chapter 3

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Kiyoko POV
    It was at the entrance ceremony where for the first time in my life I almost fell asleep while standing up. Though something that woke me up immediately was the presence of Horikita Manabu, his sharp gaze was enough to send shivers down my spine of grown men, let alone first-year high schoolers, he did not have to say a word in order to control the students in the auditorium. ‘What a guy’ I found myself thinking, though aside from this nothing really happened during the ceremony aside from the reminders that we will carry the weight of the future and there are high expectations of us. Not that anyone listened, though there was one girl listening intently the whole time, she wore an anxious expression while staring at the student council president, I recognize her from the bus as the one I sat next to.
    The entrance ceremony finished after a couple of hours, and we were given the rest of the day to ourselves, I immediately asked Haruka-san if she wanted to spend the rest of the day together to which she replied, “Of course! Where should we go first Yoko-chan?”
“I’ve got to meet up with my brother first, he’s in Class A and I haven’t  yet exchanged contact info with him yet”
“I see, it will be exciting to meet him!”
    We walked over to the Class A area where I found him leaving the auditorium alone. Haruka-san followed as I walked over to him, he noticed me and stood still waiting for us.
“Hello, Kiyo-nii how was your day so far?”
“So so, and who is this?”
“This is Hasebe Haruka, Haruka-san this is Ayanokoji Kiyotaka my elder brother”
“It’s nice to meet you Kiyotaka-kun”
    After we exchanged contact information, Haruka-san and Kiyo-nii also exchanged their info as well. We left Kiyo-nii after that, the first place we went to was Keyaki Mall where we stopped at was a cafe where we got coffee, chatted, and talked about the boys in our class.
“Yoko-chan do you want to know what I noticed today?”
“What?” I replied with curiosity
“Aside from hair color and gender, you and your brother are literally the same people”
“Same expression, same awkwardness, same eyes, you even breathe in synch!” (we don't)
“I never noticed that”
“Do you have any hobbies that differ?”
“No, we always did the same things”
    This was certainly a strange conversation, but I enjoyed it. I’m glad that I managed to make such a good friend.
We shopped, ate, and visited the convenience store together after we left the mall. While we were there I noticed something peculiar, in the corner a large tub of items labeled “free”. After seeing this I whispered to myself “on top of 100,000 a month they are giving out free items?”
“You noticed that too, huh?” Beside me stood the cute girl I met on the bus, her cart filled with the cheapest items.
“What do you mean,” I asked
“I mean that this school is awfully indulgent for a supposedly elitist high school”
“Well it is government-supported”
“And you think the words ‘government-supported’ are enough to explain the overspending on students?” she snapped back. She was speaking to me as if I was a lower life form.
“JUST WAIT I'M LOOKING FOR IT NOW!” my verbal beating was halted by the shouting of a red-haired scary guy.
“He is in our class right?” I asked the girl
“Yes, but I would rather not get involved in that, I have my pride,” she said while walking away
“Wait a minute, I never got your name”
“Why should I give it to you?”
“Were classmates” The cute girl sighed and said
“Very well, I'm Horikita Suzune. In exchange for my willingness to give someone like you my name I expect you to leave me alone from now on.” Wow, she is on a whole new level of difficult, but that doesn’t really matter. I already got a friend, it’s not like I’m desperate enough to hang out with her.
    As I was shit-talking Horikita-san in my mind the situation with the delinquent escalated further. From what it sounds like he forgot his student ID card and cannot pay for his food. ‘I guess I’ll help him’ I thought as I approached the counter and paid for his food.
“Thanks a bunch for your help!” said the delinquent
“No problem, by the way, what's your name?” I asked
“Sudo Ken, and yours?” it seems like he doesn’t remember my introduction, oh well it’s not like I want anyone to remember that catastrophe.
“My name is Ayanokoji Kiyoko, its nice to meet you Sudo-kun”
    After sending a smile bright enough to kill a vampire in my direction he went off to eat his noodles.
“Wow, Yoko-chan I never would have believed you could handle scary situations like that so well” though I was really excited to be praised by Haruka-san I decided to play it off.
“‘It was nothing really, I just lent him a few points”
“But sti-”
“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!” it turns out idiots can’t go 30 seconds without causing problems.
“Whatever, let’s just ignore it this time,” I said even though I fully plan on eavesdropping. The next things I heard were the words
“You are in D class aren’t you?”
“Yeah, so what!?”
“Did you hear? He’s in the D Class! It was really obvious!”
“Because you are so pitiful I’ll let you go for now”
“You running away?!”
“The dog’s barking! Anyway, you will face hell soon enough” Hell?
    Not only does he say that the people in D Class are pitiful, but he also states we will face hell soon. At this point, I have no doubts, in about one month’s time, I will learn the specifics. Until the month passes and my and classmates learn what is happening I will refrain from taking action, even after the month comes I don't know what I will do. But for now, I’ll just continue having fun with Haruka-san.
    Haruka-san and I walked back to the dorms, though our arms could barely hold our bags, in fact at the pace we were going, it would take until Christmas to arrive, of course, I was having no difficulties, but I could not say the same for my new buddy.
