Run Away.

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"You still haven't answered my question" you stated in a angry tone.

"Oh yeah sorry greenie, there's a lot of things on my mind right now" Newt replied.

"Like what?" You questioned.

"Well I mean for starters your a girl, I don't mean it's bad being a girl or anything but your the second girl we've had here and we never get girls up in the box" Newt explained.

So that's what I came up in, the box. You thought.

All of the boys that were around you had left so it was only you and Newt. It seemed that everyone had jobs in this test. Test? why did that word pop in your head for all you knew this place could be a jail. Newt snapped you out from your thoughts by clapping his hands in front of your face.

"Huh?" You questioned.

"I thought you asked me what I was thinking about but now I'm curious to know what your thinking about" Newt explained with a curious look on his face.

"It doesn't matter, so what else is on your mind?" You almost muttered.

"Well I was also thinking about you bolting over to the doors of the maze" Newt replied.

The maze? so that's what the opening in the walls led to. You thought.

"Well I suppose I just wanted to see what's in there" You explained.

"Trust me greenie you don't wanna know what's out there" Newt said.

"And why is that?" You said while sitting back down.

Before Newt started talking again he sat down next to you and pointed to the opening in the wall.

"There are beasts out there, well grievers" He mentioned almost whispering he last part.

"Grievers?" You questioned. The name of the so called beasts sent shivers down your spine. An image suddenly popped into your head, it was a hideous creature with skin that looked like it had been melted, its body shape was almost the same as a gorillas but it had metal spikes sticking out of its back. It also had mechanical arms with different blades and saws perched on the end. You also noticed that it didn't have any eyes. Although it didn't have any eyes it had a mouth, the hideous creature actually looked like it was smiling.

Newt must've noticed that you were looking off into space again. Just as you finished studying the image it suddenly vanished, meaning that you had snapped back into reality.

"You look like you've just seen a ghost" Newt stated with a face full of concern.

"When do the walls close?" You asked with urgency laced in your voice.

"How do you know they close?" You had cut him off before he could continue.

"When do the doors close!" You practically yelled.

Newt checked a watch that he had on his right wrist.

"About a minute why?" He protested.

You quickly sprung up onto your feet and started racing towards the opening. Before you knew it the walls started to close in on you, you could feel the adrenaline running through your veins. Just as you thought you were going to be crushed you had made it through the walls, you turned around to find all of the boy's looking at you but your gaze met Thomas's, all of a sudden he started racing through the closing walls. The next thing you knew Thomas had just made it to the other end of the stone walls in time but had landed on top of you in the process.

"How lovely is this?" You joked.

Thomas let out a small chuckle "I like your attitude but we're stuck out here with the greivers tonight" he mentioned.

"Good, because I want to find one" you said with a grin plastered on your face. You motioned for Thomas to get off of you. His face turned red as he got off of you.

"Well then we should start looking" he said as he stood up brushing the dust off his hands onto his trousers.

"Alright then Thomas lets get running" you said with a grin still on your face.

-Newts POV-

The greenie suddenly stood up and bolted towards the door. I was so shocked at her sudden movement that I froze for a minute but was took out of my trance as I saw Minho running to the closing doors. I sprung up managing to catch up with Minho but stopped at the doors watching the greenie sprint through the closing gap. I saw that Thomas had looked directly into my eyes with a look that was begging for permission to chase after her.

"Thomas don't you dare" I almost yelled. But of course Thomas being Thomas he ran in after her, I tried to reach out and grab his arm but missed him by centimetres.

"Holy shit Thomas!" I heard one boy yell.

"No way they're going to come back!" Another boy yelled.

"I know her.." I heard Teresa mumble under her breath.

Before we knew what had happened the doors abruptly closed.

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