Chapter 16

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Mo  Yuan's POV

After what happened earlier, Mei Xing just slept the whole afternoon. She was really tired from all the training I guess plus she swam with all her might a while ago on the falls.

It was night time when she woke up. And she looks so drained. When are eyes met she just yawned and looked at me . She headed then to the dining hall and sat at her chair. She saw the food that was arranged by Zhang Hui in the table and she immediately looks energized all of a sudden.

Aside from clothes looks like food is also her therapy. She ate like I didn't feed her for days. I also ate the food at my plate.

I noticed that for a lady she eats a lot and she don't even get fat. Well, maybe all the food that she's been eating all went to her breast and butt. With that thought I suddenly choked.

Mei Xing gave me water and tapped my back with the right amount of force.

"Are you okay? "

I stopped coughing and drank the water. Why would I think of such thoughts in the middle of dinner.
I assured her that I'm fine. She looks really concerned as if I'm gonna die.

After dinner I told her and Zhang Hui to come to my room to discuss some important matters. Minutes later they both arrived at the same time.

"Both of you sit down"

They both sat down and listened to me.

"I am planning to dress Mei Xing as a boy so your fellow disciples won't be shocked especially Die Feng."

I told Zhang Hui and looks like he was also shocked same as Mei Xing. I looked at Mei Xing and told her that,

"And as for you , you can't say no because this was already decided I am telling you right now to inform you. As both of you know this school is exclusive for men so no women must be allowed here."

I stopped and looked at their expression and looks like they both understand what I'm saying .

" If the situation is all fine I would tell them that you are a woman. My disciples would start coming next week so Mei Xing you should start wearing the schools uniform in case some of them would come earlier."

"Yes yuan uhmm I mean shifu hehehe"

She scratched her head shyly. I just hope she won't say that in front of my disciples or else they would really be suspicious. I never allowed anyone to call me my any names nor nicknames so they would really be shocked.

Looking back at Zhang Hui I know he'll keep his mouth sealed. He maybe young but he knew to keep a secret.

" This is the new uniform I acqui for you Mei Xing, see if it fits."

She thanked me and changed her clothes immediately. When she came back she was already wearing the uniform I gave her. She now really looks like a student.

The difference is her breast is now obvious at her clothes and her curves are more emphasized .

"Now for the remaining week I'll train you fifteen hours a day. I'll teach you how rules works here and enchanting spells to hide your gender. I'll teach you how to improve and unseal your powers so you could improve. Do you understand?"

"Yes shifu"

"That's all. You may now go to your rooms"

They both bowed and went outside. I also decided to sleep
Tomorrow will be hectic , I guess.

After all those talking I laid in my bed and closed my eyes. After some time I drifted to sleep.


Mo Yuan's WomanWhere stories live. Discover now