Chapter 13

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Remember when I said perfect plan?

Yeah turns out it wasn't so perfect. Wherever I go at least one of them is with me and I can't do any shit without them noticing.

I've literally seen Camilla everywhere and she just gives this cold glance, oh how I wish I could just smack it off of her!

Okay that's too harsh Van, just breathe.....yeah breathe.

"Dining hall?" Adam asks from beside me

"Yeah sure,"

We walk towards it and I see the guys already there. I go get food before sitting down with them.

They fall into a conversation easily while I just don't feel like joining it so I silently pick at my food.

"You okay?" Josh whispers from beside me and I nod in response. I think I'm just tired.

I guess I just need to sleep it off

I notice Drew and Camilla walking out together, he's fraternizing with the enemy.

How dare he!

So there goes another one of the people I'm disowning. I slip away silently rushing after them, I'm curious is all.

I turn to where I saw them disappearing to.

You know I expected them to be kissing or in an argument I mean it's Drew after all but I didn't think that they'll be hugging, Drew is hugging someone. Is he going to stab her in the back or something?

What type of sick joke is this

As I was trying to run away without being seen, Camilla notices me.

"Are you following us?" she accuses, well she ain't wrong

"Well uhh no? I um was in the area going to my class,"

"You don't have anymore classes today," Drew states

Oh shit, what to say now?

"Yeah I don't but this guy uhh offered to fuck me in a class and I said yes so that's where I'm going," I never fail to surprise myself at this point.

"Nice try, what are you actually doing here?”

“Yeah Van what are you doing here,” someone says from behind

I turn around to see that they all had followed, fuck and here I thought I was as stealthy as a ninja. KA POW!

I don't think ninjas say that, but this one does.

“Nooo no do not turn this on me I should be the one asking questions around here,” I say pushing my glasses up the bridge of my nose  and turning towards Drew and Camilla,“what's going on?"

"She's my sister,"

I must've heard wrong, yeah that's definitely it.

So first she comes at me about how I'm eating meat on a Tuesday now she's Drew's sister. Wow. My mouth opens, closes just generally makes weird shapes really as I'm trying to fathom what he means by she's my sister.

"I'm his twin it's not that hard to understand," she says

So now she's his twin?!

"Oh uhhm.......oh fuck,” I knew Drew was not exactly my favorite person but, Camilla he's related to Camilla.

“She has blonde hair you on other hand do not,” that's a very stupid point

“She dyed her hair blonde,” oh

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