= Chapter 7 =

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"Things at Hogwarts are much worse than I expected... The Minister will want to know of this immediately." Were the last words before freedom was restricted.

Umbridge had made at least twenty-something rules by now and they were all unnecessary. Aspen shook her head and sighed as Filch hung up yet another poster with more rules written in bold letters on it.

'All Weasley products will be banned.' It read, and was hung next to the 'Quidditch is banned' poster.

"This is getting more and more ridiculous by the minute!" Aspen exclaimed, causing a multitude of students to look over at her.

A few of them rolled their eyes while others subtly nodded in agreement.

"This is getting out of hand." Lillian whispered under her breath, only loud enough for Vivid and Aspen to hear.

"Agreed." Aspen and Vivid mumbled in unison, glancing at each other afterwards.


The day went rather smoothly... until Aspen's father's owl, Estrella, arrived at her window sill with unexpected news.

My dear Aspen,

I'm very sorry to inform you that Grandmother Ava passed away at 6:48 am on October 5th, 1995.

Love, Father.

Aspen sighed upon reading the news, taking the note and crumpling it into her pocket. She still had two classes left before she could actually think about it... but for now - it would be forgotten.

"Everything alright?" Lillian asked, moving to sit next to Aspen.

"Yeah... Merlin's beard! Look at the time! We've got to get to class, c'mon Lilli!" Aspen shouted, racing out the door as she dragged Lillian all the way to the transfiguration classroom.

"Well I can name two girls who arrived... late." Professor McGonagall gave Lillian and Aspen a stern look as they sat in the front - the only spots left.

"Sorry Professor." They bother mumbled in unison.

"Very well... now, can anyone tell me what the incantation is to turn animals into water goblets?" She asked, pacing around the room.

Mystic picked at his feathers in a bored manner, not stopping however much Aspen tried to swat him away from it. Lillian raised her hand,, followed by Aspen and then Ember.

"Miss Hale... would you like to give it a guess?" Professor McGonagall asked. 

"Uhh... what? uhm...Fera Verto?" She guessed, regretting raising her hand.

She hadn't really been paying any attention since all her thoughts either lied with her grandmother's passing, Umbridge's stupidity, or Draco's bipolar-ness. Ever since he had saved her from the bludger, he'd remained treating her like he always had - you know, the usual mocking, scorn, ridicule and all that fun stuff. It was either that or he ignored her - even her feeble attempts to start a conversation or even say 'hello' when passing in the hall - it was sort of a lost cause.

"I'm sorry, Miss Hale, but that is incorrect. Anyone else? McClain?" Professor McGonagall pursed her lips together in a thin line, sighing and shaking her head.

"The incantation is Vera Verto." Ember said triumphantly as Aspen rolled her eyes.

"Very good." McGonagall smiled as Aspen laid her head down on her desk, but immediately starts up when she noticed a small paper swan flying in the corner of her eye.

She caught it and quickly shoved it under the table, opening it slowly and holding on to that small ounce of hope that this note - which was obviously from Draco - was his apology for treating her the way he did... no such luck.

'Don't screw up my owl!' It read and she scowled, looking up at Draco, who gave her a deathly glare followed by a snarl.

Aspen rolled her eyes and began to pet Mystic, sliding her fingers through his silky, white feathers. It had been weeks now since the quidditch game and everything hadn't gone her way since. Ember still treated her like trash - along with Draco - and Umbridge's strict rules were excruciatingly violating her freedom and... ugh!

Aspen flopped her face into her arms, shaking her head miserably. Mystic began to nibble at her hair, only to earn a friendly swat to tell him to knock-it-off.

"Alright, now everyone give it a go." Professor McGonagall said as Aspen took out her wand from her book bag and aimed it at Mystic.

"Uhhhh... perhaps I should do it first. You don't look 100%, no offense." Lillian suggested as Aspen nodded and put down her wand, placing her head on top of her arms while facing Lillian.

"1, 2, 3... Vera Verto." Lillian said, transforming Thistle, her mint colored pygmy puff, into a lovely, elegant water goblet.

"Alright then... good job." Aspen sighed, picking up her wand. "Vera Verto."

She luckily said it right, transforming her beautiful snowy owl into a clear glass with feather designs surrounding the base. She smiled weakly, countering the transfiguration so she could have her lovely owl back to his normal state again.


"Aspen... are you sure you're alright?" Dove nagged for the three hundredth, fifty seventh time in the hour.

"I will be once you stop talking my ear off." Aspen snapped, annoyance overpowering her senses.

Dove scoffed and shook her head before jogging away, followed by Mya and Eleara. Aspen walked all the way down to the clocktower before she slouched down, taking the note her father had sent her and re-reading it too many times to count.

"Why...?" She sighed, crumpling the piece of paper in her hand angrily.

She buried her face in her knees and closed her eyes, tears slowly draining from her eyes. Grandmother Ava had played a huge part in her life - being the female figure in her life after her mother had died. Scoffing could be heard beside her as she turned her head only to find a bleached blonde boy slouched against the same wall beside her.

"What's the matter with you?" He demanded, looking at her up and down.

To his surprise, she began to laugh. Draco's face twisted into confusion as she shook her head.

"I'm really struggling to understand you here..." She laughed.

"What do you mean?" He said, his voice equally demanding as the first time he spoke.

"First you save me during a quidditch session, then you ask in another one of your not-so-friendly tones what is wrong with me?"

He sat there, unable to speak and blinking rapidly. She smirked over at him as he scoffed and looked away.

"Well are you going to tell me what's fussing with your pea-sized brain today?" He asked, turning towards her.

"Maybe I am... maybe I'm not." She shrugged as he snarled, obviously aggravated.

"Well thank you for waisting my time then you filthy blood-traitor." He spat, rising to his feet.

"Wait..." She said as she hurriedly got up and sprinted over to him, grabbing him arm to stop him.

He flung her to the ground, looking disgusted that he touched her and wiped his robes where she touched him.

"Don't ever speak to me, look at me, or touch me ever again."

Youngblood: Retrieval {Year 5, Book 3}Where stories live. Discover now