= Chapter 3 =

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"I told you, Vivid. She's no good!" Aspen scoffed, meeting up with her sixth year friend after the seventh Defense Against the Dark Arts class she'd had this week.

"Okay... okay. Maybe I was a little too optimistic." Vivid shrugged as Lillian jogged to catch up with them, laughing a bit.

"Aspen - you won't believe this - Draco and Ember are... together!" Lillian burst into a fit of laughter as Aspen barely contained her own.

"What! That's... that's... wait why?" Aspen giggled, then her face became serious.

"I have no idea. Millicent told me she saw them kissing in the common room last night." Lillian giggled as Vivid joined in on the laughter.

Aspen smiled, hiding only an ounce of hurt in her heart. She was over him now - she knew he hated her, right? Yeah, but then why did she feel jealous?

"I'm... going to go to the bathroom. Meet you for lunch?" Aspen said, finally looking up from her feet.

"Sure." Vivid shrugged, though Lillian added, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine... just need to go to the bathroom." Aspen smiled cheerily as her friends shook their heads and walked off.

Aspen walked quickly to the bathroom, her robes blowing in the wind behind her. Just then, she crashed into something - no - someone.

"Ugh! Watch where you're going, blood traitor!" The familiar voice of Draco came from above her.

"I - Sorry... I guess." Aspen mumbled, stumbling up and looking at her feet.

"You guess?" He sounded angry.

All Aspen could see were the tips of his black dress shoes; her head was tilted down and all she could see was the floor that was littered with dust, Draco's shoes, and her own.

"What does it matter to you? I said sorry - now can I go-" Aspen sighed, walking past him and slamming her shoulder into his own.

"Not so fast..." He smirked, jogging to catch up with her and grabbing her arm tightly. "Who's jacket is that?"

Draco nodded to Fred's jacket that Aspen had worn for the day because of the cold wind. She looked at him in a confused, yet annoyed manner.

"Are you bipolar? First you get angry because I accidentally bumped into you, and now you're jealous because I'm wearing a jacket!" Aspen snapped, jerking her arm away from him, but staying to face him.

"I asked you... a question." Draco snarled intensely, stepping forward so Aspen was forced to look up at him, then smirking at her submission.

"Fr-Fred's..." Aspen's voice trailed off as Draco scoffed, backing up.

"Make's sense - one blood traitor with another." He said cruelly. "But never have I ever thought it would be a Weaselbee."

"Keep your opinions to yourself then." Aspen said feistily.

"I'll say what I want, when I want." Draco snarled, looking down at her and rolled his eyes.

"Never said you couldn't."

His eyes squinted angrily, glaring at her in a deathly manner. He raised an eyebrow and drew nearer once again.

"How dare you talk to me like that." He snarled, brows furrowed and nose crinkled.

"And how dare you treat me like that." She spat back.

"Oh you'll pay for that-"

"Draaaaaacooooo!" Ember shouted from down the hallway, beckoning him to her.

Youngblood: Retrieval {Year 5, Book 3}Where stories live. Discover now