= Chapter 24 =

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By some force, Aspen's eyes were shoved open, her pupils struggling to dilate to the bright light shining down in her face. As soon as her vision became stable, she searched around. She was surrounded by strange men in Ministry cloaks and from the corner of her eye, she could see Lillian bawling. Aspen mumbled something incoherent before making an attempt to sit up, only yelping in pain as she did so.

"Miss Hale, we need you to relax. Everything is going to be okay." A strange man's voice sounded in her ear as she subtly nodded her head.

She shut her eyes once again as she felt the ground leave her, probably being carried somewhere. The tips of her fingers brushed the spine of a thestral moments later. She squinted her eyes as she opened them, spotting the tear-stained face of Lillian.

"...Lilli?" She asked as Lillian looked down to her.

"Aspen!? You're awake!" She said, overjoyed, then seconds later her face became grim. "You could've died! What were you thinking!? I was so worried! Why would you do anything like that, you psycho!"

"I met you by the thestrals, didn't I?" Aspen smirked before she slipped into unconsciousness once again.


Aspen woke up in her comfortable bed in the Slytherin dorm room. She sighed as she got up, stretching. The pain was gone, not even showing a scar. She stepped downstairs to the deserted common room and towards the bathroom. She took off her clothes and stepped into the warm shower. She smiled, relieved as the water hit her back. She began to wash her hair until she spotted something on her wrist. She slowly brought her arm down from washing her hair. Glancing at it, she noticed the Dark Mark. She screamed, shooting her body backwards until...


Aspen's eyes shot open in shock. She was at Hogwarts, but not in her Slytherin room. She was in the Hospital Wing, surrounded by flowers, chocolates, and cards from probably the whole school. She lifted her arm, proving that she still had no Dark Mark. She struggled to sit up, but was stopped by the searing pain in her back. She struggled to turn her head to look behind her, spotting a huge cast wrapping around her shoulders and back. She flopped her head back down on the pillow, her eyes staring up at the ceiling. From the corner of the room came shallow, drawn-out snores. She tilted her head towards the sound, smiling as she spotted Draco asleep in a small chair.

"That's the first time he's slept all week." Madame Pomfrey said, opening the curtain and entering the room, glancing at Draco. "Almost picked a fight with one of the Hospital Wing workers when the news spread around that someone returned from the Ministry of Magic with life-threatening injuries. He's never left your bedside since."

"How long was I out for?" Aspen said, still looking at the cute, sleeping boy.

"You were under a coma for six days, Miss Hale." She smiled weakly, pouring Aspen a glass of water and checking her bandages.

"How bad was it?" She inquired again.

"Well... let's just say your skin was burnt, charred, and black." Pomfrey frowned. "Took quite the while to treat as well.

An awkward silence lingered in the air until Madame Pomfrey spoke again. "Well, I'll leave you to it. You will be released tomorrow morning. You've got a lot of homework to catch up on."

And with that, Madame Pomfrey left, leaving Aspen alone with the sleeping Malfoy. She wondered about her father, if he had been captured or if he was still running loose. The thoughts plagues her mind until Draco's voice filled the room.

"Oh... you're awake." He smiled tiredly, the large, purple bags under his eyes were immanent.

"So are you." She smiled back as he blushed in embarrassment.

Once again, an awkward silence formed between the two as neither of them spoke. Aspen had a million things she needed to say, but only two sentences popped out.

"Do... Do you have anything to eat? I'm really hungry." She gulped as Draco smiled, searching his pocket until he pulled out a green apple.

"Will this do?" He asked, smiling even brighter as she nodded.

He got up from the small chair, handing her the shiny, juicy apple. She bit into it, savoring the feel of food in her stomach.

"What day is it?" Aspen asked, looking up at him crouched over the side of the bed.

"Tuesday." He shrugged.

"Shouldn't you be in school?"

"I haven't for the last six days. I just couldn't leave you by yourself." He smiled, his grey eyes sparkling.

"I survived a burn from my deranged father, I think I can survive a couple nights in the Hospital Wing by myself." She giggled as he chuckled.

"Yeah... You're probably right." He looked down at his black dress shoes. "But I just felt guilty... like I could've stopped this, but I didn't.

She cupped his face with her hand. "There was nothing you could've done. It was my choice to join Harry on his quest to find the glory blue ball and my choice to chase after my father. And besides... I'm always right."

Draco chuckled and nodded. "I'm still staying though."

"Fine by me... as long as you get me some more food." Aspen giggled, tossing the apple core into the trash can across the room.

Draco got up and bowed, smirking and pecked her forehead before leaving for the Great Hall.

Youngblood: Retrieval {Year 5, Book 3}Where stories live. Discover now