"meeting" QuarterMaster

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(h/t) = home town

I look at the ad a few more times before I finally call the number. After a few rings a female answers. "Hello, can I help you?" She asks. "Hey, I'm calling about an ad for a camp counselor in a prehistoric looking paper" I inform her.

"Oh thank God, we need the help, your hired! When can you get here? And what's your name?" She asks. "Probably some time next week, it depends on when I can get my friend to drive  me oh and (Y/n)" I answer. "If you need a ride, I can get Quartermaster to get pick you up, I just need to know your location, and he could probably get there and an hour or so".

"Oh, well I live in (h/t),and I'm at a place called Zoey's Diner, and I was told that the camp is a while away" I told her.  "That's ok, I don't know how he does it, but it's probably better not to ask, I'll send him there, you should probably pack asap, I'll get your paper work ready, see ya soon"
She hangs up.

I walk out to the front of the building. Zoey runs up to me "so how'd it go, do you have an interview?" She asks excitedly as she rushes over to me. "Um, I actually got the job and they are sending someone to pick me up.."

I get interrupted by crash sound outside. A few seconds later some weird old guy with a hook and comes in. "Bus is here". "What?, Can we help you?" Zoey asks him.

He points at me with his hook hand "I'm here for you" I'm kinda creeped out to be completely honest. "Excuse me, but are you from Camp Campbell?" I ask. "uhhu" he nods. Zoey grabs my arm and pulls me to the side. "You can't honestly be thinking about going with him"

"Hey, your the one who said it was best for me to get a job, and if that's my ride to get there then I have to go, but don't worry if he murders me, I totally won't blame you, even if it's a slow painful agonizing death" I say jokingly. She shakes her head. "Yep death" We hear the old dude mumble.

"Look, you can stay with me and work here, just, don't go with him" She practically begs. "As much as I would love to stay here, I already got the job, and I want to get away for a while, you know, to forget about all that recently happened". The guy starts throwing the stuff that I had on the table into the bus. She sighs, "fine, I'll miss you" She gives me a hug. I wave goodbye as I get in the bus

He gets on and starts the bus "it'll be best if you don't look out of that there window while we're moving" He grumbles. I slide away from the window, I don't quite know what would happen if I look out, but I'm not gonna risk it.

After what seemed like a minute of moving, the bus suddenly stops. "We're here, I'm goin' on break" he says as he pops open what looks like poison. He gets off the bus and walks away.

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