Chapter 28

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After a week that feels like years Mo Yuan finally had a clue where mei Xing might be. He atleast now had a light of hope to see her and save her .

He immediately gathered all the guards to go to said location and examine every nook and cranny to find her. He knew that the demon lord might have built an underground place just for this. If he didn't he should have found them already. He was eager to find her as the time was ticking. He knew how important time was to the demon lords plan that's why he prepared it securely.

Mo Yuan won't let the demon lord get what he want. His plan won't succeed . He promised himself that. He was the God of War and no one should mess with him and most importantly no one should mess with him woman.

After half a day a general finally showed up and told her about Mei Xing's location. He was indeed right. The demon lord built an underground place in a secluded part of the demon realms and it's grounds was highly poisonous and full of beasts.

He prepared everything they needed and after a couple of hours they were ready. He headed to demon realm ready to battle. He was fully ready and the guards that was beside him was sure about Mei Xing's location and everything was settled.

Even Dong Hua Di Jun and his twin brother was there to help him. They were also prepared and was ready to fight side by side with him as this fight also questions the safety of the realms.  The also knew about his relationship to Mei Xing that made them want to kill the demon lord and all of his soldiers.He thanked them and went ahead to the battle.

Demon Realm

The demon Lords plan was halfway complete as he was half a way in penetrating the bitch's mind. He was ecstatic that his plan was slowly becoming a reality.


Mei Xing was tired and exhausted. She didn't know how long she's been in there. She was hoping that Mo Yuan would come soon. She might be strong and everything  but she was vulnerable at this moment. She was exhausted that she can't afford to cry. 

She was trying her best to withstand everything as she didn't want to be the reason for the demon lords success. She'd rather die than to let him achieve his plans. She was eager to end her life but she her thoughts was halted when the demon lord told her yesterday that she was pregnant.

If she'll follow him he won't hurt her child and let her live but she wasn't dumb and stupid she knew that the demon lord was trying to use the fact that she was with a child and let her surrender. Too bad, she won't.

For a whole week she tried to think of ways to escape and how to save her soul. She was already making a plan in her mind but when she knew that she was pregnant her plan was already crossed out. If she'll do it she can live but she can't seem to accept the fact that her unborn child will die.

Amidst everything she tried to think of a plan that would let her child live. She remembered that Mo Yuan once told her that before Ye Hua was born he was a lotus flower. His soul was saved and nurtured that way.

She was also now thinking to save her  unborn child the same way but she needs to extract he child's soul and put it in something .

She needed to be strong for her child. Right now her plan needed to work or else everything will go to vain. The demon lord was halfway on her mind and the moment she let's go she'll die. That was her plan she can die but she can't let her unborn child die.

She just hopes that before she can die she can see Mo Yuan and gave him their child's soul.


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