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smut later in this chapter! leave if uncomfortable!


hyunjin just finished up in the café and met up with jeongin as promised. they're seated at a bench while eating their ice cream. for some reason, the two felt relieved in a way that they don't have to hide anymore.

jeongin then said the whole thing between him and kyung to hyunjin.

"so, we're boyfriends now, right?" hyunjin asked as he licked his ice cream.

"yeah, i think so. i do feel like my chest feels lighter now."

"that's nice to hear. anyway, how about we go on a date tomorrow, jeongin? it'll be romantic." hyunjin looked at jeongin for his answer.

"hm, sure. where'll be going?"

"in a restaurant i saw in the internet. they serve desserts there. and, the interior fits you! since it's really cute."

jeongin blushed and gave hyunjin a quick peck on the cheek. "mhm, okay. let's go to your place after this, i'll stay 'til morning."


"nothing, it'd be nice to spend time with you."



"you're so needy for me, aren't you?" hyunjin commented and kissed jeongin again.

they arrived at hyunjin's place and jeongin immediately dragged the older to the bedroom, pushing him on the bed to sit on his lap as he started a make out session. they were in it for minutes as hyunjin started to make hickeys on jeongin's neck, the younger grinding his ass on hyunjin's crotch.

jeongin pulled away to reply, "i always am, you know."

the older then removed his upper clothing and jeongin couldn't control himself. he removed hyunjin's pants and underwear, throwing it somewhere as he also removed his. getting lube from the nightstand and put some on hyunjin's member.

hyunjin placed his hands on jeongin's hips properly, the other already had his arms around hyunjin's neck.

"no prep, hon?"

"fuck that, i need you."

with that said, hyunjin's cock was deep inside jeongin; both moaning at the feeling.

the younger male took his time to adjust. when he was ready, he started to move his hips and already went weak. "mmmh, fuck." he kept moving his hips, soon bouncing on the blonde male's member. "f-feels really good, h-hyunjin. i.. oh god."

jeongin's fastened his pace, his moans were getting louder each second. hyunjin however, thrusts in him upwards without warning, causing the younger to tremble. he was close.

"such slut you are, hm?"

"y-your slut, your cocks-slut." the other moaned.

it went like this for minutes, soon they both came.

"let's do it more, babe. you did great."

"mhm, my ass feels like shit. it hurts." jeongin complained, feeling the pain in his lower body.

"you started it." hyunjin chuckled.



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