= Chapter 27 =

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*One month later*

Lillian slumped in the library, caught up in a magical history book as she studied for a quiz. Ember's face was buried in her arms, most likely sleeping as Aspen kept eyeing the clock cautiously, biting her lip and barely gazing at the textbook. It was May 19th, Lillian's birthday.

"Hey Lillian, I'm going to get something to eat from the Great Hall. I'll be right back, okay?" Aspen said, checking her watch before standing up.

"Wait! What!? Don't leave me with her!" Lillian whispered, nodding over to a sleeping Ember.

"Fine." Aspen rolled her eyes before roughly flicking Ember on the top of her head, waking her. 

She grumbled, glaring angrily at Aspen before nodding, understanding the situation and following her out of the library, leaving poor Lillian all alone.


"Yeah... right there - no, over a little to the left, hm... up?" Aspen directed the banner that wrote 'Happy Birthday Lillian' on it. "Yesss! Perfect!"

All of a sudden, arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her gently backwards. Aspen smirked, turning around in the arms of Draco.

"Hello darling, quite a party you're setting up." He purred, bringing his arms down to his sides.

"Tell me about it. I've been planning for Lillian's party all week." Aspen sighed, leaning her head against his shoulder exhaustingly. 

He chuckled, pecking the top of her head before she shifted, looking back at the decorated Great Hall. She truly had worked all week to ensure Lillian's first birthday without Cedric would be the best she's had in a while.

"Well I think it looks stunning." He complemented, chuckling at the sight of everyone Lillian knew pitching in to help decorate.

"Thank you, Malfoy. But I think it's missing one last thing - or person." Aspen giggled giddily before skipping off back towards the library.

"Lillian! Can I talk to you privately? I want to show you something in the Great Hall." Aspen whispered, dragging Lillian away from her studies.

"Sure, what's up?" Lillian asked, but before she could even yelp, Aspen had taken her by the hand and dragged her all the way towards the Great Hall.

"You ready?" Aspen bit her lip, smirking.

"Ready for what?" Lillian replied, gasping as Aspen opened the Great Hall doors, revealing a massive group of people and one decked-out Great Hall.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LILLIAN!" Everyone exclaimed as she smiled, racing for one big group hug.

Aspen sighed, watching Lillian have tons of fun as the party started, mingling with everyone rather than sit at a table all alone. Lillian seemed to enjoy the catering, the delicious food and punch Aspen had helped the house elves make in the kitchen.

"It feels weird, doesn't it?" Lillian asked, slumping down at the table beside Aspen, causing her to startle.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" Aspen asked, shaking her head.

"It feels weird - without him - without Cedric." She repeated as Aspen's heart sunk.

"What are you talking about? Of course he's here, riiiiiiiiiiight - there." Aspen pointed to Lillian's chest, right where her heart would be.

Lillian's frown brightened into a smile as she reached out to hug her friend.

"So I guess that means you're enjoying your party? It took me weeks to plan, you know. I go through tons of effort for you." Aspen laughed jokingly.

"It's the best party EVER!" Lillian said, continuing to hug Aspen. "Thank you so much!"

"It was my pleasure, Lilli." She sighed happily.

"But switching to a more sad topic. Summer is coming up... and I asked my parents if you could stay with me..." Lillian's face seemed to sag. "They said that they wouldn't allow you to stay... because of your father being a Death Eater and all. I honestly think they're scared of you with all your potential Death Eater-ness. I'm so sorry."

Aspen nodded. "It's alright, I'll find somewhere to stay... But this is your day, let's get back to partying!"


"With the school year coming an end, I should most certainly announce my return to headmaster, which some of you have already known, and the removal of Professor Umbridge." Dumbledore chuckled as the vast crowd of students exploded into cheers. "But I will also announce that the Summer Solstice formal is approaching. Everyone third year and above is obliged to attend if desired. And with that, enjoy your meal!"

The scrumptious food appeared on the table out of thin air as everyone around Aspen began to dig in, chatting and eating happily. But she couldn't even look at the chicken thighs without feeling as if she was going to throw up. She had no where to stay; none of her friends or anyone in she school would take her for summer. Her father was the only family member left that she knew of. Lillian's family wouldn't take her, Dove's family wouldn't take her, and even Raya's family wouldn't take her even though she was like 95% sure they were Death Eaters as well. Aspen didn't even bother asking Draco either, knowing that he was going through similar Death Eater issues with his own father.

"Miss Hale, may I speak to you?" An oddly familiar voice behind Aspen spoke, causing her to lose her trail of thought.

"Professor McGonagall, can I help you?" Aspen coughed awkwardly as McGonagall smiled extraordinarily brightly and grasped her arm lightly, leading her out into the hallway.

"I didn't want to tell you beforehand, because I wasn't sure if I could even get the rights, but I sent this to your father in..." She paused for a while before picking up her sentence where she left off. "It came back signed, which means that you can come home... with me... for the summer. If you'd like, that is."

Aspen was ready to tackle the teacher right then and there, but decided to just let out an astonished smile and nod rapidly. "Yes! I would love that. Thank you so much! But... can I ask you one question?"

"Ask away."

"Why me? I mean - I'm not even in your house. And why don't you just take Harry? He's in your house and, from what I know, the muggles in the house he stays at now are madly abusive!" Aspe gasped for a breath after saying all that in one strain.

McGonagall looked her in the eyes and only said three important words. "In due time, Miss Hale, in due time."

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