Chapter 6

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Kiyotaka POV

    In the morning Kito and I did our normal training and a sparring session, ate omelets for breakfast then met up with Nishi and went to school.

“Nishi, you went shopping with Ichinose yesterday right? How was it?” I asked

“It was like, super fun. Though she attracts a lot of attention from the boys… we were being stared at wherever we went and it was super creepy” she said

“I can understand it, Ichinose and Kushida from Class D are quickly rising to popularity” Kito added. This created a smug grin on Nishi’s face who elbowed him and teased him saying

“Somebody is developing a crush huh, you sly dog”

“Nah, I prefer quiet girls who mind their own business, basically the opposite of you,” he said while chuckling.

“Kiyotaka-sannnn, Kito is bullying me please punish him”

“He’s just stating his opinion, I don't think I can punish him for that”

    I don't think I ever said this before, but Nishi has shoulder-length black hair, white eyes, and a slender body, though her breasts are larger than average. She pouted then turned her head away walking in silence, she obviously wasn’t truly mad, she was just kidding around and the act was kind of fun.

“Oh, it’s Nishi-san!” shouted Ichinose as she ran up to us

“Hey, Ichinose-san, what’s up?” Ichinose flawlessly joined the conversation and started walking with us.

“Hey Kito-kun, I heard from Kushida-san that you are a really good cook, I’ll have to try it out sometime!”

“Huh, sure I guess,” he said as he redirected his attention to the path immediately

“Don’t worry about him he’s just awkward, neither he nor Kiyotaka-san can properly hold a conversation, that’s why they only talk to each other”

“I don’t think that’s the case, apparently Kushida-san’s friends have taken to them pretty well” she responded, debunking the theory of us being losers

“I guess so, Ichinose-san, you’re a busy gal whatcha need from us?”
“I came to ask Kiyotaka-kun to help me with something after school, do you think us two can meet up in private?” she asked, I noticed she asked kindly without pressuring me at all, I accepted the request and she ran off with a big smile.

    When we arrived I was approached by Mashima-sensei “Ayanokoji, can I talk to you after school, don't worry you’re not in trouble”

“Uhhhhmmm, I just accepted a request for help after school” I replied, nervous he would take it as disrespect

“I see, then would lunchtime work?” he asked, accommodating to my schedule

“Yes, where will we meet?”

“How about the rooftops?”

“ sounds good”

    When lunchtime came around I grabbed convenience store bread and walked to the rooftop to find Mashima-sensei there who invited me to sit next to him on the ground

“I’ll get straight to the point, I know about the White Room,” he said with sadness in his voice

“I see, and what will you do with that information” I replied with slight hostility

“Nothing, I’m just worried about your wellbeing” he took a bite out of his bento, sighed, and said

“I know about what you went through, I’m just worried about you Ayanokoji”

A COTE fanfic (Ayanokoji Twins)Where stories live. Discover now