= Chapter 30 = {Part 1}

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The green and black suited her well, as it did every year. But this year was different. Aspen felt free. No more school drama - for now - but she was with Draco, the love of her life. She wouldn't have it any other way. But there was also so much pressure. Her father was in prison. Her life was improving and tearing at the seams all at the same time - if that was even possible. Even as she admired the way her wavy, brunette hair fell over her shoulders in the mirror, she could barely breathe. She sighed as she dried her welling eyes, slipping the elegant black shoes on her feet.

"Ember?" Aspen called from the bathroom, stepping out to reveal herself.

"Yep?" Ember asked, preoccupied with straitening her dress.

"Would you mind walking down with me?" She asked, checking the fancy silver choker around her neck. "Lilli is already down there."

"Yeah, of course." Ember shrugged back, walking side-by-side with Aspen down to the Great Hall. "You see him yet?"

Aspen shook her head subtly. "Maybe he's already inside..."

"Nope, I'm behind you." He chuckled as Aspen whirled around. "I can take her from here."

He nodded to Ember as she smirked slightly back, turning on her heels and entering the hall. The hallways were empty, Draco and Aspen being the only ones standing there - courtesy of arriving late. Aspen swallowed the lump in her throat, taking Draco's hand as he leads her into the Great Hall gracefully. It was decorated like countless times before. Everyone stopped dancing immediately, even the music pausing briefly, everyone eyeing Draco and Aspen. She became uncertain and skittish as she overheard several whispers.

"I can't believe they're together."

"Did you hear about the huge disconnection they had?"

"Hale was so selfish to break Draco from that hate curse."

"I don't even think they're supposed to be together!"

"Dray... everyone's staring," Aspen said through gritted teeth, feeling nervous and antsy.

He just smirked, his gentle, grey eyes resting in hers as they took up a dance position. "As they should; but I was thinking we could dance in the meantime."

She released a small smile, training her eyes on him and blocking out the rest of the school. They began to sway and pick up a rhythmic pattern to the music, and soon, the whole school was dancing alongside them.


Lillian sat at the bar, sipping her cup of refreshing butterbeer. She couldn't bring herself to look out at the dance floor, afraid all she would see were the flashbacks of Cedric and her dancing peacefully. She shifts uncomfortably in her seat as someone slides onto the stool next to her. She slowly tilts her head up to reveal Blaise Zabini. Lillian knew Blaise from countless occasions where she'd hang out with Draco and Aspen when Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise would tag along. He was a Slytherin, just like her. He was a tall, dark-skinned boy with high cheekbones and had luminous brown eyes.

"Hello, Zabini." Lillian looks down at her drink.

"Hey, Lillian." He says casually as she gains an ounce of confidence.

She then looks out on the dance floor and finds Pansy bullying a few third-year Gryffindors. "Why aren't you with her? Er... Pansy, I meant. Aren't you two... together?"

Blaise scrunched his nose. "Is that really what they're saying about me?"

Lillian stifles a giggle as she nods. Blaise hums.

"Well, I can assure you that we're not. We were only friends if even that." He shrugs, then looks at her rather seriously. "Hey...um... would you be interested in a dance, per se?"

Lillian bit her lip, staring out onto the dance floor. One little dance couldn't hurt. She decided to tell herself that Blaise was just trying to be friendly and accepted his offer, allowing him to lead her out onto the dance floor.


Dove and Mya sat nearby, occupying one of the tables meant for eating at, but they hadn't even touched the appetizers laid out for them. Going without dates was the equivalent of the most boring formal ever. Mya played with the ruffles of her dress while Dove just stared down at her shoes.

"Most. Boring. Night. Ever." Mya sighed, watching the happy couples twiddle around the dance floor.

"Tell me about it," Dove replied, only raising her head to look over at a disclosed Fred Weasley. "I'll be right back."

Dove got up as Mya nodded, walking over to Fred and sitting down in the seat next to him. He stole a glance at her, then returned his eyes to his drink of butterbeer on the table next to him.

"Everything alright? Normally you're up and dancing with everyone else, even if you don't have a date." Dove said, not knowing what else to really say.

Fred just shrugged, causing Dove to sigh.

"Still on to her, eh?" She inquired some more, nodding towards Aspen laughing as Draco pecked her cheek.

Once again, Fred just shrugged.

"Would you please talk to me?" She attempted to keep her voice from raising but failed miserably.

Fred finally looked over at her for good. "What do you want me to say? Yes, I'm still in love with Aspen. But she made her choice, so why can't I just get over her?"

Dove looked down at her shoes with pity in her eyes. "You can't get over her because you still love her. I understand that." She glanced over at Harry.

Fred noticed her glance and gave a faint smile, sliding his hand over hers.

Youngblood: Retrieval {Year 5, Book 3}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang