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your now afraid of thunder storms like me

multiple weeks have passed since the death of skipper. i have been distracting myself with eiji and shorter.

I walked into the kitchen one moring to see shorter with (oh god lemme think) ramen! (I'm gonna go make ramen now- ok it's been five hours I ate my ramen) "hi!" I saw approaching him from behind. "Good morning sunflower!" He replies.
I hoist myself onto the counter and he gives me a forehead kiss. I look to my left or out the window to see a big gray cloudy sky. "It'll probably rain today." I heard from besid me. I turn my head while nodding to see the finished ramen on the counter. I give shorter a kiss on the cheek. "I like the rain, just not thunder storms those are scary" I say with a pout. "Aww is y/n scareddd." Shorter said in a baby voice before grabbing a fork and saying "I'll protect my goddes!" While violently shoving his fork in the air. I burst out laughing at his childlike behavior. He started blushing "s-stop laughing!" He mumbled.

Out conversation was cut short to a big rain fall. Shorter pulled out his phone to check the weather. "Looks like a storm is coming" I immediately froze."what!" A loud bang of thunder shook the floor we were standing on. i jumped from the counter and behind shorter. a chuckle left the gang leaders mouth. "Cmon" he picked me up and walked to our bedroom.

once he made it made it to our bedroom he sathe down and grabbed many pillows and blankets and started making a fort.

placing me in the fort he hugged me close to his chest, everytime a clash of thunder came down he would jold me a little tighter.


Word count: 311

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