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---[Ban PoV]---

    "So, you finally asked her out, huh?~" I teased my small friend, snickering. He stopped walking and blinked, pulling that 'oh shit' face of his.

"Oh crap, I forgot to ask." He stonefaced, a slight bead of sweat going down his cheek. I busted up laughing, holding my stomach and slapping my knee. This mothafucker forgot! Oh, my Goddess what the hell am I gonna do with him. Taking a deep breath, I shook my head, chuckling.

I opened the door to the game room with a shit-eating grin, "So you kissed her---"

"Tried to, until you interrupted."

"Right, right, tried to kiss her, but forgot to ask her to be your girlfriend...bravo cap'n, bravo~" I teased, smirking at his little huff. I clapped a little, plopping down on the couch as I attempted to choke down my laughs...well I tried anyway~

"Hey! It's your fault! You barged in and made me forget!" He whined like the child he was. He flopped on the couch, slouching back and pouting. He looked up at me questioningly. "What made you come by anyway??"

I sweatdropped, avoiding his eye, "Uh, I had to check on her for Elaine...." The green-eyed demon lip's curled up in a smirk.

"Are you sure about that?~ Could it be possible you were just worried~" He smirked, tossing me a beer bottle from out of the cooler. It was beside the couch, so he grabbed himself one too.

"So what if I was??" I grunted, catching it with ease. Popping it open, I hissed as it sprayed in my face, soaking my hair.

"I knew it, you do like her!... Well, ya know what I mean."He cheered, chugging his bottle back.

"Fine, fine, she's alright, I'll give you that. Plus she did save your asses today, that's a plus in my book." I hummed, sipping on some good ol' ale...or booze. Either way, drunk is drunk~ I stretched and slouched back, "Now, what exactly caused for her to get like that?... She was covered in bandages." I asked this carefully. I really didn't feel like getting cut in half today.

He sighed and chugged the rest of his drink before putting it down on the little table beside the couch, "Holy Night Ruin of the Weird Fang...that's what happened." His fist clutched, his face hardening. I shivered lightly. It was never good when he made that face...

I realized something, snapping his fingers, "Hey didn't we meet the guy before? He's a master illusionist, right?"

"Yeah. Me and Diane fell under his control and started battling it out... pretty bad too. In order to get us out of it, Elizabeth she..." His eyes softened. "Well, she challenged Ruin..." To say the least, I was taken back a bit. It's not normal to see him so calm and...kind looking. It was weird. And somewhat comforting that I wasn't about to get sliced open for asking.

"So I guess Ruin did that to her?" I sighed, throwing back my drink. "Well, imma guess you kicked his ass, which he well deserved."

"Of course I did." He scoffed lightly.

"So, you uh, better now??" I raised a brow, scanning him up and down.

He gave a stupid smile, bonking me upside the head, "What you take me for, a chum??" He snickered softly.

"Well with your track record who knows~" I joked, raising my brows to tease him. I lived for these moments...well I live forever, but you get the idea.


"Uh Meliodas," Hawk trotted in, making me beam. Captain of Scraps Disposal! "When did Ban get in here?"

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