“Let me help carry those” Sudo-kun approached us with a smile
“Thank you!” we replied in unison as we handed him about 12 bags, both of us still carrying 4
“No problem! It’s the least I could do!  after all, I owe you Ayanokoji!” he may have temper issues, but I can tell he’s a good person at heart.
    After dropping off our items at our rooms he ran off and I went into my room waving goodbye to Haruka-san. Today was really fun, I layed down and called Kiyo-nii so I could tell him about my adventures, but he did not respond. What was he doing right now? We were never really apart before, so this whole thing was a new experience for us. My mind started to drift off, and I once again found myself at a chessboard, Kiyo-nii on the other side of it. I reached my hand out and grabbed a pawn moving it to e4, he replied with pawn e6, I pushed my pawn forward to d4, he responded with pawn d5. It was a french game, and it lasted 47 moves before I resigned. After this loss, I neither cried nor felt inadequate, I just analyzed my game to find where I went wrong, and I found nothing. No mistakes or blunders, he just played better, he brought his victory by thinking one move farther ahead than I did. As always he got up and prepared for his next opponent, but this time was different than before, he turned to me and said “fight harder next time” and walked off.
    I closed my eyes and slept, preparing for another fun day with Haruka-san tomorrow. “I'm so glad I came to this school,” I said out loud before finally succumbing to fatigue.
Kiyotaka POV
    The entrance ceremony was pretty boring, the only thing that really happened was Sakayangi slipped me a note that said nourriture (restaurant) 6:00. I can’t say I’m too excited, but it is my first time going to a restaurant, actually, this is my first time going out anywhere with any girl my age (not counting Kiyoko).
    After the ceremony, Kiyoko approached me alongside one of her classmates. Her name was Hasebe Haruka. She seems like a nice girl, once again I am feeling envy for Kiyoko. First, she gets to hang out with an angel, and now she legitimately has a friend?
    First, I went to a convenience store, bought some goods, and left. When I was leaving I ran into one of my seat neighbors named Kito.
“Hello Kito”
“Hello, Ayanokoji, you going to the dorms?” his tone of voice was rough, and he glared at me the whole time but I couldn’t sense any malice behind his words.
“Then let’s go together” our walk was silent, but it was nice having company.
“Who do you think?”
“What do you mean?”
“Who do you think will be the class’s leader?”
“I don't know, but I also don't care really.”
“I understand”
    It was a simple conversation but we learned about each other through it. I hope that this simple conversation can blossom into a friendship.
    After dropping the items off at my dorm the clock hit 5:30 and I left for Keyaki Mall. Upon arrival at the french restaurant, I spotted Sakayanagi who looked as elegant and smug as ever.
“So, what was your reason for bringing me here?”
“We will discuss that soon, but for now let us eat” I ordered a Sole meunière and Sakayanagi got Choucroute garnie.
“Now I will get down to business,” She said as she placed her napkin on her lap “lead Class A with me,” at first I was a little shocked by this proposal, but I could not say I was not planning on taking over the class. To me, this sounded good, she was very smart, aggressive, and cunning, but most of all, she had dirt on me… I was in no position to refuse.
“I accept your offer” I responded, this at first surprised her, but that surprise was soon replaced by a grin.
“I did not expect you to accept so easily”
“I have my own goals in mind after all”
“And those are?”
“I will respond only after you tell me everything you know about me, leave nothing out”
“Very well then,” she then looked at me and said “I know about the white room, your father, your sister, and your capabilities”
“Thank you for your honesty,” I replied, though I would have preferred she had not known any of this, it was unavoidable. Thankfully I managed to make her an ally before this had been leaked, but that does not mean I can afford to let my guard down, but for now, I will say my true thoughts, gain trust, and an ally.
“Now it is time for you to state your goals” For this topic, I decided to show her my true eyes which I normally kept hidden. Upon seeing this her smile grew even more.
“As she is now my sister is nothing more than a common weakling. Humans only truly see their own weakness once their strengths are defeated” After I said this Sakayanagi responded by saying
“So you will show your sister her weakness by defeating her?”
“No…” I looked her in her eyes and said “I will crush her, make her know defeat, despair, and torment.”
“So you’re doing all of this for the sake of her growth?”
“No, I'm doing this for my own sake…” after taking a deep breath I said “more than anything else in this world I want to be defeated… I want to teach my father that his favorite child, his masterpiece can be beaten by the weaker sibling. To do this she needs to become stronger than anyone else, and by Kiyoko defeating me my father is defeated in the process.”
“You want your father to fail that much, huh?”
“More than anything”
“Then I will help you”
“And what do you gain from doing so?” after hearing this her smugness and grin reached levels beyond what I had seen before and she said
Hello, The author Nate-chan again if you have any critiques or things you want to see in the future please let me know. I’ll try my best to incorporate your ideas, this is my first time writing fanfic so I will definitely need improvement, but other than that thanks for the 58 votes! have a wonderful day, and make sure to come back for the next chapter!

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