Chapter 8

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    Hey guys my last chapter was pretty flawed, but here is what I was trying to get at Kito+Nishi= Mutual love :) but Kito = bad boy :( Nishi does not like bad boys, but they overcome their differences with the power of love and friendship! And the last thing I wanna ask about is do you guys want me to work Sakayanagi into the Island Exam or no? I plan on putting the loli on the cruise ship, but I don’t know if I should change the island exam that much. Sayonara for now and cya later alligators!

Kiyoko POV

    I woke up and sighed, today is going to be a stressful day. After school, we have a meeting with the student council regarding Sudo-kun’s incident. The trip to school was normal and the lessons were pretty boring as usual. When I was about to get ready for the hearing I was called into the staff room by Chabashira-sensei.

    When I got to the room I was brought into the kitchen area and she shut the door behind us. There was a table in the corner of the room where I sat down and drank tea that she offered to me. As she was about to talk I reached into my pocket and clicked my pen I bought yesterday.

“I’ll get straight to the point, are you working towards the position of class leader”

“Who knows,” I replied, trying to imply this conversation disinterested me

“Well, I don’t care what you’re doing at the moment it is the future that concerns me,”

“And what is this future you speak of?” I asked

“One where Class D rises and becomes Class A”

“Then you can be certain that I am working towards your desirable future”

“I’m glad, then know you can rely on me whenever you need to, that’s it. Lets go to the conference room”

    While we were walking off I pondered the meaning of that conversation, it seems that Chabashira-sensei is not the mean teacher that she makes herself out to be, but rather an earnestly supportive teacher who will work as hard as required to reach Class A.

    As Chabashira-sensei and I left the staff room I ran into Horikita who was waiting for me, she immediately told us to hurry up and we went to the conference room on the second floor. In there awaited the Student Council President, Secretary Tachibana, the three victims, and their teacher.

“I will now summerize what information has been gathered by the student council” said Tachibana-san “Komita-kun and two other members of the basketball club went to the special building after Sudo-kun called them there. There, they claim to have been beaten up in a one-sided brawl. Is this true?”

“What those guys said was a lie. I was the one that got called over to the special building,” Sudo-kun replied. “That day, after practice, Komiya and Kondou asked me to go to the special building. Honestly, I thought it was kind of annoying, but I also thought it might’ve been because they were always so hostile towards me. So I went to meet them.”

    Sudo-kun was not one to mince words. Normally, Horikita-san sould have been disgusted by his casual way of speaking, but right now she was trembling. Horikita-san was not focused on the case in front of her, but rather her brother at the head of the table.

    As Horikita-san was dozing out the discussion went no where, each side claimed the other as the responsible party, shouting broke out and Horikita-san did nothing.

“If Class D can provide no further proof then we shall proceed” stated Tachibana

    If the student council and teachers continued to sit in silence then the punishment would certainly be merciless, we needed Horikita-san to take action.

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