chapter one

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POV Kiyoko
    What is freedom? Kiyo-nii and I came to this school in search of it, yet I do not know what to look for. When I asked that man what it was he replied “you do not need to know that answer” and when I asked Kiyo-nii he said “something out of reach for us, as long as we are in this place” but we managed to escape from there. And we are only one bus ride away from our freedom.
    When we stepped on the bus there were a lot of people wearing our same uniform, there was a cute girl with black hair, a big blonde haired guy off in his own world, and a small girl with a cane, Kiyo-nii and I sat next to the two girls as they were both by windows and that was the closest we would be to each other. Though something that immediately caught my attention was how the girl with the cane kept staring at Kiyo-nii.
‘Is Kiyo-nii doing something weird? Or is there something on his face that is drawing her attention?’ When I was staring at him he noticed my gaze and looked at me to learn why I was focused on him so much, but I just looked away. This move obviously confused him, but I really don't care.
    I was still tired from not sleeping too much last night, I was so excited to come to this school that I couldn’t sleep. This fatigue inevitably caught up to me as I drifted off. When I entered the dream world, what was in front of me was a chess board, Kiyo-nii on the other side of it.
    I reached my hand out, grabbing a pawn, placing it on E4, it was a common and solid move, he respond with knight G6, I pushed my pawn forward threatening to capture his knight, he did not care and played pawn D5, I had to capture his knight, if I took the pawn he could take with his queen and get really good positioning, so I took it. Which made me think, this game is a simulation of military strategy, right? In real life, would he sacrifice his men like that, just to harm his enemies position?
    This game continued, we pondered positioning, chances at checkmate, piece value, and much more. Each of us thought as many moves ahead as our brains could allow. And in the end I lost.
I remember just staring at the chessboard wondering what move I made to give away my chance at winning, feelings of inadequacy, sadness, and failure formed tears in my eyes, but Kiyo-nii did not rejoice for his victory. He handed me a tissue to cry into and walked off to face his next opponent.
I remember looking at his unfazed face and deciding that was the key difference in our battle, what made me lose, what made me cry, what made me defective, it was my emotions, this was the difference between us, in that moment I decided to forever cast off those emotions that caused me to lose. All so I could win, as Kiyo-nii does.
POV Kiyotaka
    Kiyoko and I got on the bus which brought us to freedom, I crossed an aisle from her. Ever since I got on this bus the loli next to me has been staring at me, soon after Kiyoko joined her as well… this made me uncomfortable, I was used to being monitored but it was normally by people I couldn’t see, which now that I think about it made it sound very creepy as well. Not knowing what I should do in this situation I looked at Kiyoko who just looked away… ok now the only one looking at me is the girl who has a smug look on her face.
    About 15 minutes after the bus set off Kiyoko fell asleep, I found myself staring at her while lost in thought. It was 8 years ago from today that I last saw her smile. Now there was no joy in her eyes, just 8 years ago those eyes would have been sparkling. But now they are dead, no emotions showed on her face, even though deep down, they wish too.
    I was disappointed, those emotions, that will too keep pushing forward, it left in a blink of an eye. After they disappeared I remember thinking to myself… “Why do this Kiyoko, why get rid of that thing I don't have, why get rid of your feelings, why give up the only weapon you have, that can defeat me”
    My thoughts were broken by the loli’s words “ever, the sis-con, huh, Ayanokoji-kun.”
“Do I know you?” I responded, knowing the answer to that question.
“Then how do you know my name” after hearing this she grinned, leaned over to my ear and said
“I’ll tell you soon enough... but I just want you to know how happy I was to hear you were coming to this school, I’ve always wanted to bury you”
    This girl obviously had more knowledge than I would like her too, but the worst thing I can do in this situation is give her more information. I’ll play dumb, and slowly extract information… But to think my peaceful life would end even before it started. Though while I was assessing her for the first time she directed her gaze elsewhere. I saw Kiyoko also woke up due to this commotion.
“Excuse me young man, that is a priority seat, you should give it up for this old woman who is having trouble standing” said a lady in a business suit.
“Hah, such nonsense, why should I give up this seat? Is it because I am a young man? Such nonsense, there is only harm to my own stamina done by giving up my seat and nothing gained” the lady, getting visibly irritated responded with
“Isn’t it natural to give up the priority seat to an elderly person? What manners have you been taught?” the student unfazed responded by saying.
“Why should I give up my seat just because it is a priority one, nonsense. There is no law that states I have to give up a priority seat, which makes it my personal decision, and my personal decision is to remain sitting” Everyone seemed to be agreeing with the young man, personally I agree with him as well, though I would never say that out loud. Voicing your opinions only creates conflict with those that disagree with you. But another person spoke up, disagreeing with him.
“I think you should give up your seat because you would be contributing to society in the process” She had a cute face, short blond hair, large breasts, and a kind way of speaking. ‘God I just want to thank you, for blessing this accursed world with such an angel’ I found myself thinking while the argument progressed. While I was praying for an extremely stupid reason the back and forth lead to the angel saying
“Would anyone give up their seats?” after hearing this I looked around to see what others were doing, but no one moved… other than
“Thank you very much” as the angel bowed in gratitude I saw Kiyoko stand up and start chatting with her. I see, she got up in an attempt to become friends with the angel, it's true she will likely end up being pretty popular, though I did not think she would attempt to stand out in this way.
“My name is Kushida Kikyo, what is yours”
“Ayanokoji Kiyoko, and that guy sitting down is my brother Ayanokoji Kiyotaka”
“Are you two twins? I could have guessed from the eyes and apathetic expression but your hair is totally different” she was referencing her black hair in contrast to my brown hair. Though this was a pretty stupid question considering we are abviously fraternal twins and not identicle, though Kiyoko did not point this out, smart move.
“Ha ha, yeah his hair is like our dads while mine more resembles our mom’s” this statement brought some attention from the loli, who knows we never met our mom.
“So the sister can lie as easily as you, huh” she whispered into my ear
“And who is that? she seems very close to your brother” before Kiyoko could say anything the loli spoke up
“I'm their childhood friend, Sakayanagi Arisu. It's a pleasure to meet you Kushida-san” this confused Kiyoko, but she played along
“Arisu-chan came to this school with us, it made me really happy that all three of us managed to get in”
“I’d bet!” Kushida exclaimed. In not much time the bus came to a stop and arrived at, freedom.
Heya its the author Nate-chan again,  I pointed out that i'm not sure what to do with Kiyoko romance wise, and ended up getting a few requests for the Bro-con route… I Can’t say I want to create an “unrequited love for her brother” type story, as I of all people understand very well how disgusting and annoying little sisters are, but I will walk the road to hell if it is your wish, give me your thoughts in the comment. Sayonara for now.

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