32. The Art of Venting

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Ananya's Pov:

"Vivek, I guess I will be late," I conversed on the phone.

"How long?" He asked.

"Two more hours, I guess," I asserted " The bus broke down in the middle of the road when it is an hour away from the school and school authorities have sent us another bus. We just started again,"

"Seems like I will be home before you. Shall I cook someth.." he volunteered his help.

"Husband, remember you are an amateur cook. I am not saying I don't want to eat the food you cook now. The thing is, I don't want to clear the mess you create while cooking. I am too exhausted to do that." I intervened his flow of words.

"Finee," he drawled "As you are tired shall I get us some dinner on the way home,"

"That seems a great idea," I chirped.

"Okay. What do you want to eat?" he inquired.

"Fried rice?" I am too confused to choose anything. To be honest, anything is fine by me.

"Okay Drive safe. Bye," he concluded the call.

Putting the phone back into my bag, I glanced to my right to find my colleague slipping into slumber, resting her head onto the window of the bus.

Boy, I am so tired! The school organised an excursion today to an eco-village in the outskirts of the city. The day was full of fun along with the hot blazing sun.

School excursions are the best way to provide the students with a meaningful, fun-filled, and interactive learning experience that does not happen inside the four walls of the school. We can perceive the excursion program as an educational adventure. The students get a chance of stepping out of their comfort zone and have new experiences.

Also, excursion programs encourage the students in team building, helping each other, share, and also connect with their teachers.

The bus which was filled with laughter, exciting conversations, gossiping, giggling and shouts of the students in the morning has now filled with the sighs of exhaustion and tiredness of the students.

I am tired as hell and weary with the burden of long-closed eyes; My tiredness made me hang limp like wet laundry on a cold still day. I felt like every muscle is giving in to gravity. What I want is sleep, a nice warm bed, and a solid night of dreams.

Once we reached the school premises, we made sure that the students once again boarded their respective buses for home.

I was driving from school to home. At the signal, I took the right turn, and the signal turned red as I crossed. A traffic inspector was waiting in the middle of the road. There was a car going just before me, but he let the car go and stopped my scooty. He accused me of trespassing signal.

"The signal was green when I was taking the right turn," I explained it to him.

"Show me your documents," he demanded.

"For now, pay 1000 bucks as fine and follow the rules from the next time," he continued while I was removing the helmet and taking insurance and other documents from my scooty.

"But I didn't break any rules sir," I gave him the papers and driving license. He looked at the papers, but from his face, I could sense that he is not interested in what he was doing.

"Just pay the fine and leave," his tone filled with anger and frustration.

He started walking towards his parked vehicle with my documents. I followed him behind.

"Pay the fine and take your documents," he glanced at my wallet. I was holding my wallet in my hand, which I actually took out for giving my driving license.

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