How do you feel?

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I didn't really know what was going on. I remembered slipping in and out of consciousness. Then I finally woke up. Well I couldn't seem to open my eyes, but I was awake for the most part. The smell of turkey, cheese and fresh fruits infiltrated my nostrils, causing me to take a deep breath. Was Ban here perhaps? Had they taken me back to Liones? No....they couldn't have. There would be more of a ruckus. Which I'm grateful that there wasn't any, considering how my head pounded at the moment. However, there were voices. Diane, Hawk, Dr.Dana, a female voice that I didn't recognize and.......Sir Meliodas. My face burnt just knowing he was here.

Concentrating, I forced my eyes to flutter open, even if I was blinded by the hovering lights. Once I adjusted, I tilted my head to where the noises came from and found my friends sitting around a large plate of food, along with the doctor and a young auburn haired woman. Was this Lady Sennet? My lips curved into a smile. They had done it. They had saved her.

Trying to call out for someone, I found I had no voice. I don't know why I expected any different. My throat was scratchy and on fire. Grunting lowly, I sat up, supporting my back against the head of the bed. I gripped my throbbing side carefully and put on my best smile. However it felt more like a forced straight line. Taking a large gulp, I wetted my throat as much as possible before attempting speech again.

"H-Hey..."Diane whipped her head around in a snap, her pigtails moving with her body. For a moment I was terrified and thought she gave herself whip lash. Her eyes immediately teared up, becoming squinted and glossy. Throwing down her food, she lunged at me.

"ELIZABETH!!!" She cried, wrapping her strong arms around my now frail body, giving her famous 'best friend hug'. Hissing through my teeth, I felt my muscles tense and ache from the sudden attack. She quickly let go, apologizing frantically while bowing her head. Shaking mine, I graced a bright smile and raised my hand to signal it was no worry. She sighed in relief and smiled, her cheeks raising her eyes a bit.

The female stranger came up to me, offering a tall glass of water(Meliodas?XD). Oh it was a holy sight at this moment. Grinning up at the young woman, I gently took it from her hands, keeping it carefully contained within my own. I gulped down as much as I could in one go, the blaze in my throat being settled at last. I wiped my upper lip timidly, putting the glass down on a nightstand; all eyes seemed to be on me.

"WWWWAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH, ELIZABETH I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONNA DIE, DON'T DO THAT!!!!" Hawk wailed, throwing his upper half up on the bed. His hooves reached out for me. Tearing up, I hugged the little piglets head, my hair flowing from my shoulder down my friends side. Apologizing quietly, I embraced him closer. Then I noticed I still hadn't heard from a certain demon. Looking up through my lashes, I found him smiling at me, his lids lowered only slightly. Those beautiful emeralds of his were soft and expressing something that I couldn't quite......comprehend. It was something no one had ever given me before--at least not to the extent that Sir Meliodas had it at the moment. My face turned a blaze in seconds, heart pumping and pulse rising. Why did I always feel like this around him? I've never had this feeling before. But.....I liked it. The feeling was nice. He chuckled a little.

"Miss Liones," I faced the auburn girl with glistening eyes, a confused look swept across my face."I wish to thank you," She bent down, bowing toward me. My eyes widened, her action getting me to sit up."You saved my father, something I will already be eternally grateful for, then had the courage to step up to the Holy Knights in order to save my rescuers. I thank you more than I could ever express." I wanted to tell her she was mislead. That there was no way I could've rescued the day on my own, in fact I contributed very little to the actual mission. Heck, I couldn't even defend myself and got myself seriously injured. I opened my mouth to say something, but she cut me off, embracing me gently. My lower lip fell in shock, not knowing how to respond to the sudden contact.

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