The Walls.

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As you woke up you felt a pain in your lower back. The same pain you got when you saw the griever. You slowly reached your hand out to touch your back but quickly pulled your hand away as you winced in pain, there seemed to be something sticking out of your back. You tried to touch the wound again but this time you were more careful. You grabbed the thing sticking out of your back, but before you pulled it out you took in a shaky breath. When you breathed out you pulled the little thing out of your back. You couldn't help but let out a high pitched scream but quickly covered you mouth with your hand and listened to see if anyone had heard you, you waited about 20 seconds before letting out a sigh of relief because no one had heard you.

As you took a look at the little thing that you took out of your back a memory suddenly washed over your mind.

It was Ava Paige, she was standing with the thing that you had just took out of your back. It was a little blade the shape of a diamond with no handle, it was silver with a little red ruby stone in the middle.

"Now you see this Y/N? This is a blade that can do many things" Doctor Ava Paige explained.

"Like what?" You questioned.

"Well let's just imagine that you were stuck in ropes and they were cutting of your circulation now this little blade here can cut through almost anything, so you would take this and cut the ropes right?" Ava Paige asked.

You just nodded.

"Now see that's where your wrong, the person that put you in the ropes would easily see that you cut the ropes as soon as they walked over to you"

"What would you do then?" You said. You were speaking in a very mature tone.

"Well you would get the blade and wait for the man to check on you, now how would this man know that you had this little blade in your hand if you were still tied up. See that's where most people mess up because you could easily spin around and cut the mans throat with this little thing and he wouldn't know what happened until he hit the floor" Ava Paige said calmly.

"But that's sick! You can't do that to a man it would kill him" you protested.

"Well it's either that or he kills you first" Ava replied.

You knew she was right so you just stayed quiet. Before she could speak again the memory washed away.

You looked down at the blade in your hand and it was the same as the one that Doctor Ava Paige had shown you. Quickly, you jumped to your feet and cut the vines that were keeping you from getting out of the hole in the ground. Just before you climbed out of the hole you cut of a piece of your shirt and tied it tightly around your wound. You couldn't just go to the the so called med hut and tend to your wound because someone might catch you.

It couldn't have even been 2 am guessing by the sky but you couldn't be so sure because the doors were open and you had heard from a group of boys that the "runners" go out into the maze when the doors open. You quickly ran up to the maze doors but paused before you went in.

Is this a good idea? You thought to yourself.

Before you could convince yourself out of entering the so called maze you heard a rumble that shook the floor beneath you. Scared that one of the boys would wake up and find you, you ran into the maze. As you were running you had to be extremely careful because the walls were moving, changing. It was really mesmerising to watch because the stone walls were massive.

You quickly snapped yourself out of your thoughts because you heard a terrible shrieking noise behind you. For some reason you already knew that it was a griever but suddenly the corridor in front of you started to close. You just stood their, frozen. You were getting annoyed with yourself you were going to die if you didn't move because sooner or later the griever was probably going to kill you so that only left you with one option.

"Hey big boy come and get me! Your not scary at all are you!?" You roared.

At that moment the griever started coming towards you. You spun around and started charging through the the closing gap. You took a short glance behind you and saw that the griever was too close to you, so close that one of its blades cut the back of you neck. You felt the blood tricking down your neck the griever had obvious intentions, to kill you.

It was bouncing around the walls carelessly. The walls were just about to crush you but just in time as you fell onto your back at the other side of the wall. Unfortunately for the griever it had gotten crushed by the wall, you felt your eye lids get heavy but you didn't fight the sleep that wanted to wash over you. And just like that you fell asleep like the waves hugging the shore on a beach.

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