Moving In

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"Go!" Meliodas shouted, all of us immediately turning, sprinting to our hiding spots as Meliodas covered his eyes. I felt my heart racing, trying to think of the best hiding spot on the go. Whipping my head around, I beamed looking at the forest. It was perfect! He'd never think I'd go hiding in there. Rushing off past the bushes, I ran straight through the forest; I didn't wanna take any turns in fear of getting lost. I had to win though! Meliodas said I could keep the hoodie he gave me if I did, after all.

I was careful of the increasingly slippery forest floor. With the leaves, and rain that had previously fallen, if I didn't watch my step I could hurt myself. Though I guess I didn't pay close enough attention as a sudden slope caught me by surprise. A shocked scream rang from my throat as I hit the ground, grunting and holding my head. Shaking it off, I quickly got up to keep going, glad nothing was broken. I really hope no one heard that, I don't want to get found so easily!

I kept running until I came across a fairly large tree. Perfect to climb and hide in! Taking off my sandals, I hid them under some leaves so I could climb easier. Jumping, I grabbed the first branch, pulling myself up to begin my ascent. The view from the top was beautiful, the thinner trees swaying in the slight breeze. Setting myself on a thicker branch, I pulled my legs in, hugging my knees. It was the perfect spot, they'd never find me up here! Leaning my back against the bark of the tree, I smiled to myself, thinking how shocked everyone will be when they find me; their faces will be so funny! I giggled slightly to myself, hearing some of the sins shout my name. I couldn't know for sure if everyone had been found though, so I kept quiet, braiding my hair softly.

When the voices died down, I was a little confused. Had they given up and decided to look for everyone else first? I wondered what was happening. Resting my head on my knees, I dribbled my lips. It was quite boring up here on my own. 20 some minutes had already passed. Just as I was about to close my eyes, I heard a shuffling in the trees. Picking my head up, I was barely able to catch the black creature quickly emerging from the tree bank. If I hadn't covered my mouth I would've gasped from the surprise.

The creature was a beautiful ebony, somewhat hunched over. What stood out most was it's beautiful golden locks shinning in the spotted sunlight. Meliodas? He seemed to be sniffing the ground, looping around the base of the tree until he got to my shoes. Darn, I knew I should've hidden them better! I held my breath as he inhaled deeply; he sprinted off in the opposite direction. Cocking my head, I stopped hugging my legs to lean over and see the ground better, looking for the demon Meliodas.

Hands flew to the side of my head, cracking the bark and causing me to shriek. Brave enough to open my eyes, I sighed in relief seeing Meliodas.

"Y-You scared me," I admitted, holding my heart. He didn't respond. His eyes were an ebony black, seemingly scanning my body.

"Meliodas? Are you alright?" I queried carefully. Taking my arm, he pushed up the sleeves, sniffing my skin softly. I might've blushed had I not been curious as to what he was doing. However when he leaned in close to my face, I leaned back into the bark, feeling my face heat up from how close he was.

"M-Meliodas?.." I had heard very little about this state of Meliodas. Just that it was powerful, and could sometimes control the Dragon sin. I smiled, carefully putting my hand on his cheek, the skin beneath twitching. "I'm not hurt, Meliodas."

His still blank expression slowly moved to face me, just staring. Slowly, he scooted closer, putting his head in my neck and pulling me close to him. I couldn't help my world wind of thoughts, but I knew that Meliodas needed me. Hugging his shoulders, I leaned into him, his tense shoulders slowly lowering. Rubbing the back of his head, I let him relax.

"Diane heard you scream," His sudden voice spooked me a little. "I couldn't help but think something had happened." I felt my heart sink. It was because of my carelessness that he lost control like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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