Chapter 7

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Kiyotaka POV

    Kito and I were doing our regular morning routine when we heard footsteps rapidly. When we turned around we saw Nishi who was running up to us.

“Hey, Nishi what’s u-”

    She attacked with a high kick, Kito reacted the best he could but he could only get one arm up in time. He fell to the ground, bleeding from the nose.

“Yakuza shithead, I’ll kill you” She straddled him on the ground. I ran at them to break it up, but Kito stopped me before that

“Kiyotaka-san, stay out of it, this is between me and Nishi”

    Kito was on his back with his arm in front of his face, but instead of catching the arm and avoiding the hit he just took it. His body tried to defend itself, but his mind wouldn’t let him.

    Nishi kept on beating him, his face, his body, his arms, and legs, but there was no hatred in her eyes as she did this. Her expression was that of, terror.

    There was blood all around them, Nishi’s hands her broken, Kito’s body was left in ruin, tears flooded both of their faces for different reasons. After 30 minutes of riding the edge of consciousness, Kito passes out, his consciousness reaped, and his muscles loosened.

“Kito…” Nishi cried out lifelessly as she joined him in unconsciousness.

    Their bodies laid on each other, cruelly embracing after a one-sided beating filled with emotions. I approached their bodies, picked them up, and carried them to my room using the emergency staircase to avoid the eyes of outsiders.

    After administering first aid to them Nishi was the first to wake up, after seeing Kito unconscious on the bed she was mortified

“Don’t worry he’ll be alright” I reassured her

“That doesn’t change anything, I feel bad for hurting him… but he’s Yakuza, how can I look him in the eyes? He’s the same type of person who-” she stopped herself from saying anything more
“What did the Yakuza do to you?” I asked, but she wouldn’t reveal anything

“I can only think of one thing the Yakuza would do to a cute girl,” Kito said with dead eyes

    I understood immediately and watched as Nishi hugged herself tightly, trying to enter her own world

“I’m sorry,” Kito said “and don’t feel bad for hurting me, I deserve it”

    Kito may have done bad things for the sake of his brothers, but it looks like he can’t forgive himself for it. Simply looking at Nishi probably reminds himself of the people he hurt in the past.

“And you just come back to regular society, come to this school after you hurt so many people, what does a monster like you want with this school? Did you get bored of beating and raping poor people and now you’re targeting elitists?” Nishi asked “Just leave”

“Nishi  I-” Kito tried to say something but he was interrupted

“LEAVE!” she shouted

    Kito got up and walked to the door, I followed him and asked where he was going.

“I can not stay in this class or school anymore” he responded “Sayonara… Kiyotaka-san…”

“Oi, wa-” he shut the door and the footsteps outside grew faint “You’re seriously going to let him leave?” I asked Nishi

“SO WHAT!?” she replied

“Don't think I never noticed, you staring at him whenever he was around, even if he was Yakuza you still love him right? Don't you think you will regret it if he leaves now?”

“That monster isn’t the same Kito as he was yesterday” she replied softly as she looked down, wrapped in a blanket

“You won’t miss him when he’s gone?”

    She got visibly irritated and replied, “I won’t!”

“Then I won’t stop him either, would you like some tea?” after saying this she got visibly shocked

“You’re not… stopping… him?”

“He’s leaving this school so he doesn’t hurt you anymore, nothing I say will stop him” I replied

    Silence ensued for a moment when I got 160,000 private points sent to me with the memo saying, “Take care of her”

    After I received this I showed it to her which was replied to by her covering her eyes. Over this month and a half they spent over 40 of those days with each other and me. They got very close during that time.

    She was shaking heavily as she stood up, and walked to the door completely ignoring my presence, there was only one thing on her mind, though I needed to give her one piece of information before she left.

“Behind special building” she nodded and walked out of the room

Kito POV

    This place has always been peaceful, a place where I can just think… every hit and scratch I got from Nishi was deserved. No matter the reason I am a gang member and a criminal.

    I transferred all my money to Kiyotaka-san, my best friend. When I leave this school life on the run will follow me. If I ever stop or slow down I’ll be found and killed… it only makes sense though, I know too much, and no one leaves the Yakuza, not until their death, it is the oath I took when I got this scar and tattoo.

    I found myself lost in the scenery in front of me, what a beautiful day. The sun was rising and illuminating the path in front of me, after about 15 more minutes of basking in the scenery before I drop out, my silence was interrupted by footsteps and frantic breathing… it can’t b-

Warmth enveloped me from behind the bench, and the source of if cried out “Don't go!”


“Don't leave… Kito”


“I love you! Don't leave me behind Kito”

“Nishi, I love you too”

“Then stay!”


“And don't ever leave or think about leaving!” she shouted

    I just sat and accepted the warmth for 10 minutes when we separated, I guess I won’t be leaving this school after all… I’m glad because when I’m here I can be happy. Thank you Kiyotaka-san, and thank you Nishi for giving me this happiness I never had before… I will forever be indebted to you guys, and in payment of that debt, I will forever protect you… no one will harm my new family.

    This chapter was pretty short and a love story between two side characters but I hope you liked it anyway… next chapter will go back to normal but until then, Sayonara.

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