Chapter 23

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Three days......well to be specific two and a half but still......embarrassing

I should be out there showing everyone how not affected I am, being a bad bitch but no I'm here, in my woman cave.....soda drunk.

I guess the whole reason I'm still here is not only because of Damon but also cause if school. Like the professors are evil to think they wanted to pair me up with a random person, I mean sure I don't have friends in that class but getting forced to talk with someone is not okay so me staying means I don't get a partner....

I think I'm still feeling the after effects of my  soda drunkness-ness

Is that a word? I think it's a word, okay it's now a word.

My phone was constantly getting notifications the first few hours I was cooped up in here until I finally just switched it off.

It was probably the guys saying ‘oh you should go talk to him’

‘figure this shit out’

Or even‘where the hell are you’

They can all go fuck off......especially Damon

Like seriously though what the fuck was I even thinking, of course Damon won't want me. To think I got on the pill for that guy. He's known for loving one night stands and I wasn't planning on being that.

I haven't even had sex with him yet.....maybe that's a good thing I managed to get away now.

I need to get out of here, it's not healthy. Wow I'm talking about staying healthy.

Camilla has infected me

What's a place you can go just forget, get wasted and probably laid?

A party

Do I want to go

But hey free booze, it sure does beat the crap I'm drinking at the moment and plus it's been quite a while since I've gotten drunk.

I stand up and stretch, I guess I'm lucky since I have a sink where I can brush my teeth.

More like I open up the small circular window and wait for the right time for a random person to walk by then I spit out the......shit?  I get out of my woman cave and go down the stairs.

No one's in sight as I lock the door and place the key back into the book. I'm pretty sure my face is all red and swollen from all the crying I did. Why am I wasting my tears? I have no fucking idea, I mean right now he probably doesn't even fucking where I am.

I head to Camilla's room. They are all most probably in my room waiting. They are going to wait for a long time.

I knock on her door hoping it's her and not her roommate that answers it. When the door opens and I see her tired eyes meet my own I immediately regret coming when she starts screaming or in her case talking.

“For fucksakes Vanessa! Where were you? Are you okay? Wait don't answer that.....of course you're not okay. Do you want to plan a murder though? I mean I can help,” she says quickly while pulling me into a hug that makes me grimace.

Not from being uncomfortable but from how tight she was holding me.

“I need to use your shower,” is all I say as I pull away and  start walking past her immediately coming face to face with Josh.....a half naked Josh.

I blink at him and he blinks back then I turn to Camilla blinking at her aswell with my mouth slightly open now.

I slowly nod my head looking downwards,“hmm,”

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