= Chapter 31 =

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Steam blew from the top of the Hogwarts Express as students piled on, waving to their friends from the booths. Lillian and Vivid engulfed Aspen in a tight embrace.

"I'll miss you." Lillian said through sweet tears.

"At least you're going to see her next year." Vivid sobbed jokingly as Lillian and Aspen let out a dry giggle.

"I'll see you soon tho. Maybe Lilli and I can take a vacay to France sometime." Aspen smiled as Vivid nodded.

They both let go of their friend and boarded the train, leaving Aspen's sight. She sighed, looking down at her black sneakers. She felt two arms wrap around her waist as she smiled and turned around, placing hers on his neck.

"Well goodbye to you too." She smiled, pecking Draco on the lips.

He smiled brightly. "Promise you'll owl me often."

Aspen looked over at Mystic's cage. "Only if he isn't stubborn enough to travel."

They both laughed.

"Alright, well, I'll see you next year." He said, kissing her cheekily.

"See you, Dray."

He too, vanished from her sight onto the train. She sighed, turning on her heels and bumping into Ember.

"Oops, sorry Ember." She winced.

"Oh, no biggie." Ember smiled back. "Where are you staying for summer, by the way?"

"McGonagall's. She offered." Aspen shrugged.

Ember nodded. "I'd let you stay at my place... but, you know... mommy issues."

They both giggled until the conductor gave a final call for people boarding the Hogwarts Express to load up. Ember smiled a bit as she hugged Aspen, who, still in shock hugged back.

"See you next year."

Youngblood: Retrieval {Year 5, Book 3}Where stories live. Discover now