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~Diane pov~

"Get your lazy bum up!," Someone yelled kicking me out of my bed. Hard. Matrona. A landed on the floor with a thud, face to carpet. I groaned. "Don't you know what time it is?! You're late!!"

"Matrona....it's labor day weekend..." I muffled, slowly slipping back into sleep. The carpet was nice and soft....

"Oh...well get up anyway, it's already late in the morning." She demanded. Whining I turned my body over, my face no longer against the orange floor.

"Fine...." Putting my hands behind my head, I flipped back up onto the balls of my feet. I stood up, stretching a little.

"Good, now your phone went off, you might wanna look at it." She informed, strutting out of the room, her blonde hair flowing a little. Taking my phone of the dresser, I swiped for my messages. The captain had started a group chat with the sins and I.

C: Alright, any sins available for a mission today?

Eh? A mission? Well I did finish Sir Helbram's assignment yesterday, so I could go. Plus, it could be possible I'd be going with Elizabeth...or King...

D: Yeah I'm available

C: great! Who else!

B: sorry cap, me and king won't be able to make it. Old frat got sick and I'm helping Elaine take care of him.

I grimaced knowing King wouldn't be coming.

C: aw.... but alright, what about the rest of you?

E: I'm free to go Sir Meliodas! 

Yes I get to work with my bestie!

M: No can do captain. Me and Gowther are going to look for my missing book.

C: Alright! Guess it's just the 3 of us! That and Hawk.

E: when should we get ready?

C: now would be best. The sooner we get this done the better. I'll pick you girls up

D: Alright, see you soon!

E: see ya!

Putting down the device, I dashed around the room, frantically. I knew how fast Meliodas could drive, so I had to hurry. Pulling out my black overall short and an orange short shirt. Tying my hair up in pigtails, I grabbed my travel bag, shoving my phone into it. Quickly, I put on socks and my combat boots. I felt another vibration, making me grab my phone again. 

K: Good luck on your mission! I know you'll guys will do great!

It was King. I blushed, smiling to myself. He's so sweet! Rushing out of room, I slide down the stair rails, sprinting into the kitchen. Dashing past Matrona I waved goodbye and shoved a piece of toast in my mouth. Pushing the door open, I saw Meliodas' green mustang pulling up into the drive way.

"Diane! Perfect timing!" Meliodas waved from the window. He was wearing his favorite black jacket and a white v-neck.

"Thanks captain!" I smiled, hopping into the back seat. I had a reason. I wanted Ellie to sit next to Meliodas, cause you know, my otp. Also in the back was Hawk.

I smiled and waved, "Sup Hawk!"


"Okay, now to go get Elizabeth." He said, backing out of the drive way. Elizabeth didn't live far away. May be 5 minutes. But with Meliodas' driving it'd be like 1.

"The mission today is to put an end to some Holy Knight activity in the city of Dalmally." Meliodas informed.

"Alright!," I cheered as the roar came down to a purr, the pace slowing down. "Lets go kick some Holy Knight ass." As Meliodas pulled into her drive way, he honked the horn to let her know we were here. Elizabeth's head popped out from her window, her normally flowing hair up in a beautiful braid. I stuck out the upper part of my body through the window, waving to her like a crazy person. She laughed waving back with a bright smile. She went back inside, disappearing from view.

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