= Chapter 28 =

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Aspen could hear Draco gulp beside her, obviously nervous. She smiled, wrapping her arms around his waist and hugging him tightly. He looked down at her, hugging back.

"You've got this; stop worrying, Dray!" She said, motivation dripping from her words.

"Thanks, love." He spoke, a certain fear in the tone of his voice as he gripped his broomstick better, his palms sweaty. "But my mother's going to be watching, what would she think of me if I screwed up again?"

"You won't. Just give it your best. I believe in you. And besides, your mother believes in you too, remember that." She pecked him on the cheek, earning a small blush from Draco.

"Oh give it a rest, love bugs!" Marcus Flint, the quidditch captain exclaimed from beside Draco.

Aspen scowled jokingly, punching him roughly in the shoulder. Lillian called the Slytherin team out from the announcement stand and they zipped out of the passageway and into the stadium. Aspen took her spot next to Raya, who had slipped past Snape to get into the Slytherin stands.

"You betting?" Aspen asked, her eyes searching the stadium as the players took their positions.

"Yeah, of course, it'll be Ravenclaw." Raya shrugged and giggled.

"No way! Slytherin's got this in the bag!" Aspen laughed back.

"Yeah, right after Cho Chang beats Draco to the snitch!" She smirked as Aspen huffed.

"I thought you guys were friends. And Draco's the best Slytherin seeker we've ever had!" She retorted, shaking her head.

"Yeah, we are, but a little house competition never hurt anyone." Both Raya and Aspen shook their heads and burst into a fit of giggles.

"-And now Slytherin's caught the quaffle, who's point will it be? Davies dives for the ball, but Flint's quick and jukes him, scoring a point for Slytherin!" Lillian exclaimed over the microphone, bringing the score up to Slytherin: 20 and Ravenclaw: 10.

Draco's eyes searched the crowd, evidently landing on his mother, but then traveling towards Aspen, who gave him an encouraging thumbs-up. He smiled brightly, zipping back to find the snitch.

A moment's later, Lillian shouted, "Both seekers have spotted the snitch. It's Chang versus Malfoy - who will win?"

The crowd stayed silent, biting their lips as they watched the game intently. Draco's hand reached out, but so did Chang's. Soon, they disappeared under the stadium, unseen by the watchers. Out of the blue, Draco flew out of the cavern, holding the struggling golden snitch in his grasp, but Cho was nowhere to be seen. Aspen let out a giggling sigh, knowing that he most likely knocked her off her broom, before applauding. Raya huffed but soon applauded and laughed.


"Dray! You were amazing!" Aspen jumped up and wrapped her arms around Draco's neck, practically dragging him down to her height.

He smiled widely and chuckled, embracing her waist. He let out a sigh, but it wasn't sad, it was joyful and peaceful. Aspen grinned against his shoulder, breaking the hug after several minutes. She gazed into his deep, grey orbs that flickered thoughtfully.

"Is something wrong?" She asked, cocking her head to the side and smiling goofily.

"Not at all, darling, just trying to find the right time to ask you out on a date." He chuckled again as her smile widened and she nodded. "Perfect. I'll meet you on the quidditch field at nine." He glanced at his watch.

This wasn't exactly the first rodeo. Ever since she had come back from the Ministry of Magic, things with Draco had been different. He invited her on the first date ever since the everlasting breakup they had when he took her to check on the burn wound after Madame Pomfrey said it got worse and Aspen was terrified.

"See you then," Aspen smirked, flipping her hair and walking away.


"You guys! You guys! I can't believe it! Adrien asked me to the dance!" Mya came flying into the Great Hall, screaming.

"And you presumably said yes?" Lillian inquired, just as equally excited for her.

"Of course! She's obsessed with the boy!" Aspen rolled her eyes, refusing to eat and continuously glancing at her watch.

"What's got you all in a hurry?" Dove raised a brow at her Slytherin friend.

"Nothing, rather than Draco invited me on a date and I have to leave in about thirty minutes." Aspen shrugged, glancing at her watch once again.

"Ooooh. Do you think something will happen?" Raya scooted closer to Aspen as she sighed.

"Like what?" Aspen blushed bright red.

"Like maybe-" Ember began to say, smirking infuriatingly.

"Like maybe he'll ask you out to the formal!" Mya cut Ember off, giving her a death glare.

"Yup... dance asking time - exactly my thoughts, Ravenerd." Ember huffed and picked at her food as Aspen did the same.

Raya and Mya rolled their eyes as Lillian giggled ever so slightly. Aspen sighed, glancing down at her watch for the last time and nodding before waving goodbye to her friends and leaving to find Draco.


"Ah, darling, glad you could make it!" He exclaimed, smiling proudly from a soft, green and black plaid blanket laid on the grass in the quidditch stadium.

Aspen giggled, moving a rogue strand of hair from her face before sitting down. The sky became darker as they chatted, sipping tea out of fancy teacups and spilling it here and there due to laughter. Soon, clouds covered the starry night, causing the space around them to darken into pitch black.

"Draco?" Aspen laughed. "I can't see you, where are you?"

"I'm right here, darling, but I'd advise you look up." He chuckled as Aspen glanced towards what she thought was upwards.

A stream of light rocketed through the sky, exploding into millions of glittering light. Aspen gasped in awe as more came, each more colorful than the one before it.

"Fireworks!" She smiled, turning towards Draco as the fireworks stopped shooting.

They both stared at each other for a bit before leaning into one another and closing the gap between their lips. Only seconds into the passionate kiss, the last firework glittered out of existence, causing the darkness to loom once again. With the kiss cut short, they both laughed, beginning to scream as the dark clouds began to pour down rain.

Aspen yelped, standing up and laughing as the rain drenched her hair and clothes, leaving them sopping wet. Draco stood up, taking off his jacket so he was standing in his t-shirt that too was soaked.

"Lumos." She heard him mutter, his wand's tip lighting up as he placed it in the grass.

She stared up at the clouds, feeling the small drips of water splash against her face. Draco suddenly, yet gently gripped her waist and held her hand with his other. 

"Draco! We can't dance without any music!" She giggled as Draco shook his head, smirking.

"There's no need." Aspen smiled and laid her hand on his shoulder, entwining her fingers in his with her other. 

They began to sway back in fourth, finally peaceful and calm. Then he lifted his hand over both their heads, cueing for her to spin, which she did all while giggling and smiling. All the dark, troubling thoughts left her head and focused on the moment she was living. She focused on Draco, the rain, the dancing, and the love.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... it's about learning to dance in the rain.

Draco suddenly pulled her into his chest, having her lean against him as he once again pressed his lips to hers. He smirked into the kiss, causing it to break.

"Would you go to the formal with me?" He asked, chuckling.

"Certainly." She smiled, leaning close enough to capture the kiss again, but this time kicking her feet off the ground so that she was practically dangling, only held up by Draco's arms supporting her waist. "I love you."

"I love you too." He whispered back, breaking the kiss to walk back to the castle, soaked to the bone, but happier than ever.

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