The Demons Struggle

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I was about to attack the holy knight once again, when the image shifted. Diane?!

"Cap'n!" She exclaimed as I retreated. Lowering her arms, she looked around questioningly. "Where'd that Holy Knight go!?" We scanned the area, my eyes finally landing on a familiar golden mask. I smirked.

"There!" Diane snapped her head toward the man, grinning, before her eyes widened. She looked horrified. A shaky hand reached her mouth, tears in her eyes.

"Cap'n........Elizabeth." My eyes snapped open at her name. That's when I saw her. Beneath the man.....was a broken and beaten silver haired princess.

My fist clutched together, a snarl ripping from my throat,"No.." My feet moved on their own, pounding into the ground toward her. My wrath boiled. How dare anyone touch what is mine! How dare anyone hurt what is mine!

"I'll make you pay!"He charged for her, fist aimed for her head, trying to finished her off. Trying to!

"Wrong," I growled, crushing the armor on his arm. "It's you who's gonna pay!" I looked down at her with a softened expression. And she smiled up at me with a look I couldn't quite place.

"Impossible!" He exclaimed swinging his wrist in attempts to knock me over. Instead I dodged his attack and knelt down beside the princess. Taking her hand, I caressed her face gently.

" were so brave," I rested her hand against my lips, brows pulling toward each other. "Now I see how far you'll go."

"He who strikes first wins!!" Ruin yelled, swinging his staff into my head. Soaring across the sky I growled. Okay dude, you're keeping me from my woman and that is a no-no!! Skidding the dirt, he thrust his weapon into my head, forcing me into the ground, forming a small crater. I pretened to be out cold. He hurt Elizabeth....I wanted him to die painfully and in fear.

Chuckling, he gripped my head and lifted me into the air.

"To think, the Holy Knights were scared of this." He sneered. Snapping my eyes open, I clutched his arm and jabbed my fist into his body. He went flying, a blast of dirt going with him that purposely avoided Elizabeth. I watched with a satisfied smile as he was getting scratched and wound against the rocks and dirt, chasing after him. His body rammed into the side of the prison, a giant crater now formed.

Kill him, kill him....wait....make him suffer first. Walking toward him slowly, I swallowed down the hellblaze that had began to surface. No. I would end him with nothing but my own strength. So this way, he knew who the hell he was messing with. And who the hell he hurt.

"I guess what they say about you is true, Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins." He said, popping himself out of the wall. The guards mumbled their inquires as I approached silently, blood boiling even more as I could practically hear the satisfaction in his voice. How dare he be happy after what he did to my mate!...Lets make this fun.

"Do you plan on fighting me without a sword, I doubt highly that the fist of child could-" Cutting him off, I thrusted my fist into his torso, obliterating the armor in one blow. I looked up at him blankly, his body trembling.

"Y-you destroyed my armor in one blow! W-well done..... Is that what you expected me to say?!!," Bending over, he laughed into the air, a dark magic covering his body. I stood unimpressed. "My skin is my real armor! 10 times more powerful than steel!! Now!!! What will you-" I pierced his stomach with my fist, feeling bones break. Cracks could be heard from a mile away. Inside, my demon raged to finish the job. But I think he got the idea.

"I'm sorry.....but you hurt someone that means everything to me," I whispered watching blood spill from his mask. He fell back with a great thud, groaning and twitching. Guards instantly cried out, running away like scared ants."And that is your sin." And what a sin it was... I should probably head back. I want to need to see if she's okay. Sprinting back, I felt my inner rage finally calming, knowing I had avenged my silverette. Goddesses this woman was going to kill me. I grinned to myself. Well its not such a bad way to go if I really think about it. Death by Elizabeth. Yeah...doesn't sound too awful. A giantess on her knees came into view and I knew that Diane was talking to Ellie. I decided to stay back and wait til' they were done. And ease drop a little; no biggie.

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