= Chapter 14 =

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"I'm so happy for you! Staying at the Weasleys' will be great!" Vivid exclaimed as she helped Aspen pack for Christmas break.

At that exact moment, Lillian walked into the damp room, a disappointed expression on her face. Vivid and Aspen looked up from their conversation to face the sulking girl.

"Is everything alright Lilli?" Aspen asked as Lillian looked up from her bed in which she had just flopped on.

"I thought I was coming with you for Christmas, but you'd decided to run off with your new boyfriend-" She started to complain.

"He's not my boyfriend!" Aspen said in disgust, regretting her words a moment after but not showing the emotion for even a split-second.

"Uh oh!" Ember cut in, smirking from leaning up against the wall. "Looks like there's trouble in dreamland!"

Lillian and Aspen glared at her deathly as Vivid continued to pack. Ember raised her hands in surrender, laughing lightly.

"Don't worry, I'm only here to grab a few things." She snatched a few clothes from hangers and left without another word.

"Okay... But did you forget the part where you agreed to these plans?" Lillian asked, now sitting up to face Aspen, who moved to sit with her.

Aspen gave the most innocent face. "I may have..."

Lillian sighed sadly as Aspen looked over at her, an idea popping into her head.

"But, you know, I could ask Fred if his family can take one more guest." She laughed as Lillian attacked her with a hug.

"You would really do that for me?" Lillian smiled brightly as she said so.

"Aw! How cute is that!" Ember said, smirking from the same corner she was in minutes ago.

Aspen took the nearest throw pillow from Lillian's bed and chucking it at Ember. Ember yelped as the pillow collided with her face and she scrambled out of the dorm.


"What's the offspring of a footsneade sapling and a geostationary rock-dwelling bush?" Neville quizzed Dove as she lazily dozed off, staring at the floating candles around the Great Hall ceiling.

"What was that?" She asked, not quite hearing him the first time.

"I said-"

"Oh look! Fred! Just the person I wanted to talk to! Sorry Neville, maybe we could do this another time." Dove said, taking off with a smirk towards Fred.

"Hey Dove, what's up?" Fred asked, sitting down at the far end of the Gryffindor table.

"I- just wanted to ask you something."


"Hey Dove, I need you to ask Fred something. Just because you two are close and all..." Aspen said the previous night in the library after she had finished her continuous search for a cure for Draco.

"Okay... what is it?" Dove responded, looking up from the Herbology book she was reading.

"Well, I'm just suspecting that he might have-" She was interrupted by Dove's sudden gasp of excitement before she was interrupted.

"A crush on you? Yeah, it's obvious, but I can ask him."

"Thanks Dove, you're awesome!"


"What's up?"

"What should I tell him if he asks if you like him back?" Dove asks, curious to know more about her friends feelings.

"I..." Aspen's voice trailed off, her mind going crazy as she remembered the perfect times with Draco. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that."

Then she turned on her heels and walked out of the library, her Slytherin robes flowing behind her.


"So you think I have a crush on Aspen?" He asked, chuckling loudly as he drank the goblet of pumpkin juice in front of her.

Dove blushed in embarrassment with his reaction. "That sounds more stupid out loud than it did in my head."

Fred looked down at the wooden details of the table, an obvious blush crawling up his cheeks. He bit his lip nervously before answering.

"Well... I mean... I guess so; she's really pretty and kind. But why are you asking, did she put you up to this? Does she like me back?" He down at her as Dove's expression turned terrified.

"I - uh... No, I just asked this because it's obvious that you like her - you know - uhh Fraspen - yeah... word gets around." She stammered nervously, not sure on what to say.

"But does she like me... back-" He asked, looking over at Dove, only to find an empty seat, as Dove had disappeared.


"Alright... I guess since Mr. Potter decides he's taking a nap, we're done for the day." Snape said in his regular monotone voice, waking an embarrassed Harry from his rest.

 The class of fifth year students exited the room, chatting with their friends. A cold grasp wrapped around Aspen's wrist, pulling her away from Lillian and Ember. Aspen whipped her head around to find two familiar, piercing grey eyes baring into hers.

"Draco..." She gasped, attempting to struggle out of his grip.

"Draco! What the heck? Let her go!" Ember stood next to Aspen, facing Draco down.

Lillian also came up beside her friend, an angry, yet pity-filled look on her face. "Malfoy, you're hurting her, let her go."

Draco's eyes moved to Lillian's, gazing into her blue ones thoughtfully. Then his gaze returned to Aspen as she caught the look of desperation and pleading in his emotions. His hand slithered down to her's, giving it a tight squeeze before sprinting off to join Pansy.


"You ready?" Fred asked, offering Aspen his arm, only to look down at her hand and spot a huge bruise wrapped around her wrist. "What happened to you?"

"Oh uhm... I was uhhh... reaching for a book in the library and it fell on my hand." Aspen fibbed, rubbing the irritated bruise on her arm as Fred shrugged his shoulders.

Seconds later, Lillian came racing out of the castle doors, carrying a large suitcase. Fred and Aspen smiled over at her.

"Aaaaaand onward we go!" Fred said, spotting the rest of his family. "Race you guys there!"

Fred took off, Lillian and Aspen smirking at each other before taking off as well towards the Hogwarts Express.

Youngblood: Retrieval {Year 5, Book 3}Where stories live. Discover now