach with us
Emilie- nope, I have to get back to Piper's we have filming to do
Paige- *gasps* Is Jenna there?
Emilie- yeah...why?
Paige- I wanna do a dance with her! I miss filming with her!
Emilie- you all could come, if you have time, the whole squad is sort of obsessed with Paige and her friends
Paige goes over to Emilie, and whispers quietly but we can all still hear
Paige- Em, are you sure? It's your thing, not mine...
I smile at the two of them and look at Bryce, and he smiles back

You see ever since Bryce and I blew up it's been hard for both Paige and Emilie to make names for themselves, instead of just being known as our little sisters. And now with Paige blowing up even more Emilie, sometimes struggles with being her own person, because she is known as Paige's little sister now. Paige tries to make sure Emilie is known for just being her, so she doesn't feel like she's overlooked.

Emilie- yeah I'm sure, I know they like me for me and not because of you guys
Paige- *hugs* good, I'm proud of you *kisses her forehead*
Emilie- *hugs back* thanks Pay *smiles at me and Bryce*

That's another thing about Emilie, she looks for Paige's approval most of all. Even if they fight, Emilie and Paige have a close relationship, and Emilie looks up to Paige.

Emilie- so is that a yes? *she asks the rest of us*
We all nod
Griffin- we can stop there before the beach since we have to drop you off
Emilie- Okay! Word of warning the boys are obsessed with Sway, and the girls are obsessed with your girlfriends
Noah- do they know you know us?
Emilie- no, only Piper, Gavin, and Jenna know about me being related to Paige, Bryce, and Josh
Kio- do you mind if I ask why?
Emilie- well, making friends is hard, when people know you are related to Bryce and Josh. Then when Paige blew up, she said it would be better if I didn't mention it because then I can find out who actually wants to be my friend and who is fake.
Paige- yeah, me and Char, learned that from experience so it was easier.
Charli- anyways, we are going to change *she pulls Paige up the stairs while they both giggle*
Paige- *screams from upstairs* are you coming Em?
Emilie- no I'm good *she screams up*
*I go over to Emilie and pull her into a hug*
Josh- I missed you, Em...
Emilie- *hugs back* I missed you too, J
*Bryce comes over and pulls her into a hug*
Bryce- How did you get here?
Emilie- Jenna drove me here and dropped me off
Bryce- She has her license?
Emilie- yeah, she got it the other day
Josh- have you spoken to Jules recently, or mom?
Emilie- yeah, Jules called me last night, but she kept asking for Paige, why doesn't Paige call her anymore
Bryce- *sighs* Em...
We didn't know how to tell her Paige had another episode
Emilie- what's wrong?
Quinton- Em, Paige had another episode, last time she talked to Jules
Emilie- she okay?
Bryce- *smiles at her* yeah, she's fine, and has been better since
Emilie- good...
We hear the front door open, and in walks all of the girlfriends, they come over to the other boys and hugs them
Josh- girls this is our younger sister Emilie
*Emilie waves*
Avani- hey Em *she goes over and hugs her*
Emilie- hey Avani
Amelie- hey I'm Amelie, Paige talks about you all the time, and I'm Blakes girlfriend
*Emilie smiles*
Addison- hi, I'm Addison, Bryce talks about you all the time too
Liv- I'm Liv, and I'm Kio's girlfriend
Madi- I'm Madi, and I'm Griffin's girlfriend
Mads- I'm Mads, and I'm Jaden's girlfriend
Emilie- hi guys
Bryce- we are gonna go surprise Emilie's friends because they are fans
Girls- *smile* cool
Emilie- word of warning the girls are kinda obsessed with Paige already, and her friends are no different, also Bryce will you film for my Channel?
Avani- okay Em, don't stress, we will be fine *smiles at her*
Bryce- sure 
Liv- where's Paige and Charli?
Josh- they went up to change
We hear giggles, and running down the stairs, and we all turn to see Charli and Paige
Paige- Girls! *she runs and hugs them with Charli*
Girls- Hey Paige, and Charli!
Griffin- alright are you guys ready?
We all nod, and go and start to drive to Piper's house.
*On the way there*
Paige- Em, you should film your intro now, and I'll text Hunter and tell him to have Jenna come out and the rest of them in the living room
Emilie- okay, thanks, Pay
*Bryce tries and positions the camera right, but Emilie is getting annoyed at him getting it wrong*
*Paige sees*
Paige- here Bryce let me do it *he hands her the camera*
Emilie- hey guys, it's Emilie! Welcome back to another video, and today I am going to be surprising the squad with their favorite TikTokers, so basically my siblings. Anyway, make sure to subscribe, hit that like button, and comment down below your favorite TikToker...Okay paige you can cut
Paige- alright *she switches the camera off*
Anthony- wow your good at that
Emilie- practice, I guess, we film almost every day, so I'm used to it by now.
*Paige is on her phone still while leaning on Quinton, and he is leaning over her shoulder. The rest of us are just on our phones waiting to get there*
Paige- okay Em, Hunter said Jenna is outside and the rest of the squad is in the main room, and he said they think they are filming a blindfolded couples challenge
Emilie- okay
Paige- oh and Gavin is outside too since he doesn't have anyone to do the challenge with
Emilie- Bryce, Josh! do not interrogate him, okay, we are just friends!
Bryce- We will see...
*Addison slaps his arm*
Addison- I'll make sure he doesn't
Charli- and I'll make sure Josh doesn't
Emilie- thanks guys
*We pull up outside of a pink mansion*
Blake- okay...why is this so big
Emilie- we just moved, fans found the other address so, we had to move
Griffin- let's go
*we all get out and see Jenna, and Gavin outside, with Hunter, who's filming*
Paige- Jenna! *runs and hugs her*
Jenna- Paige! *hugs her back* 
Paige- I missed you
Jenna- same
*They pull away and Emilie goes to Gavin and hugs him, while he kisses her cheek*
Paige- hey Garvin *side hugs*
Gavin- hey Pay *hugs back*
Quinton- sup little man *dabs him up*
Gavin- hey Quin *does it back*
Charli- how's my second favorite mini-YouTuber 
Gavin- hey char, by the way, I know either you or Paige texted me about the date, off of Emilie's phone
*we all laugh*
Paige- we figured you would find out eventually
Bryce- hey, I'm Emilie's brother Bryce 
Gavin- hey I'm Gavin, btw I did know who you were Emilie talks about you, Pay, and Josh often
Josh- wow Emilie, were flattered
Emilie- shut up!
Paige- okay let's start, and hey Hunter
Hunter- hey guys, Emilie did you film an intro?
Emilie- yeah in the car
Hunter- okay, good. Now they are all blindfolded in the main room, very confused might I add...
*We all laugh*
Hunter- I figured I would take Emilie, Gavin, and Jenna in first, and have the others take their blindfolds off, and the rest of you can come in when Emilie says to
Paige- okay!
*They walk in and Paige turns to us all*
Paige- boys no cursing! and be nice!
Blake- hey why did you direct that at us?!
Charli- because the girls have manors and know when not to curse
Kio- they have a point...
Emilie's POV:
We walk inside and I tell the squad to take their blindfolds off
Emilie- hey guys!
Sophie- I'm so confused!
Piper- yeah what's going on?
Emilie- I have a surprise...
Lev- good or bad?
Emilie- good, I promise
Jentzen- what is it?
Gavin- more like who is it...
Emilie- come in guys...

