Special Day.

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The next morning at sunrise you met Mihno at the Homestead.

Minho's buff figure came into view. He had a strange scowl on his face which from what you've seen, he never wore.

"What you scowling at, huh?" You asked, obviously very excited to go into the maze.

He mumbled something but you couldn't hear what he had said.

Strange. You thought.

"Right Minho here your- pack,"

"It wasn't me!" Minho said putting his hands up in defence.

In front of you was Newt and the look on his face was priceless when he saw you.

"What are you doing here?" He asked very urgently.

You were lost for words, you didn't know what to say. Nothing came to mind instead you just started laughing. Laughs erupted from your throat and soon enough you were rolling around the grass.

Minho kicked your stomach which caused you to double over on the floor.

"Maybe you could've just said stop laughing eh?" Newt said elbowing Minho in the shoulder.

"Yeah! Your a real douche!" You grumbled in pain.

You eventually stood up holding your stomach, feeling a bruise forming.

"Aw come on! I feel a bruise forming on my stomach thanks Minho," you said angrily.

"So what are you doing here anyways?" Newt asked suspiciously.

"Well I'm uh- uh taking a morning stroll"

Before you could say anything else Minho jumped in.

"I'm taking her into the Maze"

The exact moment after Minho had said that he pulled out a pack for you from behind his back and ran.

"Come on! You coming or not?" He shouted.

You have Newt a sympathetic look and ran after Minho towards the doors. The only thing was that Newt wasn't to far behind.

Minho had ran into the Maze and turned around when he noticed that you weren't behind him. When he turned around he saw you looking between the crack in the ground and Newts face full of worry.

He let out a stiff chuckle.

"Come on, your not actually thinking about going in the again are you?" He said, concern evident in his voice.

"I'm sorry," you said as you turned away and crossed the crack.

The only thing that he didn't expect you to do is what you did next.

You turned around and placed a small kiss on his cheek. After that you quickly turned around to afraid to see his face.

A little while later you found yourself walking next to Minho.

"So, what was that all about?" Minho asked, being cautious of his words.

"What was what?" You shot back not missing a beat.

"You know what, you know the smooch you gave Newt," he said, letting out a strong laugh after.

"Oh shut up, and plus it wasn't a smooch it was a peck on the cheek," you said laughing after as well.

"Well it could've been a smooch!" Minho exclaimed.

After he said that you both erupted with laughter.

A dead end came into view, nothing lying beyond it. As soon at you spotted it you ran as fast as you could over to it.

"Hey what's this!" You shouted while running.

"Oh that, that's the cliff" Minho explained.

"The what, what?"

"The cliff, I'm telling you your turning into a slint head like Thomas" he said, sassily.

You poked your head over the edge and saw black nothingness standing before you. Although the sky looking straight ahead was blue the empty ness beneath was as dark as the night sky.

"Watch it!" Minho yelled, panic in his voice.

You spun around as quick as you could fear carved into you face.

"What! What is it?" You asked urgently.

"Nothing, it's just making my anxiety go up watching you standing over the edge there," he said, very calmly for the matter in hand.

"Really! Anyways how come I wasn't told about this?" You questioned generally confused of why you hadn't been told about this place.

"Well it didn't really seem a necessity so you weren't told," he mentioned too smugly for your liking.

You just made a very offended face and turned back around to look into the nothingness, very mesmerised. Just as you were looking around you was the faint out line of a small square.

"What's that?" You asked.

"Oh thats the grievers hole," Minho stated.

"Oh ok," you said nonchalantly, barely above a whisper.

"You know Thomas thinks that we could get out going through their way in" Minho said, obviously thinking that it was a stupid idea.

You picked up a small stone by your feet being careful not to lose sight of the little square.

After picking up the stone you reeled back your arm and threw the stone, trying to hit the square. After you trying twenty times and Minho trying nineteen times he got it in the hole.

You made a mental note. The hole was about seven meters away from the edge of the cliff, it was quite a far jump but it would be worth it.

Knowing that Thomas and you thought that all of the so called Gladers could get out through the hole, you made plans in you head to come back to the cliff tomorrow with Thomas and start testing.

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