Chapter 33

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I've been here for two days....two fucking days

Its been strange and far different from all the other times I visited....I mean seriously my mom has made me breakfast every single day and at first I won't even lie, I thought it was poisoned but unfortunately it wasn't and it was actually pretty damn good, best thing I've had in a while and I don't like that

Then my brother is acting like a normal ass brother and I hate that too and then there's Ashley who is around quite often and basically ignores my very existence and I hate that too.

I hate the fact that they've made feel so used to being treated like shit to the point that once I'm treated like a normal human being I question their motives.

It doesn't help that Damon hasn't answered any of my many texts and calls which is justified I guess but what if these people were treating me like shit and I was calling him to come help or i was undecided about which marvel movie to watch and needed his help but no he decides to ignore me, I could die or some shit and he doesn't care that piece of shit...

Anyway today's the day of the I supposed to be excited? I think so but I'm not. I got a cute dress on and I must say I look amazing, I'm probably the best dressed in this whole thing.

I'm drawn away from my thoughts by the sound of the door knock, fuck they're here already

The table was already set and I'm pretty sure the food was almost ready, I honestly just want to get this over and done with so I can leave. Sam opens the door revealing my dad....alone.

I thought he was bringing his girlfriend, doesn't matter anyway one less person to be around

I get up and help my mother set the food on the table as everyone takes their seats after greetings had taken place.

Some time goes by before I'm finally brought into the conversation

Sam and Ashely were mostly doing all the talking. All about how their relationship is going or hows football practice and all that load of shit

"So Vanessa how's school?" My father asks .

Typical, I haven't seen the fucker for almost two years and that's what he asks me.

"Its okay," I got a boyfriend and made new friends and cut my hair which was Camilla's beautiful fault.

"I see you cut your hair," Mark says

"Yeah I needed a change,"

"Too bad it doesn't mean everything else about you has changed," Sam mutters under his breath but we all hear and I glare at him gripping my fork

That's why your fucking name is Sam

Terrible comeback? Yeah I know.

"So Dad how's your life with Barbara," Please tell me I didn't get her name wrong

"Uhh we broke up," ohh well shit," but I am seeing this new person....they're quite amazing,"

"And who might that be?" My mother asks her eyes narrowing at him

And that's when my dad grabs onto Mark's hand....oh shit

"I am now certain on why we didn't work out," he says looking at her

Well obviously because she didn't have a fucking penis. My eyes meet my mother's she looks hurt before going back to my dad's and that's when I laugh

Karma's such a beautiful concept

"Well congratulations dad I'm very happy for you," I say with a large smile

This day just got better, I turn to look at my mother who wore a pained expression with Ashely and Sam both too stunned to speak

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