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-Your POV-

You saw Thomas looking at you out of the corner of your eye, it was a bit strange because you and Thomas were running through corridors but his eyes were on you, you let out a sigh.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" You questioned.

"W-what no I'm not!" He argued as he turned his head away from you.

It was silent for a while until Thomas spoke, breaking the silence.

"I just thought it was a bit strange that you knew my name" he explained.

"Well I didn't just say your name" you reminded him.

"Yeah I know.. but how did you know my name" he asked curiosity laced in his voice.

"I don't know I just, I don't know when I started panicking two names popped into my head which was" before you could finish Thomas said.

"Thomas and Teresa.." he said almost whispering.

Just as you were about to turn a corner Thomas's hand shot out and grabbed your arm. You turned back and looked at him with a worried look on your face, just before you got the chance to speak put his free hand over your mouth. Annoyed by him placing his hand over your mouth you stuck your tongue out and licked his hand. He quickly pulled his hand away from your mouth wiping it on his shirt. You couldn't hold in your laughter any longer.

"It's not funny!" He yelled.

"It is!" You managed to blurt out while laughing.

After you had calmed down you peered your head around the corner to see absolutely nothing in sight.

"There was nothing there!" You basically screamed in a joking matter.

"Well I thought there was!" Thomas screamed back.

After a while of running you felt a sharp pain in your lower back. You quickly turned around to see the terrifying creature that you saw in your head. But when you saw it you didn't really feel scared, you felt more curious.

"Run greenie!" Thomas roared.

But you didn't move, you just looked the creature. But you turned your head as you heard Thomas running away. As you turned your head back around the griever had started to charge towards you at astonishing speed, but you didn't move you were frozen to the spot but not for long as the griever had lunged towards you knocking the breath out of you as you hit the floor. You felt something plunging into your stomach. Pain erupted all over your body, it felt like someone had splashed water all over you and then electrocuted you. A gust of wind suddenly washed over you as the griever ran away. Thomas's head appeared in front of your face.

"Stay with me greenie!" He yelled as he applied pressure on the wound.

You tried your best to stay awake put a darkness spilled over you taking you into a deep sleep.

-Thomas POV-

I heard a thump as the greenie hit the floor. I immediately ran over to her to find out that she had been stung, I talked to her as I put pressure on her wound to keep her awake.

"Stay with me greenie!" I yelled to her as she had started to close her eyes but it was no use, she went unconscious. Suddenly I heard the doors opening so I quickly picked the greenie up bridal style and started to run towards the doors. She started saying a name over and over again.

"Y/N" she mumbled.

Everyone was watching as I carried the greenie back into the Glade. As soon as I had crossed the crack in the floor that separated The Maze and The Glade I placed her down on the floor.

"Help! No no I'm sorry please!" She shouted, It sounded as if she was pleading for something.

"Take the stinger out and lift her shirt!" One of the med jacks instead.

The other med Jack did as he was told and took out the stinger and lifted her shirt. Black veins had already formed around the area she was stung. I had noticed that she had woken up as soon as the med jack had took the stinger out of her stomach. Newt ran over with the serum but before he could inject the greenie with the serum she took matters into her own hands and took the needle out of Newts hand and shoved the needle in the wound, not so soon after she injected herself with the serum and quickly pulled the needle out of the wound and placed it next to her. Not long after she passed out.

-Your POV-

Just as soon as you had injections yourself with a strange blue liquid, hoping that it would take the pain away you passed out.

You were looking up at a woman that had strawberry blonde hair tied back into a bun, you also noticed her piercing green eyes. She was a lot older that you, the only reason you knew that was because there was a mirror behind the woman standing in front of you. You looked about five from what you could see. The woman placed her hands on your cheeks.

"I am doctor Ava Paige" she explained.

"Where is my mom" you questioned her with tears in your eyes.

"That doesn't matter sweetheart, now I have to be honest with you this place that you are in is an institution." Before she could continue the video that was in your head changed. You saw a girl with black hair with icy blue eyes strapped to a chair. Teresa..

"Help me! Please" she screamed. You felt horrible just looking at Teresa through a screen watching her struggle against the straps. You wanted to help her.

"Please let her go!" You pleaded. You turned your head to see Doctor Ava Paige staring at the screen.

"Quite now, she has to learn" Doctor Ava Paige said calmly.

You felt someone place a hand on your shoulder. You turned your head to the left also seeing the other hand on Thomas's shoulder.

"Now now, don't worry we're only going to scare her" someone said you soon realised it was the same person that had placed a hand on your shoulder. For some reason as soon as the man spoke you got a vile taste in your mouth. You couldn't watch this any longer, you saw a red button so you reached out and pressed it, but as soon as you did another memory appeared in your head.

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