An Unwanted Touch

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Don't worry too much about the title, I promise it's nothing horrible, but I still will put a trigger warning for those that need it
[Pov: Elizabeth]

It seems like forever since I went on that mission! Luckily my father and family bought my excuse for being home late and why I had gone out with the sins. I was super relieved to not lose my friends. Anyway, I learned that I had to be smart about the way I approached the holy knights; they were dangerous, and I had to remember that like my life depended on it. And it did. However it also taught me I had amazing friends...they did so much for and I'm so lucky to have them in my life... especially.. My face went ablaze as a covered it with my hands, and sighing. I had been struck by cupids little arrow and been struck in the heart. It felt nice a warm fuzzy feeling that made my legs weak... I let out a happy sigh, brushing my hair.
"Knock knock~" My sister Veronica joked, poking her head into the door. I beamed, putting my brush down.
"Good morning sister! How are you feeling?" I grinned, sitting up and fixing my skirt.
"Fine, just came to see if you were ready. I see you remembered to dress nicely today." She smiled, leaning on the door way. My father was having people over for dinner tonight, so we were told all to dress our best! And seeing as I wouldn't have much time to get ready when I got home, I just decided to do so this morning. I chose a a short sleeves, blue, buttoned up shirt with a white collar. I had a white skirt that had frills on the edge and my white mini boots! Though I wouldn't admit it to anyone, I looked pretty good today!
"I'm sure you'll look amazing Sis~" I grinned. Right now she was still in her PJs, but she had plenty of time! Plus it was rare occasion I get to see my older sister all dolled up, so I was excited!
"Yeah, yeah, but the old man ain't getting me to where heels or make up," she waved it off, huffing. I giggled softly, grabbing my bag and walking out of my room, "By the way, you have a visitor~" She told me, smiling and walking off. Huh? Someone's here to see me? I perked up and skipped downstairs, excited to see who it was. I peered into the kitchen, where I heard my sister Margaret talking to someone and gasped happily.
"Slader!" I exclaimed, running and jumping into his arms.
He laughed happily, twirling us, "Ellie!♥️" Slader was a childhood friend of mine, like Gil and Griamore. He was assigned to guard my father at a certain, but very young age. He's actually one of my father's favorite men, though he'd never admit to it. We call the organization he's apart of the Roars of Dawn, due to a joke my father made saying they always kept him up all night. I haven't seen him in almost a month!
"Wh-when did you get here??" I questioned as he put me down
"Last night after I finished some paperwork~. It's Simon's shift now, so I can get back to school and catch up some." He grinned, putting his bag on.
"Well it's so great to see you! I have so much to tell you, and I have an amazing group of friends!"
He sparkled almost, "That's amazing little sis!!~" he cheered. He called me little sis all the time from how much we hang out, just like he called his partners his brothers and sisters, seeing as they trained all the time.
My oldest sister giggled, "You should head to school you two~ or you'll be late~"
"Oh right! Well, on the ride you can tell me all about your friends little sis~" He held out his arm, grinning. I smiled warmly and happily took it, walking beside him.
The ride felt short from how much we talked and laughed. And he was pretty much caught up with 2 months just like that!
"So you met a talking pig?? That's wild!" he exclaimed, helping me out of the car. Even though I insisted it was fine--- I smiled up at him and nodded, taking his hand, "Has my little sis gotten a boy yet~" Blushing, I pouted and hit his arm with my free hand, which made him snicker.
"Princess?" Said a familiar voice.
"Oh, Sir Ban! Everyone! I was just looking for you!" I grinned, letting go of Slader's hand and walking over to introduce them.
"Uh...whose your friend??" Sir Meliodas asked, looking between us
Slader chuckled, "My apologies, I should introduce myself," he bowed in respect. "My name is Slader, I am a member of the Roars of Dawn and have returned from a long line of missions. It is quite the honor to meet you all after the stories little sis has told me~"
I squeaked, chuckling and grabbing her arms, "He just calls me that! Since he works for my father we hang out a lot, so he really is like an older brother!"
Lady Merlin perked up and stepped forward, "Slader?" The blue haired man turned to the smiling woman, making him grin.
"Madam!♥️" he gushed, "It's been quite some time~"
"You know Lady Merlin??" I blinked, confused.
"Why of course, I know all the Roars of Dawn members," Lady Merlin grinned. "However we've worked together before and to say I was impressed with his skill would be an understatement."
"Wait, madam, if you're here does that mean---"
"That is indeed correct," Sir Gowther interrupted, putting two fingers to his forehead. "Hello again." Slader beamed and hugged him. Wow I had no idea that they knew each other. This is so awesome! My best friend came up to me and gave me a hug, gently but in her concerned way. We hadn't really seen each other since the incident.
"You look great today!" She giggled, holding my hands gently. I could see she was still worried deep down from the way she looked at me.
I smiled, rubbing her hands softly, "Thank do you!" Giggling, I realized she didn't have her hair up in her usual tails but instead a ponytail today. She had her famous orange pullover, but today she had on blue jean shorts and black converse.