Paige's POV:
They called us back in and we all walked in; me in front, with Charli, and Quinton.
Paige- hey guys...
Piper- Paige!! *she runs and hugs me and I hug back*
Paige- hey Pipes
Sophie- no way!?
Symonne- wait really!?!
Lev- this is insane!
Emilie- This is my sister Paige, and my brothers, Josh, and Bryce, and all their friends
Sawyer- wait your related?
Paige- yeah so ill explain that, my family has been on social media for a while, and with that comes clout chasers and fake people, as most of you know
*they all nod*
Paige- when Emilie came out here, I told her it was best to keep that we were related a secret to you guys until she knew you liked her for her. And now we know you guys do because she enjoys spending time with you and you enjoy spending time with her.
Sophie- that's understandable
Bryce- anyway, we are here to chill for a little 
Blake- yeah what do you wanna do?
Piper- let's go in the backyard there is more room
*We all head out back and post on Insta, and TikTok*
After an hour or so...
Paige- alright we have to go guys, but we will visit soon
The Squad- okay, bye thank you
*I pull Piper into a hug*
Paige- bye Pipes, be good
Piper- bye Pay
I go say bye to Jenna too
Paige- bye bubs, I'll call you*hugs Jenna*
Jenna- bye bae, see you later
I head over to Gavin and Emilie last
Gavin- bye Pay
Paige- bye Garvin, take care of Em for me
Gavin- I will
Paige- *Pulls Emilie into a hug* Be good, and I'll miss you
Emilie- *starts to tear up* do you have to go?
Paige- *lifts her head up and wipes her tears* yes, but come over whenever you want, and call me tonight alright? Did you say bye to Bryce and Josh?
Emilie- *nods her head*
Paige- *kisses her forehead* Love you to the moon and back 
Emilie- me too *she holds on tighter*
*I signal Gavin over*
Paige- just distract her, she will be okay *whispers to Gavin*
Gavin- Emilie do you wanna go to your room and watch a movie?
Emilie- yeah... *she lets go*
Paige- bye Em, love you
Emilie- bye Pay love you too
I walk to the car and lay my head on Quinton's shoulder
Quinton- you alright?
Paige- yeah, just tired *I look up into his eyes and smile*
Quinton- still wanna go to the beach?
Paige- yeah *kisses*
Quinton- *kisses back* okay

Author's Note
Hey guys, I had to split this chapter in two, because it would end up being too long. Also after this will be the Instagram posts, with the Squad, and the TikTokers. 

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