Chapter 5

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A/N please imagine her hair longer than that

Shit classes are starting today.....

I spent a whole damn week lazing around, avoiding Damon's friends because I'm still a little skeptical about them.

I forgot to remove my contacts lenses yesterday when I was sleeping and now my eyes hurt like hell.

I grab my glasses which I know I'm going to get teased about but I actually think I look cute in them.

After my shower I wear pink shorts and an oversized yellow shirt. I look great.

I need food and maybe a stash of candy to get me through the day.

The smell of coffee hits my nostrils and I follow its scent to find a shirtless Damon holding two cups of it.

He's definitely up to something.

He has tattoos on one of his arms, literally filled every space left and it continues over to one side of his back. I've always wanted a guy with tattoos.

I've also always wanted to get a tattoo myself but after that one time when I had gone to a tattoo parlor and I was waiting for this guy to finish getting one, I could hear his screams and cries then when he was leaving I saw the bandage they had put on him and it was tiny and the tattoo I wanted to get was not that big but it was not small either. I did what any stupid person would in my situation, chicken out.

"What did you put in this?" I ask grabbing one

"Nothing, promise,"

"Well then you're a lifesaver," I say taking a sip

"Of course I am," he says cockily,"So how many classes do you have today?"

"Umm about three, two in the morning and one in the afternoon, why?," I reply shoving different types of candy in my bag

"Do you have time to squeeze me into your schedule?" Where the fuck is he from? He's accent it's different.

"Probably not," I say

"Come on please,"

I gasp dramatically,"Is Damon aka the badboy aka the guy who never begs aka-,"

I don't think I was using aka properly.

He shoots me a look which cuts me off.

"Fine after my first two classes we can hang out how about that?"

"Great that's perfect, the guys would be there!" he calls out as I walk out and head to my first class.

I catch a few people staring at me, I think that's because of my little show down with Camilla.

I bet they're wondering how I'm still alive.

Even I'm wondering about that as well.

I get into my class, this is actually my favourite teacher Mr Thompson, amazing guy but there is one thing I hate about him.

He's in his early fifties I think and don't worry that's not the thing.

"Settle down! I have a surprise for you," his voice booms around the room as he enters carrying papers, now that's the thing.

I hate his surprises, they are always the same so technically it's not a surprise.

"Surprise test," he says passing the papers to everyone.

I'm definitely failing. I didn't study shit well I never study unless I'm writing exams other than that I just wing it well sometimes, if it happens to be a test that affects my grades I will study all night.

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