chapter 36

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I followed Tom's graceful figure through the corridors of the house, hoping that we would return to the ball before anyone could notice our absence.

I figured it might make quite a difficult situation to explain, both why I was hanging out alone with Riddle, and how we'd found ourselves venturing through the manor when we should've been back at the party.

He walked purposefully ahead, seeming to know his way well as we proceeded deeper and deeper into the folds of the building.

Eventually, we reached a large wooden door, coming to a stop.

Tom pulled his wand out, aiming it at the lock as he uttered an alohomora charm.

The hinge creaked open, swinging inward a fraction.

We continued through, entering into a pitch-black room only faintly lit by streams of moonlight filtering through the paned windows.

He raised his wand, uttering a lumos charm as we began to make our way around the room.

I copied his actions, pointing it at our surroundings in hopes they might reveal something useful about where he'd brought me.

The white light drifted softly over some oak structures, which I soon realised were ancient bookshelves, covered in an abundance of literature.

We appeared to be walking slowly down an aisle in between the rows, our feet echoing loudly on the tiled floor.

Finally, we reached our destination, a bookcase near the back of the assumed library, its shelves thick with dust.

Tom drifted his wand over the titles, inspecting each before plucking the desired one out and offering me his wand to hold.

I abided, positioning the tip to provide the best lighting; doing so meant that my eyes could just about make out the title of the decrepit novel.

Malfoy Family Tree

"You brought me all the way here to look at some old book?" I wrinkled my nose, the flecks of dust causing me an itch.

"Yes, and you'll regret your conjecture in a minute. Now, prepare yourself," he hissed.

I rolled my eyes but braced my frame as he opened the cover.

A piercing brigade of screams exploded from the book, battering my ear drums in a way that made me want to tear them out before the howling voices could do further damage.

I stumbled back in shock, trying to clamp my hands over my ears as I held our wands.

After what felt like an eternity of damnation, the book shut up, returning the room to an eerie silence as a ringing resonated off the walls.

I removed my hands, glaring at the boy next to me, "Salazar's asshole! What the hell was that?"

"You know, I'm actually a direct descendant from old Sal, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't use the geezer's name in vain," he smirked.

I huffed in response, trying to not be even a fraction impressed by the new information about my companion.

"Fine, but what just happened?"

"Old magic obviously, nasty shit, meant to deter people like us from snooping."

"Of course, because why wouldn't this family have a cursed book sitting on their shelves for anyone to stumble upon," I retorted, my tone heavy with sarcasm.

"Precisely. Now, come shine the light here," he beckoned me closer.

I followed his instructions, watching as he turned the pages carefully, finally stopping near the latter part of the book.

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