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Frypan handed you some porridge in a silver bowl which reflected anything that faced it. The tables were full of boys, but you couldn't see Teresa.

"Teresa." you said to her in your head.

"Mhm, What is it?" She responded.

"Where are you I can't see you" you asked, clearly confused of where she could be.

"Oh right, I'm in the homestead with Chuck, Thomas, Newt and Winston" Teresa continued.

Looking over at the homestead you could see Teresa standing at one of the windows waving at you. After grabbing a spoon you hurried over to the homestead and pulled open the strange wooden board that was supposed to be the door. You immediately found yourself looking at the three boys and Teresa, they were all sitting on the floor.

"Why are you all in here?" You queried.

"Not even a hello?" Thomas said, sarcastically.

"Oh slim it Tommy" Newt retorted.

That made Chuck, you, the other boy who you assumed was Winston and Teresa laugh. Thomas just pouted like he had just gotten told of by one of his parents.

You joined them on the floor, with your bowl of porridge. You couldn't help but look at your reflection in the bowl. You had beautiful Y/H/L hair that was Y/H/C. You also had Y/E/C eyes that looked so dazzling.

"Are you going to eat that?" Chuck questioned, it looked like he has already wolfed down his breakfast.

Taking your spoon you scooped some of the porridge up and ate it.

"Mhm" you mumbled while eating the porridge. It was not to sweet but not too bland either.

"You know today you are going to get a job" the boy, Winston mentioned with a smile.

"Yeah I'm a runner obviously, and Newt works in the gardens as you have seen and Teresa is a mix because sometimes she works in the gardens and sometimes she helps with the builders" Thomas said, obviously very proud of his job.

"What about Winston?" You asked.

"I'm a slicer but Thomas doesn't like to say my job because it makes him feel sick" Winston replied.

"He's a bit of a coward when it comes to Winston job as a slicer" Newt implied, emphasising the word slicer.

After a little while of talking it was finally time to get your job. Firstly Winston took you to the slaughterhouse to see if you should to be a slicer.

When you walked into the slaughterhouse you saw a pig with its arms and legs tied up. When you walked in it let out a mercy-full shriek with pleading eyes.

"Alrighty, all you need to do is pull the rope to release the blade up there" Winston said, pointing to the rope and then the blade.

"Aw, really"

All you heard from the outside of the slaughterhouse was the sound of the blade hitting the wooden table beneath the pig. The next thing you could see from the outside of the slaughterhouse was you running out of it covered in blood, pigs blood of course.

After getting cleaned up and composing yourself you headed to the next job, a builder. You started to make your way over the Gally to start building.

"Ok ok ok Gally! What am I building?" You said excitingly.

"A chair" Gally said calmly.

"A-a-a chair?" You questioned clearly in shock.

"Yes a chair"

After building Gally a chair you did the rest of your job trials such as being a bagger, working in the gardens, being a slopper and even being a cook with Frypan. But there was something that was confusing you, Alby wasn't allowing you to try and be a runner. You racked your mind for any apparent reason why Alby wouldn't let you into the maze but nothing crossed your mind, well except from the fact that you ran into the maze when you weren't allowed.

A little while later you ran into Chuck. He was just about to sneak into the kitchen and steal food so you decided to give him a scare.

"Chuck what do you think your doing!" You shouted.

"Ahhh!" The young boy yelled.

You burst out laughing, you couldn't help it Chuck just looked like he just had a heart attack. You fell to your knees and started rolling around the floor.

"Don't do that!" Chuck screamed, pointing at you.

That just made you laugh even more.

"What are you two going on about" Frypan said from above you.

"Nothing! Nope nothing at all!" Chuck said very suspiciously.

You stood up and pointed at Chuck and yelled. "He was going to steal your food!"

"Chuck?" Frypan said, he sounded a bit like he was giving him into trouble.

"She's lying!" He retorted.

"Hmm alright then, you get up now" Frypan said gesturing to you.

Obeying, you got up and walked away still laughing. You wondered what job you would get maybe just maybe you would be a runner.

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