Chapter 2

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Kiyotaka POV
    After getting off the bus Kushida and Kiyoko went ahead, Kushida did most of the talking, before I realized it Kiyoko made an angelic friend and I was stuck with a loli. Though this was necessary, I asked for some alone time anyway. Earlier she said “your sister can lie too” this either shows that she has heard me speak before that exchange or she was hoping for me to probe her for more information. Either way, waiting for her to make a move is not an option.
“You must have known me from before we came to this school, but I don't seem to remember you, I'm sorry for not remembering better but can you please let me know where we met?”
“We met when my cat got stuck in a tree and you saved him, do you remember now?” she responded, which was a blatant lie, though I cannot call her out on it. She could just keep claiming that I just forgot, leading the conversation nowhere in the process.
“I’m sorry that I forgot the encounter, though I do remember seeing your name on that list of class A students, shall we go?” I asked
“Certainly” she replied
    Our conversation leading up to entering class 1-A was casual small talk, during this time she revealed no information about her life before coming to this school or how she knew me. I became certain that she was trying to get close to me, and she succeeded with this. Though it relieved me that those were her only motives for now.
    We entered class A and found our seats, Sakayanagi’s was in the front middle of the room, while mine was in the back by the windows. In front of me was the name Kito Hayato and on my right was Kamuro Masumi. Eventually, all of the seats of my class were filled, the man in front of me had silky long black hair that reached his shoulders and scary eyes that would probably destroy me should they had been directed at me with anger. Kamuro Masumi on my right had long purple hair, purple eyes, larger breasts, and a pretty face, though after analyzing her I quickly looked away, if I stared for too long that would be creepy.
“How about we introduce ourselves?” asked Sakayanagi who stood up in front of the class, leaning on her cane. She got some murmurs in support of the idea as her reply. “I’ll start then, my name is Sakayanagi Arisu, my hobbies are chess and studying. My goal for this year is to become smarter than when I came in. I look forward to working with you all this year” after her a bald guy with good posture and a serious look on his face stood up. “Hello, my name is Katsuragi Kohei, my hobbies are studying and violin, I look forward to learning with you all this year”
    After hearing them introduce themselves it suddenly dawned upon me that I would end up having to introduce myself. ‘Should I do a joke? no that's too risky. Maybe I should appear to be serious? But that might just put people off’ As I was lost in thought time flew by. As it was about to be my turn a middle-aged man with grey hair and green eyes walked in.
“Are you all doing introductions?” the man asked
“Yes” replied Sakayanagi
“Very well, continue please”

