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You must've cried for at least half hour so soon enough you felt tired. If you were being honest you probably could have cried for longer but you didn't want to be a burden so you eventually told Thomas that you were going to bed. The thing is there isn't any beds in the glade so you basically pick a spot any except in The Maze and settle down with a blanket and fall asleep. Although there was a place called the homestead but no one slept in it.

After grabbing a blanket and finding a spot you finally attempted to fall asleep but of course you didn't succeed. For some reason you found yourself thinking about Gally, and the more you thought about him the more you felt sorry for him. The poor guy believes that The Glade is our home and that we will all be safe here but something tells you that something terrible is going to happen.

Sighing in defeat you got up from the little spot that you had picked, at the outskirts of the woods and went on a search for Gally. Even though he was extremely rude too you and made it out that everything was your fault you wanted to talk to him maybe even apologise. Yes, he was wrong to accuse you but he doesn't really know right from wrong and by the sounds of it these boys, including Teresa have made a very strong bond with each other and rely on each another to take care of them through the good and the bad.

After a while of looking you found him under one of the few tables that were on a huge slab on stone. You had assumed that this is where they all ate their meals. The thing is he wasn't alone, he was with a boy with tanned skin and closed cropped hair just like Alby's although he looked older than Alby.

"I don't know man I just I just don't know about her I mean she violated the rules that we have here you know? I mean we've been doing this for just about three years and it all changes now" you heard Gally explain, obviously flustered.

"Well I think she's scared. She's probably terrified in fact like look at it this way, your a girl called I don't know what should we call you?" The boy kindly suggested.

Gally couldn't help but laugh, which made you smile a bit. Gally might look like he's tough but really he's just a nice guy underneath the tough exterior.

"Maybe galissa?" You called out causing the two boys to look at you.

"Wait! don't leave or anything yet I want to apologise to you Gally" you exclaimed, a successful attempt to make him stop trying to get out from under the table.

"Wait really?" The other boy questioned.

Just before you answered you joined them underneath the table.

"Yeah, look I wanted to say sorry because I understand that I broke your rules that you have here and that I argued with you when you were correcting me on my mistakes. It was just that I was scared when I first came out of that strange metal box and curious I might add so I just thought that maybe I could get some sense of where I am" you admitted. You didn't dare tell him about the memories not just yet because you were afraid that he might tell everyone else and you'll get put in the slammer again.

"I-I get that and I'm sorry too, it's just that I'm so used to living by these rules for as long as I can remember and I just didn't know how to handle that someone was breaking them like Thomas" Gally stuttered.

"Yeah I will admit myself I didn't really know how to handle you breaking the rules either" the other boy agreed.

"We'll see that's why I wanted to apologise, do you accept my apology?" You muttered.

"Yes of course Y/N" Gally replied.

"Alright then come on give each other a hug" the other boy suggested, more like a command.

After letting out a small laugh you gave in and gave Gally a big teddy bear hug. He seemed to melt into your embrace, which made a warm hearted smile tug at your lips.

"Thank you" you mumbled into Gally's chest.

"Alright then I better introduce myself to you hi I'm Frypan" Frypan mentioned to you after you stopped hugging Gally.

"Well hello Frypan I'm- wait you probably know my name already" you replied.

"Yeah he sure does, your kinda famous around here you know" Gally stated.

Frypan held out one of his hands for you to shake. Gally let out a deep chuckle, which made you all start to laugh. You shook his hand and noticed that he had quite a strong grip.

"Is it alright if I settle down here with you guys?" You questioned.

"Sure why not?" Frypan said in a very childish tone.

You had brung your blanket with you so you just wrapped it around you and fell asleep with your two new friends and now for the first time since you've been here in this strange place you felt safe.

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