Running away

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Had I known the whole time that I was going to Ellie's house with my dad for the linner? Maybe, maybe not. But even if I did, why would I wanna spoil the surprise? Plus it would be cool way to surprise my princess, eheh! This would also give me a chance to make a good impression on her father...if my brothers didn't fuck it up that is. Crazy part is I didn't even know my father knew the governor! You think you know a guy. I think he said something about them being old friends? Anyway back to the present. Ah, sweet Ellie's flustered face, hah, looks like I surprised her.

"Sir Meliodas?" She whispered, looking confused as I held her hand.

"Hello again Princess, hehe." I snickered, grinning. Though I heard my brothers turn around and let go of her hand. Recognizing her they greeted her, Elizabeth smiling and waving. I forgot how they know Ellie, but then I remembered the whole sleepover and the whole injury incident; man those were crazy days. It was a good idea that I let go of her hand though, considering both father's turned around to see what the commotion was. That could've been r e a l l y awkward---

"You all have met Miss Elizabeth?" My father asked, a chuckle in his throat.

Zeldris nodded before we could say anything, "Yeah she come over with Meliodas' other friends for a sleepover once and..." He looked over at me to twin mind meld if he should mention the incident. Yeah I gave a big fat no face in return. "And he talks about her sometimes when he mentions what he did during school."

Bartra chuckled, "Well, that's very good to hear! Our children getting along so well old friend." He clapped a hand on my father back, making him jerk and laugh.

"Indeed Bartra, indeed." I chuckled to myself, looking back at Elizabeth and giving her a thumbs up. It looked as though she'd been holding her breath this whole time. We all took ours seat, myself managing to get a seat next to the lovely princess. Though I did have to mentally fight Estarossa for it. Both of her sisters sat by her dad and my brothers sat beside our dad. I had Elizabeth by my side, and I was not complaining! I snuck my hand to hers, watching her cheeks turn a pinkish as our fingers interlocked. Ah what a day~

After everyone had eaten there food, it was just laughter and catching up with each other. I even learned how my father knew Mr. Liones, which was a wild story.

"So, Miss Elizabeth, I'm curious as to how you came to know my Eldest! Well, and his little gang of roughians." He joked as I rolled my eyes at him. He always called as that, I was hoping Mr.Liones didn't think too much about it.

"W-Well actually I knew him before I went to school!" She confessed, sitting up straight. She was so cute when she talked. "You see my friend Diane, who's apart of our group, would tell me stories about her friends, which is where I heard about Sir Meliodas." I pouted when she said 'Sir' but I knew she had to keep appearances around her family.

"Ah yes I remember Diane," Her father chimed in, laughing a little. "You two met at a roller rink, and have been inseparable since! And you two would be on the phone all day, her telling you about her adventures; in school and outside. You were especially curious about one never, though... I c ant particularly remember who at this moment. I think it was Diane herself, but I'm an old man, I forget things." He chuckled, her sisters giggling as they looked over at me. Seeing Elizabeth's rosen face, I'll take a stab in the dark and say it wasn't Diane he was remembering.

"Oh, before I forget, how's work going El?" Estarossa asked, smiling. I glared a little, hating that he had a nickname for her, but it's not like I could do much about it.

"Great actually! Everyone's been so nice, and I haven't had a complaint about my work since! I had been hoping that my sisters would join me, but..."

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