I was so close to not embarrassing myself…
Why would you do this?
“It's your turn to introduce yourself Kiyo-kun” stated Sakayanagi, while I was lost self-pity my turn to introduce myself crept upon me like a wolf stalking its prey.
“Um… my name is Ayanokoji Kiyotaka… I don't really have any hobbies or goals... I look forward to working with you…” silence. Welp Buddha, God, Kobe, it seems that I would be joining you all sooner than I anticipated. I sat back down and an awkward atmosphere filled the room for a few seconds that was broken by my neighbor standing up and introducing herself.
    Once our introductions were finished the middle-aged man introduced himself as Mashima Tomonari, our homeroom teacher for the next three years. We were handed guide books on rules and behavior expected of us. Along with phones and student ID cards.
“This school judges students based on their merit, and as you all have been determined to have great value you will all be given 100,000 private points this month. On the first day of every month, you all will be given more points again. One private point is equivalent to one yen.”
    The class stayed silent as he spoke, and once the speech was done everyone was reading through the student guide book. Eventually, Katsuragi raised his hand to which Mashima-sensei directed his attention.
“To what degree is contact with the outside world limited?”
“Unless in the case of an emergency there will be no contact at all, no exceptions to this rule” upon hearing this a grim frown appeared on Katsuragi’s face as directed his attention back to his guide book. After 1 hour passed everyone got up and walked to the auditorium for the entrance ceremony
Kiyoko POV
    Kushida-san and I went to our classrooms together. Girl talk with her was really interesting, even though we had just met she is really trustworthy. As we walked, we chatted about trivial stuff, but even though our talks were completely pointless it was fun.
    When we arrived at our classroom I found myself in a seat between a girl with long blue hair and really big breasts who was on my right and a handsome blond-haired guy on my left. Once everyone was in the classroom the handsome guy stood up and said.
“Everyone, I think it would be a good idea to introduce ourselves, I don’t recognize any of you from junior high and would love to learn your names!” He is probably gonna be popular. “My name is Hirata Yousuke, but you can call me Yousuke. I plan on joining the soccer club at this school and look forward to meeting all of you guys”
“I'll go next then!” this time it was Kushida-san talking “I’m Kushida Kikyo, it's nice to meet all of you, I like to are hang out with friends after school and my goal is to become friends with everyone in this school” Kushida-san managed to give an introduction just as flawless as Hirata-kun did. After hearing Kushida-san introduce herself I realized, I was going to have to introduce myself as well. Ok, I can do this. I'll be cute and kind sounding, popularity here I come! As I was physicing myself up my turn came in which I realized my fatal error, I have all the motivation I need, but not the words… I was so focused on my determination I skipped over the planning. With the strength of a thousand suns, I stood up, took a deep breath, looked around the room, and… panicked, “ummmm… ummmm… ummmmmmmmmmmmmm… I’m Ayanokoji Kiyoko'' after saying those words I sat down... Kiyo-nii, I'm sorry I failed you, any chance at popularity is gone, sayonara my social life.
    After I returned to the safe-haven of my seat the handsome guy to my left extended his hand with a smile as warm as a cozy blanket on a snowy day. I returned the handshake and heard his words.
“It's nice to meet you Ayanokoji-san” to which I replied
    It seems I miscalculated, though it was only a handshake, my female classmates saw any physical contact with Hirata-kun as an expression of love and friendship. The warmth of his soft smile was overpowered by the piercing glares of my female classmate… haha it seems like I will die as a result of women’s jealousy.
    I exaggerated a little, while I thought my end was near, it wasn’t the females eventually forgot about the exchange, and my peace was returned to me. About halfway through the introductions a lady, probably 30 walked in wearing a nice suit. She introduced herself as Chabashira Sae.
“Welcome to Advanced Nurturing High School” after stating her welcome she began to introduce us to the rules. After handing us our phones and student ID cards we were introduced to our allowance system. We were given 100,000 private points, each private point was worth 1 yen. This shocked everyone in the class including me and everyone in an expression of this shock and excitement exploded with noise and started chatting with their neighbor about what they planned to buy.
    There were two more parts of her speech that made me think, the words “There is nothing you can’t buy with private points” and “this school judges students based on their merit” but I decided to cast these thoughts aside for now. There is no reason for me to get involved in the matters of my class too much. After all, I just want a quiet life spent at Kiyo-nii’s side.
    After a while of going through the rules of the school, we all went to the entrence ceremony. My neighbor and I walked together in silence. I kept glancing at her not sure what to say, after a couple of glances I noticed again that her breasts are huge, I looked at all the girls in my class and other than a few exceptions all of them had big chests. I looked down at my own only to realize that I had the smallest breast in my class, maybe in the school. ‘Curse this body and these genes of mine’ my thoughts got plagued with the inevitable truth that I had to face. There is no way Kiyo-nii would lust after such an underdeveloped body.
    Whatever, this is a problem for another time, first things first I need to obtain friends in my class who I can complain to about my chest problems.
“Ummm, hello,” I said to my blue-haired neighbor
“Hi, it’s Ayanokoji-san right?”
“Yes, but please call me Kiyoko, my brother is in our year and it would be confusing if we were both Ayanokoji’s” I replied.
“Then call me Haruka, it’s nice to make your acquaintance Yoko-chan!” A nickname right off the bat? This chick is good, she will be a useful ally on my road to popularity.
    I chatted with Haruka-san while heading to the entrance ceremony. Again it was trivial conversation, but nevertheless, it was fun. I’m glad that I came to this school and managed to make friends for the first time. And I can’t wait to see what is on the path ahead of me.
    Howdy Howdy! Author here! The bro-con route seems to be the most popular right now so I’m going to go with that, though I’m going to write her Bro-con/Bi. As I have work and school my upload schedule might be a bit whacky, but I’ll try to upload at least once every three days. Thanks for reading my story and make sure you come back for the next chapter!

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