The Griever Hole.

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It was dark, pitch black to be exact. You didn't really need to worry about anything. Nothing except getting caught.

You made your way to the doors of the maze. For some reason you found yourself there before Thomas. Your peered your head inside the maze darting your eyes from the cracked ground to the ivy covered walls.

You felt a pair of hands grab your shoulders. You spun around and slapped the person on the face.

"Ow!" Thomas whispered.

You stretched your arms out in a sorry expression.

"Sorry! Maybe next time don't creep up on me!" You whispered back.

Thomas stood up and handed you a pack. Although he had handed you your pack he held another one.

"Who's that for?" You asked.

"Me" a voice spoke.

You looked over Thomas's shoulder to see Teresa walking up to the pair of you.

"Oh yeah, I thought that we should have someone else come with us considering our plan" he explained.

"I agree honestly, I was thinking about asking someone else to come with us" you admitted.

It was true. Your plan was extreme but it was your best shot. The plan was that you were going to feed a rope with a hook at the end into the grievers hole. After that you were going to follow the rope into the hole and look inside.

You needed to get an idea of what the hole looked like before you did anything.

"Well are we going?" Teresa asked.

You just turned around and started walking into the maze. Not long after you found Thomas and Teresa following at your side.

"So Teresa I didn't know that you had the same thoughts as us" you said out of the blue.

"Well me and Thomas share a lot of the same thoughts. It feels like we are connected" she shared

"I feel the same with Newt" you said back.

"Yeah rumour is that you gave him a kiss" Thomas jumped in.

Your face flushed a bright shade of red.

So far there was no sightings of any grievers. Eventually the grievers hole came into view. You ran over to the edge watching your steps carefully.

Once Thomas and Teresa reached you they swung the rope over the edge.

Thomas pulled it and it seemed as the hook on the end had been caught by something.

"Alright off you go!" He smiled.

"Can you not make jokes about this? I might fall and die here" you moaned.

You sat down on the edge of the floor dangling your feet over the edge. You grabbed the rope with two hand and swung over the edge.

You were sweating a sea. You couldn't help it, it was terrifying what you were doing.

You started carefully moving your way along the rope. It was hard but if you wanted to prove your theory right you would have to hold on.

"Don't give up now, your halfway there" Teresa encouraged.

You whipped your head around.

"I can tell" you snapped.

You were almost there but one of your hand slipped. You let out a scream, you couldn't help it. One hand, only one hand you were holding onto the rope with.

"No!" Thomas and Teresa yelled in sync.

"Get Newt" you said stonily.

Thomas just looked at Teresa but then ran back to the glade to get Newt.

"Thomas is going to get Newt ok! Hold on" she yelled.

You were frozen though. You were as still as a statue.

It took Thomas about five minutes to get Newt. It wasn't really a long time but it felt like it.

"Y/N what the bloody hell were you thinking!" Newt shouted.

"Not the time to shout Newt" Thomas pointed out.

"Alright Y/N, Lift your hand I know it might seem scary but you have to do it ok?" Newt cooed.

Slowly you raised your shaky hand up to the rope.

"That's it, now make sure your grip is good"

And with that you did. You had did it. Both of your hands now gripped the rope. You slowly started making your way over to the end of the rope.

You had made it.

You had to swing your leg up and over into the hole. After that your dropped into the hole to be met with stale air, and a red glow filling your vision.

There were coffins with a red light surrounding them. You were careful because you didn't know what was in them. The common answer would be grievers but you could never be too sure in the maze.

Meanwhile outside of the hole Newt was basically screaming at Thomas and Teresa.

"Why the bloody hell did you think this was a good idea! She could've died right there and then!"

The pair just stayed silent. They didn't have anything to say, they were too embarrassed.

You couldn't hear what was going on but you didn't care. You were focusing on a steel door with thick chains all over it and a large keypad with the alphabet on it.

This had to be it. This was everyone's way out.

You climbed up the rope and stuck your head out of the hole.

"I know our way out" you said in shock.

They're faces said it all. All of the gladers were getting out of the glade for good.

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