She whispered to me, "Are you sure you're feeling better?..." Smiling, I nodded to her.
"Fit and fine."
Gowther cleared his throat, "If we wish to be on time, we should go."
"ATTENDANCE!" Diane and Sir King ran off again. I'm still sure that Sir King only cares about his attendance for Diane.
"They do that often?" Slader chuckled. Nodding, I laugh and started heading for class. Sir Meliodas came up beside me as the others followed.
"Hey, Ellie, meet me in the football field after school, m'kay?" He asked of me
I cocked my head slightly, "Well of course Sir Meliodas, but how come?" He simply smiled and said I'd see, making me even more curious. What could it be?? Did he want to give me something or talk to me about the next mission??? My mind flew with possibilities as we headed to class.
"I should go sis, I have Mr. Dreyfus first." Slader sighed, kissing my hand and waving goodbye.
The Fox sin cocked a brow, "What was that about?"
"Oh he has to do that with every high class women he and my father meet, so it's just become second nature for him." I explained, smiling.
"Ah, you mean like this." Sir Meliodas stated before squeezing my chest. I screeched, Sir Ban slapping him upside the head harshly.
"So, you're friends with Slader," Lady Merlin hummed, with her intrigued smile. "I have to say that's one interesting match."
"It is, isn't it?" I chuckled, rubbing my neck. I couldn't help but think back to all the times he has saved me when we were younger, whether that be from boredom or a speeding car, and grinned. "But he's always been there for me, and stood up for me when I couldn't do it for myself. Kind of like you guys!"
"Oh you're too kind~" She chuckled, crossing her arms. We laughed, entering Sir Helbram's class just as the bell ringed. He seemed surprised.
"Wow, you all managed to make it on time. I see that Elizabeth has been a good influence." He chuckled softly.
"But I was the one who suggested we should head to class---" Sir Gowther tilted his head.
"Leave it be Gowther, leave it be~" Merlin chuckled, taking her seat. He shrugged, following afterword. Giggling, I followed Ban and Sir Meliodas up the stairs to our seats. Suddenly, someone pinched my behind from row three, making me jerk and turn toward them. I gulped, meeting a pair of purple eyes from someone I didn't know. W-who is this?? He simply smirked at me and winked, turning back around. I don't know why but, it made me shake.
"You ok princess?" Sir Ban questioned, holding my shoulder.
I took a deep breath and shook it off, "Yeah, I-Im fine I just almost tripped on the step that's all!" I lied. Letting it go he took his seat as I sat down next to Sir Meliodas.
"Got to be more careful Ellie, don't want you getting hurt, gihee." He grinned, leaning on his fist. Blushing, I nodded and turned toward the front, messing with my hands.
"Alright, today were doing something different, and never originally apart of my plans," he sighed, writing something on the board. "Today you'll be broken up into 4 groups of 8, and yes I've chosen your partners. Together, not by my choice but instead a request from the principal, you'll all be cooking up ideas for the new school and football team logos." The class murmured to each other, even I had to admit I was very confused.
"I know, I know, but it you should take this chance to catch up on any missing assignments as well. Now, I'll read off your groups..1st group."
"Wonder why the princ wants a new logo.." Sir Ban stated, turning his body back to us.
"No idea, but it's a nice change of pace from a thousand impossible worksheets." Sir Meliodas pointed out, making us both nod in agreement.
"And finally, group 4...despite my initial gut feeling... Diane, King, Merlin, Gowther, Elizabeth, Ban, Meliodas and Taleo," Taleo? Who's that? "Get into your groups and get to work!" The room was filled with chatter and the scuffling of feet as everyone raced to their groups. I jumped to my feet and hugged Diane excitedly, glad to have gotten in the group with all my friends
Diane squealed, "I'm so happy to have you in my group!" Nodding, I smiled and counted to make sure we had everyone. I blinked, noticing we were missing that one other boy.
"Where's Taleo?"
"Right here Princess." A voice, smug and raspy. I jerked and turned around, my eyes meeting that same boy from the third row. The one who.... Oh no.. this wasn't going to be fun, was it?
"Great, so everyone's here!" Sir Meliodas cheered, clapping and taking a seat. We all sat ourselves down, myself between Sir Meliodas and Taleo, Diane across from me
Lady Merlin cleared her throat and scanned the paper, "Well, according to this we need an original sketch of both designs, a sculpture of both, a speech explaining the designs and articles of clothing that have the logos printed onto them. The principal is going all out, isn't he?"
"Well Elizabeth and I can take over sketches," Diane offered. "She won't admit it but she's really good!"
"I wish you would stop telling people that..." I pouted, blushing.
"Alright, then I can take on sculpting, and I'm sure Taleo wouldn't mind helping." The Boar Sin hummed.
"Yeah sure, why not."
Sir Gowther raised his hand a little, "King and I can take over the speech, since we have ever expanding vocabularies."
"Then me and Ban can take up the clothing!" Sir Meliodas grinned, wrapping an around around his best friends neck.
"Yeah~ this'll be fun~" Sir Ban chuckled, ruffling the blondes hair.

Warmth( A Melizabeth fanfic CONTINUATION)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora