Best Friends

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After everyone went home, I searched the house for my brothers. Yelling their names I checked their rooms; nothing.

"Maybe they're at that guys house still." Hawk suggested. Holding my chin, I hummed spinning on my heel. 

"Then let's go to Galland's!" I exclaimed walking out of the house.

"Wait, don't you hate Galland?"

"Nah, we're's Fraudon I have a problem with." I stated darkly.

"The guy with the purple spiky hair?" He remembered.

"Yeah...." Fraudon and I used to be pretty good friends. We had no problems and we were cool. But then Liz came into our lives. Liz. My ex....the bitch. She pretended to love me to get closer to Fraudon. And he ended up taking her. They even started dating before we broke up. When I found out, I snapped. Everything seemed bleak after that. Then I found her. MY Elizabeth. And only mine.

"You okay dude?," Hawk worried."You spaced out."

"Yep." I stated blankly. Turning a corner, I whistled a little trying to pass the time.

"So Elizabeth Liones your girlfriend?" I almost tripped hearing her last name.

"Liones? Like the Governor??"

"Yeah, you didn't know, jeez your so lousy." He snorted. Blank faced I pinched his cheek, pulling on it.

"Eek! YOU'RE PULLING MY PORK GRINDS!" He squealed. I chuckled, letting go of the flabby pink flesh.

"Hmm....well, I guess officially no, I never did properly ask her. But it doesn't matter," I smirked. "Either way she's mine."

"Jeez you're such a perv." He huffed.

"So what?" I shrugged, taking a turn into Galland's drive way.

"So?! You should respect Elizabeth you sleezebag." He shouted, shaking me.

"I do respect her!.......though I love her body too, hehe." I chuckled, knocking on the door. He shouted more, making me laugh more. The door opened, revealing a hangover Galland shading is green eyes from the bright sun. He had a snarl on his face, obviously just having woken up.

"What do you want squirt?" He growled, making me go blank face.

"My drunk ass brothers." His hand snapped away, eyes wide in fear as he realized who he was talking to. Good...

"Oh shit, sorry Meliodas, come on in." Stepping to the side, he let me by. I walked in only to be hit with a wave of booze. It was so strong even I waved it off.

"Phew, did you guys have a party or something?" I questioned.

"Nah, we just got drunk and talked about shit." He chuckled

I laughed," Of course."

"There was this one girl that Estarossa brought up, she sounded pretty smoking." He grinned, raking a hand through his red hair.

"I bet." I doubted, knowing that no one was hotter than Elizabeth. Elizabeth was the epitome of beauty, the Goddess of Goddesses. No one was more beautiful than her.

"Yep," He began as we stepped into the living room where my brothers were sprawled out. "He said that he'd never seen someone fill out a uniform so nice. Think her name was......Elizabeth?" I stopped dead in my tracks, demon within growling.


"Yeah, she works up at that Coffee Bean place apparently." He was talking about MY Elizabeth. MY princess. My. Mate. I growled, hands curling into a fist.

Warmth( A Melizabeth fanfic CONTINUATION)Where stories live. Discover now