The Day After.

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You felt someone shake your shoulder, without meaning to you shot up and hit your head off of the table.

"What- Ow! You could've warned me that I was under a table" you moaned while rubbing your head.

But when you looked to the side you saw Minho, the boy that had stopped you from trying to go into the maze the first time. He had a blue T-shirt on with a brown holster strapped around his chest.

While putting his hands up in defence Minho yelled. "I thought you knew! Frypan told me to get you up so he can get the food ready for breakfast and so that the rest of us shanks can get fed"

"Oh alright, wait so I was right then?" You questioned.

"Um what are you talking about?" Minho asked, confusion dripping from his voice.

"This is where you eat right?" You replied, more like a question.

"Breakfast, lunch and diner" he stated.

With a grunt you climbed out from under the table. You shivered as the cold morning air hit your skin, so you bent down and grabbed your blanket and wrapped it around your shoulders.

"You look like a child" Minho implied.

"Because I am!" You exclaimed in a childish tone.

You had remembered that you had just took Thomas away from Newt the day before and left him with no explanation and for some reason you wanted to talk to him.

"Hey Minho"

"Yeah?" The boy questioned.

"Where's Newt" you asked.

"Uhm you'll probably find him in the garden over there" Minho said while pointing to the garden.

The garden wasn't to big but it wasn't too small. It had some fruits and vegetables such as carrots, onions, tomatoes, strawberries and there was also an apple tree. There was also a light brown wooden picket fence surrounding it and there was some vines wrapped around it for some decoration you assumed.

As Minho said Newt was there digging some dirt up and pulling out some weeds. You said bye to Minho and started to make your way over to Newt. Half way there one of the med jacks had joined you.

"Hey! Uhm I just wanted to apologise to you for when I pulled out that stinger" the boy said, breathing heavily since he had just ran over to you.

"Aw that's alright no need to apologise but you could do something for me?" You kindly said.

"Mhm sure! What do you want me to do" the boy agreed.

"Tell me your name"

The boy couldn't help but laugh, which also made you laugh.

"My names Jeff and don't worry I already know yours" Jeff brightly replied.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure that everyone here knows my name here" you sighed, while letting out a small chuckle after.

"Well where are you going?" Before you could reply another boy called Jeff over.

"Got to run see you!" He yelled while running away.

"Bye!" You yelled back.

Before you knew it you had reached the garden and saw Newt pulling weeds out of the freshly turned dirt. Beads of sweat covered his forehead, some occasionally sliding down his face.

Grabbing a spade you leaned against the small fence and questioned him. "Need some help?"

Trying to be cool you put one of your index fingers through the hole at the bottom of the spade and spun it around but terrible failed because it fell of your finger and fell onto the ground below you.

Laughing, Newt informed you that you don't need a spade to pull weeds.

"You know you don't need a spade to pull weeds"

"Pfft! Yeah I knew that totally..." you said confidently, trailing off at the end realising how stupid you sounded.

"In fact why are you here? Because your definitely not here to help be with the garden" Newt said more of a question than a statement.

"Uhm right! Well I just wanted to see if you were alright after what happened yesterday you know.." you said, trailing off at the end again.

"Oh right I don't know what happened you know.." Newt said, you could tell that he was being dismissive about the subject even uncomfortable.

You didn't want to pressure him to talk about it so you changed the subject.

"You know I made amends with Gally" you mentioned, casually.

His head snapped around as quick as a bullet out of a gun. His mouth was agape with shock.

"What!" He yelled.

"Wow! Jeez no need to yell!" You yelled back in response.

"Sorry! Its just, I mean wow you made amends?" He said, still in shock.

You couldn't help but roll your eyes. You didn't understand why he was so surprised.

"No Newt we gave each other a big soggy kiss" you casually said, being sarcastic.

"Wha- you what!" He said, his eyes widening even more if it was even possible.

"You boys are really stupid you know, I was being sarcastic" you said moodily.

Just before he could put another word in Frypan yelled for all of the boys, including Teresa and you to come and get breakfast.

"Alright gladers! Come on" he roared at the top of his lungs.

For the first time you realised how hungry you actually were. Without hesitating you bolted over to the tables to get breakfast.

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